I told you f***s didnt I????...I called it all along.

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP Often imitated,but NEVER duplicat
  • Start date
> You know nothing about hockey.....no clue as to why teams like the Red
> Wings, Devils, Avalanche continue to dominate.....it figures, you're
> American.....ever heard of something called the salary cap?????? Ever
> noticed that American have two to three times the budgets of Canadian
> hockey teams on account of the weak Canadian dollar???????? I didn't think
> you knew that!!!!! You're too busy eating your mothers asspipe blue
> boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me do some research here but I remember coming across an article about salaries and the Wild had one of the lowest salaries and they almost made it to the SCF's and the Maple Leafs were way up there in American Dollars. Tie Domi alone is making some serious money and if the Leafs get Lindros he's not going to get minimum. Yes, Brodeur made 9 mil but players like Scott Gomez made about $300,000.
> Let me do some research here but I remember coming across an article about
> salaries and the Wild had one of the lowest salaries and they almost made
> it to the SCF's and the Maple Leafs were way up there in American Dollars.
> Tie Domi alone is making some serious money and if the Leafs get Lindros
> he's not going to get minimum. Yes, Brodeur made 9 mil but players like
> Scott Gomez made about $300,000.

Yes, the wilds payroll was one third of Colorado's.....the canucks were lucky to beat st.louis in the opening round....the blues had a cap of 60 million compared to the canucks 32 million.....but you can't count on upsets like these every year......they're bound to happen.....now on the flip side you could question why do the rangers always suck? That I can't asnwer other than to say there's no team chemistry......food for thought anyways.
I know all too well about the sal cap....that wasnt really a comeback though...because you see,ANY team can sign any player,its true,most of the big name free agents though sign with teams that will win. ask yourself this...you play for the calgary flames...would you continue playing for them making shit and have not a chance in hell of winning the cup??? or,going to the wings,stars,devils,rangers,etc and winning the cup????(if you say"id stay in clagary,you're a goddamned lair). no one stays there.Im a cleveland indians fan,we had one of the best teams in baseball,they spent and spent and spent and where did it get them???? no where did they win a world series??? no,so your logic isnt very logical. Plus,look at the wings(perfect example),they have the highest payroll in the NHL did they win the cup????? No, a team with one of the middle of the road sal caps played in the finals.... you brought up vancouver(who by the way mr.hypocrit,if i remember correctly,which I always do) didnt eh canucks OVERPAY messier a few years back??? didnt they overpay pavel bure??? and where did it get them??? so you're arguement does not and will never fly with me...I think its you who doesnt know shit...but if you feel you must reply with a rebuttle...hows this

You own a team,you want to be competitive: but in oreder to so,you have to spend some cabbage to get players,does that automatically guarantee you that you'll win the cup???? no,ass clown it does not...the wings,the stars,rangers,etc,all were dormant teams for so long...they found out what it took to win,so they did just that...dont blame us because your dollar isnt worth anything...talk to your president about that. have anice day.
Perfect example again donkeydick...messier,lindros and the boys are too old and not worth what they are getting...but BLAME THE OWNERS...not the league..... You won a team,the point of owning that team is to win..no owners buy something just to own it....... if you do,you're an ass clowen and you need to lose every year(hence donald sterling from the LA clippers). Look,Do i agree with the salaries??? no,but again...you go where the money is...theres no gurantee in anything...wild almost went to the finals and they were what 26th in payroll?? so theres no guarantee of that. Plus,look at buffalo..a few years ago,they were in the goddamned finals,,,and now?? they cant even buy tickets to the finals....why??? its the CBA and its all f***ed up. but again,ANY team can sign ANY player...guys like federov arent immune to signing with say the sabres...they choose not to because why??? they know they wont win their...but pinning your countries lousy dollar value on the league is ignorant..... so dont do it. And maybe,just maybe,youll look a little more intelligent...its not the red wings fault(or any other teams) that your dollar isnt worth as much as ours?????
One more thing to add to this...last time i looked isnt about 90-95% all canadian born players in the NHL?? doesnt this mean(with your logic of course),that they're turning their backs lets say on their own country by signing this huge deals with winning teams????? uh huh. again,you play hockey in the nhl,your #1 goal is to win the cup...not play for a last place team every stinkin year...its a business my friend. Its in any business book you pick up. i dont agree with some jack ass making 9 mill a year either,but if it were you,youd be doing the same thing. Now,end of discussion and once again,as always I win!!!!!!!.
> One more thing to add to this...last time i looked isnt about 90-95% all
> canadian born players in the NHL?? doesnt this mean(with your logic of
> course),that they're turning their backs lets say on their own country by
> signing this huge deals with winning teams????? uh huh. again,you play
> hockey in the nhl,your #1 goal is to win the cup...not play for a last
> place team every stinkin year...its a business my friend. Its in any
> business book you pick up. i dont agree with some jack ass making 9 mill a
> year either,but if it were you,youd be doing the same thing. Now,end of
> discussion and once again,as always I win!!!!!!!.

