If Meat is Murder, what is Milk?

The 'best' milk is achieved straight after conception, which means a farmer would want to keep his cows in a state of post-labour and in order to achieve this making them have as many offspring as possible.

Conception? Or delivery? A human mother's milk quality begins to decrease when she conceives again, as her body channels nutrients to the new fetus.
Because non-human animals are not morally equivalent to humans, and therefore do not have the same rights.
Zombies are the only humans allowed to eat flesh as they have no sense of consciousness.
rape is a forced sexual act upon which there is no consent. I would consider getting a cow vag full of bull semen a sexual act.

It's a sexual act, I don't think *that*'s under dispute. But as I said, I think most people believe the word has a moral force which means it is only applicable to the human case, and that is also the definition which is found on statute books worldwide.
rape is a forced sexual act upon which there is no consent. I would consider getting a cow vag full of bull semen a sexual act.

Rape is a crime because humans have imbued the sex act with loads of additional meaning. We've made the bits between a woman's legs into a very big deal. Animals don't seem to share this reverence. I doubt the cow is traumatized by being inseminated. She's probably more like, "ooh! Hey, what the?" The part I have an ethical problem with is removing her calf. But I am a mother so I have a bias. You can hurt me however you like, just don't hurt my kids or keep me from them.
I don't have an answer. I cannot say whether the animals are better off never existing. Even if we banned, say, pork production, society is not going to do anything to increase the number of nondomesticated native pigs in our forests. There won't be any compensatory life, we would just be cutting out a link in the food chain, by presumably replacing that flesh food with vegetable based food.

I suppose in order to have more fully formed answer I would need to believe in the soul and have on opinion on whether animals have them.

why do we need to increase the number of pigs in our forests? when the living environment of a species no longer exists that species gets extinct. millions of species have gone extinct - that's evolution. why are meat eaters now concerned over the extinction of animals that can only survive in a factory bunker? it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
I can hardly believe this argument isn't a joke.
there is no need for "souls" to realize that these factory farmed species who live miserabel lives are better of not living miserable SHORT lives, (short because there NOT here to live lives but to be slaughtered at an early age after they have served their purpose, whatever that may be - laying eggs, giving milk)
Rape is a crime because humans have imbued the sex act with loads of additional meaning. We've made the bits between a woman's legs into a very big deal. Animals don't seem to share this reverence. I doubt the cow is traumatized by being inseminated. She's probably more like, "ooh! Hey, what the?"

That's mostly correct; but it's also worth pointing out that not only have humans 'imbued the sex act with lots of additional meaning', cows are simply incapable of imbuing meaning by their very nature.
Er... what?

We took the pigs out the forests and put them into factories, changing them irreparably in the process. The extinction is our doing, too. Net loss for the earth. To my way of thinking, the appropriate atonement would be to restore native animal populations to whatever's left of their natural environment. How is that an invalid argument?

And I still think the presence or absence of a soul matters- if the animals are just reactive creatures without any higher order thought, it's harder to defend their rights. I certainly don't have any problems killing bacteria and virii by spraying down my countertops or cleaning my bathrooms. But as soon as a creature has big soft eyes, it's harder to draw a line between their right to exist and ours.

I deeply respect the good intentions of the animal rights movement, but seriously. Humans don't even treat other humans humanely. You expect them to care about animals too? That's a very tall order. We are only sick animals ourselves, with just enough knowledge to be very dangerous. The best thing God or nature could do for our planet is to eradicate humans. Morrissey and all.
I deeply respect the good intentions of the animal rights movement, but seriously. Humans don't even treat other humans humanely. You expect them to care about animals too? That's a very tall order. We are only sick animals ourselves, with just enough knowledge to be very dangerous. The best thing God or nature could do for our planet is to eradicate humans. Morrissey and all.

Just wait and see. People as such have existed for only a mere fraction of a second in the day of the earth. And we're aiding the keeping of the natural balance very well. People will be wiped out - most certainly by themselves.

