Hillary for PRESIDENT in 2016!

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honestly? I don't like Hillary Clinton :straightface:
however, I doubt that will keep me from voting for her because the truth is that right wing extremists, supported by the worst of the ultra-rich, control the other major party :crazy:
and they damn near destroyed the USA the last time they were in the White House :cool:
there is always the option of voting for a 3rd party as I did in 92, 96 & 2000
However, after the disaster of Bush the 2nd stealing the presidency thereby placing the worst people in the White House to deal with 9/11 :eek:
well, I will never make that mistake again :o
people are supposed to get more conservative the older they get, but for me I have found it to be quite different
I don't believe that most of the modern wealthy* can ever be trusted to do the right thing, there are notable exceptions to this
but the fact that wealth inequality continues to grow and the "haves" being ever less charitable is why "the liberal middle" must hold onto government as long as possible
because what the people who control the tea party(the $ behind them) want is an America filled with a vast voiceless poor who they easily control
the kind of thing sure to make Republican greats like Ike, T.R. & Lincoln** roll in their graves :(

*=There was something to be said for the rich of earlier ages, who motivated, often times, by "old time religion" or humanism would actually use their wealth for the betterment of others. Rarely do I see this in the deeds or works of the new "post modern super rich" who seem not only to have almost no spirituality of any kind, but something as simple as compassion for their fellow human beings. These are the things needed for the downtrodden more than bloated social programs which are just a mirror to the kind of "take, take, take" amorality practiced by the worst of the rich. However, perhaps such is the price to be paid to get to the top of the heap these days, or the bottom of it as the case may be :o
**=Dwight D. Eisenhower, Theodore Roosevelt Jr & Abraham Lincoln, look them up, once upon a time the Republican party stood for things these men believed in
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