You win? How do you figure? I win.....I'm the only one who made a logical case about how one goes about winning the Stanely Cup......If you're too slow to figure that out I feel sorry for you. I'd school you in hockey and it's history. 90 year old Canadian Grandmothers know more about hockey than any stupid yank! (like yourself)
This coming from a casucks fan???? You're right...you'd school me...in what though?? the art of losing all the best players every year??? losing every year??? you and your team have that mastered...... have a good day enos cabell.
Hey dumb dumb,get your head out of your ass and pay attention...I too told you how these teams win every year..while shitty teams like your canucks lose. Mainly they lose because lets face it...does anyone really wanna play for vancouver??? or live there??? I thought not. Now then,as I said before don cherry,ANY team(even your shitty canucks) when was the last time they won something??? oh thats right nadda!!!!!. Can sign guys like federov,leclair and so on...in fact john leclair even waived his no trade clause and said he only wanted to be traded to 4 teams(the kings,the wings.the stars and the dinosaurs...oops,i mean rangers). Why not vancouver?? buffalo??? calgary?? because all three teams suck more than jenna jamison. You're an ignorant f*** who's mad thast your shitty LOONIE isnt worth the f***in metal its printed on..... and your TOONIE's are even shittier...who the f*** ever heard of a 2 dollar coin??? only dumb f*** canucks...course you'd have to be one to own one(hence here you are twinkletoes). But getting back to this hockey thing,you didnt make any point.you said,Oh well the devils shouldnt win and blah blah blah because you consider it cheating because they can afford these same players that your shitty canucks can...only they choose not to...thats why they suck every year...and will continue to do so...But,i dont know why im arguing with you about this...I give up...you win,you're right...you keep believing you know more about hockey than we do...and you'll be just like your team every year....a pathetic loser...but hey,you do it with pride.
> You win? How do you figure? I win.....I'm the only one who made a logical
> case about how one goes about winning the Stanely Cup......If you're too
> slow to figure that out I feel sorry for you. I'd school you in hockey and
> it's history. 90 year old Canadian Grandmothers know more about hockey
> than any stupid yank! (like yourself)
I don't now about the Grandmother comment. Did you guys see Niedermeyer's Mom on TV after the Devil's won the cup? Your supposed to be happy when your son's team wins the cup. Here's the Devil's payroll. There are a couple of guys who had great seasons and making less than 1 mil. I can't believe Madden only makes 1.5 mil.
3 Ken Daneyko Defense 39 $2,000,000
4 Scott Stevens Defense 39 $6,891,103
5 Colin White Defense 25 $750,000
6 Tommy Albelin Defense 39 $1,150,000
8 Stephen Guolla Center 30 $500,000
9 Jiri Bicek Left Wing 24
10 Oleg Tverdovsky Defense 27 $3,600,000
11 John Madden Center 28 $1,500,000
12 Jeff Friesen Left Wing 26 $3,000,000
14 Brian Gionta Right Wing 24 $720,000
15 Jamie Langenbrunner Right Wing 27 $2,084,911
17 Christian Berglund Left Wing 23 $650,000
18 Sergei Brylin Center 29 $1,300,000
19 Jim McKenzie Left Wing 33 $525,000
20 Jay Pandolfo Left Wing 28 $750,000
23 Scott Gomez Center 23 $900,000
24 Turner Stevenson Right Wing 31 $1,100,000
25 Joe Nieuwendyk Center 36 $5,000,000
26 Patrik Elias Left Wing 27 $4,472,249
27 Scott Niedermayer Defense 29 $4,000,000
28 Brian Rafalski Defense 29 $2,500,000
30 Martin Brodeur Goalie 31 $6,891,103
35 Corey Schwab Goalie 32 $550,000