As for the differences between animals and humans - it's just speciesism. And it obviously is wrong. If you are not capable to understand them, it does not mean they are only for your pleasure.
And pathos argument requires a pathos counterargument: do you know that dolphins use names?
Just wait and see. People as such have existed for only a mere fraction of a second in the day of the earth. And we're aiding the keeping of the natural balance very well. People will be wiped out - most certainly by themselves.

As for the differences between animals and humans - it's just speciesism. And it obviously is wrong. If you are not capable to understand them, it does not mean they are only for your pleasure.
And pathos argument requires a pathos counterargument: do you know that dolphins use names?

We are aiding the keeping of the natural balance very well? Huh? We've totally f***ed the natural balance of the earth. The only way you can excuse the scars humans have put on the earth is to completely ignore our supposed free will and just consider us animals. I believe that since we have the ability to understand the whole system we should be more careful not to totally ruin it.

Humans generally do not eat animals they consider to be intelligent. Most people, even the most rabid meat eaters, would never eat a dolphin or whale, nor any other primate, nor cats or dogs. There are cultural exceptions, of course.

I knew a man who was a vegan, in training to become a veterinarian. He was hired to do some handyman work and was asked to trim some brush at the back of the property. He quit. He explained that the plants didn't ask to be cut and weren't hurting anything, and so therefore he couldn't do it in good conscience.

I still wonder what that guy eats now. There's nothing left.
Well I certainly hope you aren't speciesist towards carrots and potatoes either!:)

No, I am tolerant to animals and carrots and potatoes.:)

I think the problem also is that such organizations like PETA misuse the image of animals as cuddly, funny and lovable. In reality they can stink, they can bite and some would eat you alive with pleasure. Nonetheless it does not mean that they have to be abused or forced to slavery. Just a matter of respect for the fellow earthlings.
We are aiding the keeping of the natural balance very well? Huh? We've totally f***ed the natural balance of the earth. The only way you can excuse the scars humans have put on the earth is to completely ignore our supposed free will and just consider us animals. I believe that since we have the ability to understand the whole system we should be more careful not to totally ruin it.

Humans generally do not eat animals they consider to be intelligent. Most people, even the most rabid meat eaters, would never eat a dolphin or whale, nor any other primate, nor cats or dogs. There are cultural exceptions, of course.

I knew a man who was a vegan, in training to become a veterinarian. He was hired to do some handyman work and was asked to trim some brush at the back of the property. He quit. He explained that the plants didn't ask to be cut and weren't hurting anything, and so therefore he couldn't do it in good conscience.

I still wonder what that guy eats now. There's nothing left.

I believe you misunderstood what I meant by natural balance. Balance for me also is that even when you supposedly try to change something for the better, it still affects in unpredictable ways. One species is gone, another one flourishes. Prevailing chemical element gives way to another. It's a closed system and it controls itself.

As for your acquaintance, so he can survive on the fruits that fall down by themselves from the plants. I don't brake branches, cut grass or pick flowers either.
If you kill them for food, I wouldn't call that being very tolerant, by your own logic.

You wouldn't kill a human for food, would you?

But you'd kill a vegetable for food?? How speciesist!

Vegetables are plants. I eat them not because I am the supreme one. I choose the lesser evil, but I still have respect - I would not tramp potato or carrot plants for the sake of it.
Still, speciesism as such is chiefly applied to human - animal relations.
Vegetables are plants. I eat them not because I am the supreme one. I choose the lesser evil, but I still have respect - I would not tramp potato or carrot plants for the sake of it.
Still, speciesism as such is chiefly applied to human - animal relations.

Ok so... plants are living but it's okay to eat them as long as you respect them.

What about jellyfish? http://www.marketmanila.com/archives/jellyfish
Or worms? (also edible)

Where do we draw the line, and why?

Is a plant's life much less worthy than a jellyfish, for example?
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