Is Morrissey gay?

Everything I know about gay sex I learned from 'Queer As Folk'
Hey! My man is straight as an arrow and I plan on deflowering him!

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Re: i hear ya, sister!

Whether he is straight or gay, all I know is that even though I am a straight man, I would like to make out with him.
Re: i hear ya, sister!

> Whether he is straight or gay, all I know is that even though I am a
> straight man, I would like to make out with him.

Ah yes. I've heard that before. I wonder what it is about Moz that makes straight men have gay fantasies of him? It's the same with me when it comes to Tori Amos. I'm as straight as they come, but damn -- I'd do 'er.

Re: i hear ya, sister!

> Ah yes. I've heard that before. I wonder what it is about Moz that makes
> straight men have gay fantasies of him? It's the same with me when it
> comes to Tori Amos. I'm as straight as they come, but damn -- I'd do 'er.
Not bad but what about Jake Gyllenhaal?
If I can't have Morrissey than this is my next pick.

Re: Everything I know about gay sex I learned from 'Queer As Folk'

Everything I know about gay sex I learned from my gay roomate and his boyfriend! Who shared a bedroom right next to mine, if you get my drift..... Me and my girlfriend (who also lived with us) read the gay Kama
Sutra from cover to cover one time and Matt & Jeremy told us educated us on all the positions! Matt was SO hot. I had the biggest crush on him, but it was not to be. Did you know gay guys can do it face to face? I guess it makes sense, but I was suprised to learn that at the time.
Re: Everything I know about gay sex I learned from 'Queer As Folk'

> Did you know gay guys can do it face to face?

That's one of the things I learned from QAF!!! I had NO clue. I hadn't really thought about it before. When you picture gay sex, you picture one way and that's it. Silly me. Damn that show is hot! Brian is a dream. Makes me wanna be a gay man. LOL
Re: Wide to receive

I read in the Morrissey & Marr: The Severed Alliance that he had a fling for an African-American women that he worked with in 1977(?) and she rejected him, I cannot direct quote it now but from then on he was very guarded.

So, in my opinion, thinking him as a bi-sexual would be closer than saying he is straight out gay... He didn't seem gay when I met him. But what does that mean? Half of the cast of Will & Grace isn't gay and they are pulling it off...

my homepage
Queer As Folk Rocks!

but now Canal Street is full of bloody tourists.
Re: Wide to receive

> I read in the Morrissey & Marr: The Severed Alliance that he
> had a fling for an African-American women that he worked with in 1977(?)
> and she rejected him, I cannot direct quote it now but from then on he was
> very guarded.
> So, in my opinion, thinking him as a bi-sexual would be closer than
> saying he is straight out gay... He didn't seem gay when I met him. But
> what does that mean? Half of the cast of Will & Grace isn't gay and
> they are pulling it off...

well, there is a letter that moz wrote circulating around the internet from his pre-smiths days. in it, he mentions a girlfriend called annalisa (probably the annalisa jablonska who did backing vocals on the smiths debut album) and says that they are both bisexual. he then drily remarks that they are terribly hip for being bi.

in short, we know moz definitely had sex with women at one time, so he is probably bi.
Re: Queer As Folk Rocks!

> but now Canal Street is full of bloody tourists.

We don't get the U.K one here. We use to a long time ago but not anymore. I think I like the American one better anyway. Most of it is filmed in Toronto.
Re: i hear ya, sister!

Oh if you only knew how the video 'november spawned a monster' makes me feel. When that video is over I'm climbing the walls
Re: Everything I know about gay sex I learned from 'Queer As Folk'

>Did you know gay guys can do it face to face? I guess it makes sense, but I was suprised to learn that at the time.

I'm not.

Maybe it's 'cos I read so many slash stories.
Re: Smiths music as therapy

> I can totally see morrissey going down on a guy

Hmmm...he's never given a straightforward (no puns intended) answer to this question, but judging from everything I know about the man, his lyrics, etc., I'd say he'd be about somewhere around 4-5 on the Kinsley scale (mostly homosexual, but with a few heterosexual experiences/attractions).

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