I missed Morrissey on Letterman because Morrissey is not that important anymore


Active Member
Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.
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Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.

You are a very sad person. If Morrissey no longer means anything to you, then you effectively just posted this in an effort to troll / annoy the denizens of this messageboard. Which says a lot about you, really.
Theo is a sad old fart, period!! :cool:

Why would anyone come here to post about this, it's obvious that he's being a big fat liar, he seems to know way too much about what's going on with Moz these days..... How else would he know about the IRAN thing and about how homosexuality is a capital crime overthere like DAnn posted.....
He's a obviously been here, lurking and reading up on the latest Morrissey news because (A) he really cares and is just playing mean to get attention, or (B) he really hates Morrissey like he says but his life is so miserable and pathetic that he has nothing better to do than to visit and troll at sites of poeple who are of no interest to him.

DAnn says "It was nice knowing, we will miss you here forever, goodbye don't let the door hit you on the way out. Have fun over at the Keane forums............

PS: E.A.D."

(Just passing along the message) :o
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Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.

You are like a little child who needs attention.and ofcourse you`re getting it because we are all replying!!You are very sad and i pity you.why don`t you go and annoy mommy.
Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.

May the day you stop posting here come sooner. You were never important or interesting. Not even to your mother.
Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.

FAO attention seeker

as far i have seen you hjave never said a good thing about him

so don;t let the door hit you
Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.

Piss off, you will not be missed :D
Morrissey, on the other hand......
why do people even dignify this garbage by replying to it? this should be the last sensible post in here, just let it slowy float down the page into oblivion......
why do people even dignify this garbage by replying to it? this should be the last sensible post in here, just let it slowy float down the page into oblivion......

Well, I like to see the real fans put the troll in his place, is all :)
Apparently Moz was on Letterman tonight. I had no idea. I was busy at Jacob's Field watching the Indians regain first place in the toughest division in baseball, with a magical walk-off home-run by Ben Francisco in his first game in a major league starting lineup out of AAA, plus fireworks after the game.

I see people posting something about Kristeen young singing with Moz on Letterman, Moz being sick, and Letterman committing some kind of "offense" by having some ribs on the show.

Morrissey is almost always sick, because he's a pussy.

Most people like to eat ribs. They taste good.

Kristeen Young is annoying.

There was a time when I would have known about a Morrissey appearance on a show like Letterman way in advance and would have been recording it. Those times are in the past.

I have no idea what exactly went on with Letterman, ribs, and Morrissey, but if Letterman intentionally bothered Morrissey, well...it's about time somebody did. He's a bit of a kook in case you didn't know. And Ringleader of the Tormentors is still the worst Morrissey album since Kill Uncle, despite the denial of many. I dunno, maybe they'll be nicer to him in Iran, so long as they don't find out he's gay. Putting his homosexuality aside (which is a death sentence in Muslim countries), he seems to admire Islam while hating free countries like Canada. Whatever floats the boat of the pop star in decline.

Okay, so you don't like Morrissey. Yet you come onto a Morrissey fan site to slate him. Ok then......

Seriously though, you're such a loser. Why bother? And I'm not gonna take your opinion seriously, you have the stone roses as your profile pic. You hold a band like them in high regard, one good album. ONE ALBUM. I like that album but come on, Moz can piss on them
who is this big fat smelly d-bag? hey theo d-bag you should go eat a poop-pie and be berry ill of dysentary! mopeys treat!
moz is so unimportant that you took 10 minutes out of your day/night to write that post....

douchebag 0
moz 1

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