ILX "pre-covers" World Peace Is None Of Your Business

An anonymous person writes:

The members of the snarky ILX boards ( have lovingly taken on Morrissey's rather creative song titles and track lengths for World Peace Is None Of Your Business as a starting point for own musical tributes - known as "pre-covers". Re-evaluate the songs...before they're even released.

Not the first time that ILX have done done this: possibly their most famous "pre-covers" project when they tackled Lou Reed & Metallica's "Lulu" (NPR picked up on it at the time:

And now it's Moz's turn to receive tributes for his heavy words lightly thrown! The results of their "pre-covers" can be heard here:
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If you want to be in the news do something Morrissey related then go back into your hole in the ground.
I saw the thread about this a few weeks back on their site...

The only two amusing things concerning this whole debacle is the morbidly ridiculous version of "Oboe Concerto" (that sounds like something Bryan Ferry would have done in the early 70's) and the fact there is someone with the username "eats like Elvis, shits like De Niro" on that site.
We love this disruptive approach and a cursory listen to the opening tracks is highly enjoyable. Morrissey's strategy of harvesting *eyeballs* by the lure of outrageous/outlandish titles was a success from the outset. In recent years, along with the lyrics, that was all you needed and you'd have prospered aurally by inventing alternative soundtracks to the words. We often did.

Sadly, the dull leaden dad-rock thump of the last few decades made most of the songs painful to endure even as the live shows were still winning and thrilling most of the time. There was simply no need or reason to listen to yet another batch of Green Day thumpalongs. Thankfully with Joe Chiccarelli at the controls, a miracle of sorts has transpired and Morrissey has his get out of jail card and recent crimes against music can be forgiven, if never forgotten. It will be interesting to observe if he even notices that a renewed interest in his music from a wider audience is related to this development or continues with the bizarre conspiracy theories whereby mediocre songs sculpted to fail as radio-friendly unit shifters were rightly ignored by humanity from a perspective of tasteful disdain, not because The Men In Suits didn't sell the nation's remaining gold reserves to fund a lavish promotional campaign to educate 'clueless consumers' who were and are, quite rightly, more interested in talent shows, dance music and boy bands than third rate musical Misery Lit.

Let us all rejoice that Morrissey is no longer a figure of abject ridicule for clumsy clownish "Dad Rock By Numbers" music whilst he sorts out his political manifesto to accompany his startling new songs.


ps: Remember, most of you are posting notes to yourself as you're on Eternal Ignore. The uncultured visitor may imagine your 'witty' retort or GIF has been seen by us and we are at a loss with regards to a response. But the clever kids know better.

pps: User 'Sidnettle' now on Eternal Ignore. Reason Code: Stupid comment.
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