Total Team Payroll: $50,834,366.00 US
> Yes, the wilds payroll was one third of Colorado's.....the canucks were
> lucky to beat st.louis in the opening round....the blues had a cap of 60
> million compared to the canucks 32 million.....but you can't count on
> upsets like these every year......they're bound to happen.....now on the
> flip side you could question why do the rangers always suck? That I can't
> asnwer other than to say there's no team chemistry......food for thought
> anyways.
Below is a link to why the Ranger's suck. The Ranger organization is so shady. In attempt to take away the Devil's win they put out a story they are working on a deal trading Lindros and Kasparitus to the Capitals for Jagr and 2 minor leaguers.
> I don't now about the Grandmother comment. Did you guys see Niedermeyer's
> Mom on TV after the Devil's won the cup? Your supposed to be happy when
> your son's team wins the cup. Here's the Devil's payroll. There are a
> couple of guys who had great seasons and making less than 1 mil. I can't
> believe Madden only makes 1.5 mil.
> 3 Ken Daneyko Defense 39 $2,000,000
> 4 Scott Stevens Defense 39 $6,891,103
> 5 Colin White Defense 25 $750,000
> 6 Tommy Albelin Defense 39 $1,150,000
> 8 Stephen Guolla Center 30 $500,000
> 9 Jiri Bicek Left Wing 24
> 10 Oleg Tverdovsky Defense 27 $3,600,000
> 11 John Madden Center 28 $1,500,000
> 12 Jeff Friesen Left Wing 26 $3,000,000
> 14 Brian Gionta Right Wing 24 $720,000
> 15 Jamie Langenbrunner Right Wing 27 $2,084,911
> 17 Christian Berglund Left Wing 23 $650,000
> 18 Sergei Brylin Center 29 $1,300,000
> 19 Jim McKenzie Left Wing 33 $525,000
> 20 Jay Pandolfo Left Wing 28 $750,000
> 23 Scott Gomez Center 23 $900,000
> 24 Turner Stevenson Right Wing 31 $1,100,000
> 25 Joe Nieuwendyk Center 36 $5,000,000
> 26 Patrik Elias Left Wing 27 $4,472,249
> 27 Scott Niedermayer Defense 29 $4,000,000
> 28 Brian Rafalski Defense 29 $2,500,000
> 30 Martin Brodeur Goalie 31 $6,891,103
> 35 Corey Schwab Goalie 32 $550,000

> Total Team Payroll: $50,834,366.00 US

Okay....I get the point.....maybe there's one American who knows a little Hockey.....time to call a truce.
Re: The top 3 hockey experts in the world.......

.......depending on the accuracy of their predictions.

1. Me. ( didn't get any wrong)
2. Maggie The Monkey ( got one wrong, picking the Ducks to beat the Devils)
3. The Pimple (Got two wrong. Picking the Inbred Wings to beat the Ducks, and the Devils to beat the Ducks in five)

Ok, but hey, it's the taking part that counts. Let's do it again next year!!
It's been fun. Cheers.

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