
There's two articles about Morrissey in Arena Homme+.

One by Michael Bracewell and one by Michael Collins.

He's also on one of 17 different covers available to buy.

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Why would it be fatalistic or bizarre just to point out that an artist of Morrissey's calibre and status shouldn't have to look this grateful for a magazine cover? I wasn't even "naysaying" M at all, just criticising his increasingly stupid website. And that's comparable to bird shit on a chair? Silly, patronising post.
I don’t see anything to complain about on the topic of this headline on his site. Apparently plenty of people do, not just you, so I would say you can calm down. And yes, last time I checked, it felt like everything was covered in bird shit on several recent threads I ventured into on this site. Are you the bird shit police? Do I have to pay a license fee before I’m allowed to point out that something felt like it was covered in bird shit? Maybe it wasn’t bird shit. Maybe it was children’s construction paste and maybe I’m just playing some kind of free association word game. Who really knows anything. Maybe I actually did pull out a patio chair and almost sit in bird shit. Is this better now? You know what, f*** it. You’re right. It’s the site and the title of his post that are bird shit. Is this conversation over yet? Am i dead yet? Good grief
I don’t see anything to complain about on the topic of this headline on his site. Apparently plenty of people do, not just you, so I would say you can calm down. And yes, last time I checked, it felt like everything was covered in bird shit on several recent threads I ventured into on this site. Are you the bird shit police? Do I have to pay a license fee before I’m allowed to point out that something felt like it was covered in bird shit? Maybe it wasn’t bird shit. Maybe it was children’s construction paste and maybe I’m just playing some kind of free association word game. Who really knows anything. Maybe I actually did pull out a patio chair and almost sit in bird shit. Is this better now? You know what, f*** it. You’re right. It’s the site and the title of his post that are bird shit. Is this conversation over yet? Am i dead yet? Good grief
Bloody hell. And I'm the one who needs to calm down? 😂. Okay. I took your post a bit personally and perhaps was mistaken, I'm sorry.
Some truly bizarre spins and fatalistic interpretations of what is a perfectly good natured tongue-in-cheek quip directed - with a playful eyeroll - at the constant doom and gloom naysaying brigade.

More than they even deserved, quite frankly mr. shankly

Nice cover on a nice magazine. Well done and well deserved.
Well it's the lack of a sense of humour that sends them to the deep end. It's the old tried and true misery loves company ruse. Being miserable about Morrissey is just about the most pointless thing a um, fan can do. If one can't see the joke in this title then I don't know what to tell you ;)
Sam, if you're reading/watching/listening - please stop. You're ruining the reputation and career of your uncle who's worked so hard and meticulously to craft it to where it is today. These attention grabbing headlines really undermine the good work he has done, and is doing. Please stop
Even if there is no other promotion for the single, Central and Morrissey's other social media should be on their A Game right now, except they don't have an A Game. Moz now hides behind Fiona Dodwell's skirt. How the mighty have fallen.
It's really not good marketing to express shock at being on a magazine cover that 17 other people are on. Desperate indeed.
If he wanted to make jokes, he should have made them during his interview, but this is actually more whining.
Some fans just want the other Morrissey back, the witty one who wrote great lyrics. He's turned into a bitter old man.
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Even if it was funny - how do you think it makes him look? The punchline of the 'joke' is that his career is so far down the toilet that even appearing in a magazine is as likely as an apocalyptic event. That's not hilarious, it's dire. It makes him look like the has-been in "Little Man, What Now?".

Well, it's authentic of him. It's him being him. I distinctly remember you, Amy, once describing Moz as the least phoney person you could imagine. Or words to that effect.

I remember it because it was memorable— with a lot of truth.
Marr has been in that magazine last month or so with Jack Grealish.

It's one cover of many so people need to chill
Well, it's authentic of him. It's him being him. I distinctly remember you, Amy, once describing Moz as the least phoney person you could imagine. Or words to that effect.

