Instagram: a site where killers receive likes

Candida is actually a natural and beneficial fungus found in the body and helps aid digestion ect .

Candida Albanians is a yeast infection ( fungus) infecting the mucus membranes, such as mouth, vagina ect if left untreated and becomes severe can actaully infect the lungs and heart valves.

Symtoms of infection are chronic fatigue, mood problems, oral viginal thruth, tummy problems ie bloating nausea ect ,

Its actually more commonly treated with anti - fungals medications but there are many alternative health treatments avilable that will work just as well.

One of the very best ways 2 avoid and indeed correct the imbalance of this fungus, Is 2 create a healthy PH balance - alkaline 2 acid ratio within the body and cells, helped greatly by eating/drinking about 80% of alkaline forming foods such as fresh vegetables.

Your cells will die in a acidic environment, they need an alkaline environment, luckly this ratio is so important 2 us the body will go out of its way at the exspence of almost all other biological activities to ensure its kept with acceptable limits, but you can of course help this greatly by eating foods that are highly alkaline in nature ! :)

But of course one needs to ensure you dont beome over alkaline either as some evidence sugests that fungus requires an over alkaline conditions to thrive , however an overall alkaine enviroment seems 2 be the best thing !

Incedetley ALL meats and dairy producs are HIGHLY acidic.
I lost my mom and bro to "cancer" but I know what it is now and it is a fungus called Candida. We all have Candida in our stomach but when we live in a way that makes the Candida grow we can get what some still refer to as "cancer". Morrissey gets his scraped in his throat like women do in their vagina where overgrowth of Candida is very common.

The truth never hurts anyone and we will all die.

Cancer or candida is not the issue itself here. I am very sorry for your loss and as I know it can have a devastating effect on anybody's life and well-being. And I can understand you, or anybody else has to deal with it and that it is hard. But now that you experienced yourself you should not direct your anger, frustration, and bad feelings about it at someone who has experienced the same sadness of loss. Even if this is a person you dislike cause you have a fight with him over all other issues. But I don't condone or hate you.
Cancer or candida is not the issue itself here. I am very sorry for your loss and as I know it can have a devastating effect on anybody's life and well-being. And I can understand you, or anybody else has to deal with it and that it is hard. But now that you experienced yourself you should not direct your anger, frustration, and bad feelings about it at someone who has experienced the same sadness of loss. Even if this is a person you dislike cause you have a fight with him over all other issues. But I don't condone or hate you.
I am not sorry for my loss as everyone dies so don't feel sorry besides they died very long ago.

Being sad and crying and mourning are for weak people, I never felt a thing to be honest cause life never waits for anyone so you move on and take care of business. I find mourners are just people that never made it as actors and so the grief becomes a stage for them to perform.

People need to study candida more cause the knowledge here is shit.
Hunting your own food and eating it is more organic than buying it in a store so the hunters are champions and heroes. More people should do it and meat is so good for you it is insane. Humans were made to eat a mix of most things we now call food and shutting something out means you die in the end. This is simple science.
Candida is actually a natural and beneficial fungus found in the body and helps aid digestion ect .

Candida Albanians is a yeast infection ( fungus) infecting the mucus membranes, such as mouth, vagina ect if left untreated and becomes severe can actaully infect the lungs and heart valves.

Symtoms of infection are chronic fatigue, mood problems, oral viginal thruth, tummy problems ie bloating nausea ect ,

Its actually more commonly treated with anti - fungals medications but there are many alternative health treatments avilable that will work just as well.

One of the very best ways 2 avoid and indeed correct the imbalance of this fungus, Is 2 create a healthy PH balance - alkaline 2 acid ratio within the body and cells, helped greatly by eating/drinking about 80% of alkaline forming foods such as fresh vegetables.

Your cells will die in a acidic environment, they need an alkaline environment, luckly this ratio is so important 2 us the body will go out of its way at the exspence of almost all other biological activities to ensure its kept with acceptable limits, but you can of course help this greatly by eating foods that are highly alkaline in nature ! :)

But of course one needs to ensure you dont beome over alkaline either as some evidence sugests that fungus requires an over alkaline conditions to thrive , however an overall alkaine enviroment seems 2 be the best thing !

Incedetley ALL meats and dairy producs are HIGHLY acidic.

Only noticed one thing worth a correction, antibiotics make candida grow out of control and most women get yeast infection (candida) where the sun don't shine.
You are a f***ing liar and a vile troll.

These monsters -between other crimes and sexual depravations- recently spended some time in Africa producing a massacre:

This is their living room, if someone was asking what they do with the remains of those beautiful creatures

They have another preferences:

These necrophilia scenes happen in a country where a man kills a woman every 30 hours.

Here meat eaters don't need to hunt in the wild to survive because sadly there are plenty of butcheries and cows waiting for killing.

Blood and torture call for blood and torture.

By the way, the man is a corrupt businessman who made the gross of his fortune during the populist and corrupt government of Kirchner's family.
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which country is that? i've never heard of v&g. better to let them sink into obscurity where they belong to. they desperately are in need of any attention they can get, and no doubt would also shoot children and pose with their dead bodies, if that was allowed. i'm afraid that the media that publish and spread these pictures only contribute to this sickness

Yes, you are right, they look for attention. But once those photos are published they only show the crime that already existed before their publication. The country is Argentina, but it could be any other country with new rich people who desesperatly need to show off their money, their cruelty, their impunity and their power. A huge misinterpretation of the theory of evolution is producing this kind of atrocities around the world. As much in wildlife, economy, politics, as in social life.

The most powerful, in fact, is the most caring with other human and non-human living beings because, as we know " it's so easy to hate, it takes strength to be gentle and kind".

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