How well does Spotify represent Morrissey's catologue?


New Member
I know that all of The Smiths is on there and that isn't counting the complete boxset from 2011 which is actually on there as well. It doesn't hold any demos or rarities but why should it? Seen as they're mainly bootlegs and unoffically released stuff like the Troy Tate demos.

Everything by Morrissey also seems to be pretty much on there though I notice a few b sides missing and I can't find Southpaw Grammar in the album list... anybody got a better idea as to what's on spotify by Smiths/Morrissey?
Southpaw Gramma is not on any site to my knowledge.

Spotify, Rido, iTunes and Google Play all do not have it. I think it was down to some licencing issue which has stopped it.

Spotify contains all Morrissey's songs, bar a few things which were exclusive to the CD's and also contains a few special live recordings such as The Kids a Looker, Action is my middle name.
I heard that Sony was in talk with Spotify. Southpaw Grammar will be available on Spotify later this year.
thats food news kinda weird they've even paid attention to that album actually so it's good to know someone cares about the Caroline and its completeness, I'm new to spotify but I've noticed a lot of artists have big gaps in thei discographies as if to say f you we are keeping the masterpieces off so you gotta go out and buy them, maybe not though but it comes across that way. It's so annoying that Peter Gabriel's Catologue isn't represented at all u know he's had all his albums on there at one point though now there's just a few songs off soundtracks. That's the only complaint I've had so far, also I wish they made all the studio albums more interface friendly like iTunes, a lot of going in and out of things and plus the shuffle function is a bit dodgy especially when you're shuffled everything so you get tons of live shows or interviews which I don't really enjoy as opposed to the main studio songs. So I need to investigate the local files things but also there's a horrible fear that at any moment a favourite artist or label can just remove all the songs or remove bits and pieces especially with Taylor swift pulling everything off and spotify having more competition and its only a matter of time before a new top dog take over, it would be super awesome if it allowed music sharing so you could literately have everything from every artists like the really rare stuff and demos etc Because at the moment the gaps in artists discographies is just a real drag and again the rarities will never be there so it's a case of filling in the gaps yourself but I don't know. Anything I'm just speaking my thoughts out loud so thanks for responses.

How do you guys find spotify and what place does it have in your music listening, do you still use other services like iTunes or maybe you don't use spotify at all or any streaming service maybe just the actual CDs and stuff?
Beats has Southpaw Grammar. Every album I believe. Remasters and EP's also. It's worth the subscription.
Spotify used to have Southpaw Grammar...I listened to it on there a couple of times.

They drop things randomly.
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