I remember it because it was memorable— with a lot of truth.
Everyone is phoney . M is certainly no exception .
His auto was utter BS in places . I will say he is less phoney than most .
Thank you! When you’re young and wish to make your mark, then you almost have a point. But at 63 and he still he does the misunderstood victim schtick? Get gone, man! That’s just soooooooooooooooo weak!
And then he makes risible remarks in a beiger than beige interview that some InfoWars sidekick no-one in the real world bothers with pounces on like a hyena for their self-promotion. How does any of this aid her career?
Someone within his inner circle really ought to take away the self-destruct button from him and stick it in a vault guarded night and day by elite ninjas. Somehow, his career may stand a chance of resuscitation.
I think PJW has enough followers, he doesn't need f***ing Morrissey. lots of his fans are the type who would consider M weak and beta. I have read a number of his fans call M a " simp, f*****, soyboy" . So, it's to his credit he champions M.
PJW is promoting M, and helping M, as he is a fan and, he thinks, M is on his team - right-wing, anti woke, anti-immigration, anti-Islam. From what I have heard, M does speak to the guy. If you watch the video its like a promo ad. So I expect M is on board. I hope M doesn't do an interview with this guy, it wouldn't help him in the long run.
Even if it was funny - how do you think it makes him look? The punchline of the 'joke' is that his career is so far down the toilet that even appearing in a magazine is as likely as an apocalyptic event. That's not hilarious, it's dire. It makes him look like the has-been in "Little Man, What Now?".
I do not think that's what it means, I think you are being negative. I think M (I do think it's him who wrote that) was just taking the piss "f*** me, they are letting me on a cover again, who would have thunk it" . I mean they tried to cancel him big time. This is a hint that the corner has turned.
His career isn't in the toilet, at all. His new lp has iggy on it, He had a successful Vegas run and UK tour and his shows in the states have been awesome.
It's true he lost a f*** load of fans it's true he isn't considered the icon he once was, he doesn't have the social standing he once did but he is still iconic and can still make bank. He can turn it around still.
I think the Simpsons episode, as cruel as it was, has got him back on track.
I think he sat down to watch it, proud that an iconic American and cultural institution had made a show around him, with a Hollywood A lister as the voice He would have expected some gentle piss take , but probably thought it was gonna be a blast and help his career. Then when he saw what they made him out to be. how much they ripped into him and how much truth there was in there. I think it made him reflect and get his ass in gear. Thats why he now looks great, his shows are f***ing awesome again and there has been no mention of UKIP or For Britain.
A friend of mine gave me an old edition of this same magazine and Moz is on the cover. This mag is at my parent's now but when I am there I'll take a pic.
A friend of mine gave me an old edition of this same magazine and Moz is on the cover. This mag is at my parent's now but when I am there I'll take a pic.
well , Michael Bracewell is a long time writer for them . Michael is M's friend via Linder (who he used to be married to)
I do not think that's what it means, I think you are being negative. I think M (I do think it's him who wrote that) was just taking the piss "f*** me, they are letting me on a cover again, who would have thunk it" . I mean they tried to cancel him big time. This is a hint that the corner has turned.
His career isn't in the toilet, at all. His new lp has iggy on it, He had a successful Vegas run and UK tour and his shows in the states have been awesome.
It's true he lost a f*** load of fans it's true he isn't considered the icon he once was, he doesn't have the social standing he once did but he is still iconic and can still make bank. He can turn it around still.
I think the Simpsons episode, as cruel as it was, has got him back on track.
I think he sat down to watch it, proud that an iconic American and cultural institution had made a show around him, with a Hollywood A lister as the voice He would have expected some gentle piss take , but probably thought it was gonna be a blast and help his career. Then when he saw what they made him out to be. how much they ripped into him and how much truth there was in there. I think it made him reflect and get his ass in gear. Thats why he now looks great, his shows are f***ing awesome again and there has been no mention of UKIP or For Britain.
So being mauled / half-crucified by the media for years didn't bother him, but The Simpsons episode was a turning point? Yeah, can't see that. I don't see any suggestion that a corner has turned. He's always been fantastic live but the fate of the album is unknown. Capitol has done nothing to promote the single (have they even acknowledged an album deal?). Central is full of the usual nonsense.
Why do the Central powers that be always make him sound so completely desperate and childish. It's ridiculous.
It's clearly a tongue in cheek reference to cancel culture and Moz's excommunication.
I do not think that's what it means, I think you are being negative. I think M (I do think it's him who wrote that) was just taking the piss "f*** me, they are letting me on a cover again, who would have thunk it" . I mean they tried to cancel him big time. This is a hint that the corner has turned.
His career isn't in the toilet, at all. His new lp has iggy on it, He had a successful Vegas run and UK tour and his shows in the states have been awesome.
It's true he lost a f*** load of fans it's true he isn't considered the icon he once was, he doesn't have the social standing he once did but he is still iconic and can still make bank. He can turn it around still.
I think the Simpsons episode, as cruel as it was, has got him back on track.
I think he sat down to watch it, proud that an iconic American and cultural institution had made a show around him, with a Hollywood A lister as the voice He would have expected some gentle piss take , but probably thought it was gonna be a blast and help his career. Then when he saw what they made him out to be. how much they ripped into him and how much truth there was in there. I think it made him reflect and get his ass in gear. Thats why he now looks great, his shows are f***ing awesome again and there has been no mention of UKIP or For Britain.
I can't help but feel that rumours of Moz's rebirth may be exaggerated. The religion of woke is remarkable in that there is no forgiveness, there is no redemption in its articles of faith - we saw that last week in an 83-year old woman being thrown under a bus for asking someone where they are from. Moz may not have 'mentioned' UKIP or FB or AMW for a couple of years - but by talking disparagingly about the sacred cow of wokeism - diversity - he may as well draw a cartoon of Mohammed in Iran, or even Holland or France. Moz is a sinner, he is a heretic - and I'm not sure if there is a way for him back in. There is clearly still an audience out there, many of them young 'new fans', but will the mainstream media ever 'celebrate' Moz again in any noticeable way? I doubt it. Woke is a virus of ideas, a virus of the intellect - like any religion - and the mainstream media have it bad.

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