Johnny Marr on Breaking Up the Smiths, Remastering Their Catalog - Rolling Stone

Johnny Marr on Breaking Up the Smiths, Remastering Their Catalog - Rolling Stone
'I had the foresight to see disaster looming,' says guitarist


Marr accepts responsibility for disbanding the Smiths, but – perhaps surprisingly – it appears he's not entirely opposed to reuniting with his former bandmates, including lead singer Morrissey. In an interview with Rolling Stone, the guitarist looks back fondly on the Smiths' celebrated career.
Nice little interview, thank you.

What really stands out is Johnny's age. It's incredible to imagine the responsibilities he had to take on. As the years pass you almost go from sadness over their split to surprise that they carried on as long and as successfully as they did.

Another, related reaction I had to this article, which I've had to many of Johnny's recent interviews (moreso than Morrissey's), is that the split now seems absolutely natural and right. Reading Johnny's comments allow for closure in a way they didn't back in the 90s, because there wasn't as much information available and neither of them really opened up about the break-up of the band. Johnny was so silent about The Smiths. I remember an Electronic interview in which (according to the journalist) he sat there and let Bernard Sumner insult Morrissey as "Hand In Glove" played over the speakers in a bar. Now that he's talking about the demise of The Smiths the way he is-- generously, clearly, proudly, and with no sentimentality or regret-- it kind of allows The Smiths to rest in peace. At last.
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Nice little interview, thank you.

What really stands out is Johnny's age. It's incredible to imagine the responsibilities he had to take on. As the years pass you almost go from sadness over their split to surprise that they carried on as long and as successfully as they did.

Another, related reaction I had to this article, which I've had to many of Johnny's recent interviews (moreso than Morrissey's), is that the split now seems absolutely natural and right. Reading Johnny's comments allow for closure in a way they didn't back in the 90s, because there wasn't as much information available and neither of them really opened up about the break-up of the band. Johnny was so silent about The Smiths. I remember an Electronic interview in which (according to the journalist) he sat there and let Bernard Sumner insult Morrissey as "Hand In Glove" played over the speakers in a bar. Now that he's talking about the demise of The Smiths the way he is-- generously, clearly, proudly, and with no sentimentality or regret-- it kind of allows The Smiths to rest in peace. At last.

Very well stated!!!!
When I read this its like he wouldn't mind reforming the band.

I'm sure that not one interview has gone by in 25 years where you haven't been asked the inevitable reunion question. But your answer has changed slightly over time. there any possibility of a Smiths' reunion, in any way, shape or form?
I don't know about the possibility, but what I do know is that I understand how great it would be to make so many people happy. And the other thing I know is that Morrissey and I are so very different. Those are the only things I know.
I would've asked whether some of the latest Smithsy-sounding tracks are Marr's way of reconnecting with those times.
"I don't know about the possibility, but what I do know is that I understand how great it would be to make so many people happy. And the other thing I know is that Morrissey and I are so very different. Those are the only things I know."

"Nothing really gets off the ground just purely because of money. Certainly, as I see it, so many other things would have to be fixed and we're just too different to get them fixed, it appears."

From the sound of these statements, it does seem like there has, at least at some point, been a discussion between Morrissey and Marr about some kind of collaboration but there is some obvious hurdles in the way of that. I wonder what their demands are of one another that seems to be holding things up?
I wonder what their demands are of one another that seems to be holding things up?

My guess: there are numerous reasons, but chief among them is that Marr would only consider playing with Mike and Andy as well.

I don't think it's gotten to the point where they agreed in principle but couldn't work out the details. There have probably been no real back-and-forth discussions at all.
I would've asked whether some of the latest Smithsy-sounding tracks are Marr's way of reconnecting with those times.

The times reconnected with him. Remastering the Smiths records probably reminded him of how much fun it could be to write in a certain vein. I doubt it means more than that.
If they got back together it would not be the same, they would be selling out to everything they stood for, hope a reunion is not on the cards
If the smiths reform I would probably be the happiest person ever!

I know many people agree with you, but for me, personally, I'd be extremely disappointed. As much as we all still love the music, the band belongs to the 1980s. The Smiths were completely unique when the band was alive. Today they're just as unique as ever-- by remaining dead, unlike the pestilential horde of zombie rock bands roaming the earth in search of filthy lucre.
I know many people agree with you, but for me, personally, I'd be extremely disappointed. As much as we all still love the music, the band belongs to the 1980s. The Smiths were completely unique when the band was alive. Today they're just as unique as ever-- by remaining dead, unlike the pestilential horde of zombie rock bands roaming the earth in search of filthy lucre.

I agree with this. If Morrissey and Marr were to re-unite it would only be for money/nostalgia. That's not what "The Smiths" were/are.

Marr seems happy doing what he's doing. Morrissey recently said something along the lines of this current tour being his best ever. They both still do Smiths songs, in a way they are comfortable with. Marr doesn't play like he did back in the 80s, and Morrissey doesn't sing in the same way - he appears to be happy with the 'rock' sound his current band adds to the Smiths songs they play. Every song they play, actually. Tobias... I'm looking at you...

This nonsense of a Smiths reformation gets on my tits. They broke up, and have moved on to moderately successful careers. It's fine to visit the past, but to live in the past is sad.

Saying all that, I'd snap up a ticket if they ever did. But I hope they don't. And they won't.

Zone out.
"I don't know about the possibility, but what I do know is that I understand how great it would be to make so many people happy. And the other thing I know is that Morrissey and I are so very different. Those are the only things I know."

"Nothing really gets off the ground just purely because of money. Certainly, as I see it, so many other things would have to be fixed and we're just too different to get them fixed, it appears."

I thought that those two quotes were the stand out quotes from the interview. Given that Johnny is living in the South Manchester / Cheshire area (can't remember where) and that Morrissey was spotted in pubs in Altrincham a couple of weeks ago is it too much for us to ask that someone gets them together for a chat... Johnny's wife, Morrissey's mum, Jo Moss, whoever, just needs to say "I bet your can't even remember why you wont do it.. go on, give him ring, he's probably not doing anything tomorrow..."

I agree with this. If Morrissey and Marr were to re-unite it would only be for money/nostalgia. That's not what "The Smiths" were/are.

Marr seems happy doing what he's doing. Morrissey recently said something along the lines of this current tour being his best ever. They both still do Smiths songs, in a way they are comfortable with. Marr doesn't play like he did back in the 80s, and Morrissey doesn't sing in the same way - he appears to be happy with the 'rock' sound his current band adds to the Smiths songs they play. Every song they play, actually. Tobias... I'm looking at you...

This nonsense of a Smiths reformation gets on my tits. They broke up, and have moved on to moderately successful careers. It's fine to visit the past, but to live in the past is sad.

Saying all that, I'd snap up a ticket if they ever did. But I hope they don't. And they won't.

Zone out.
I like how you put zone out at the end!
It seem of late that Johnny is kind of reaching out to Morrissey for some type of relationship/reunion. I remember his comments at the NME awards recently about how he does communicate with Morrissey but not at the moment and he's not sure if Morrissey wants any relationship.

Such a same for me, because I don't think a reunion would be a nostalgia act and if by some miracle Mike was included then it would finally put the court case behind all of them and remove the cloud that hangs over the history of the band.
i think it with johnny it would more come down to why would he put himself in that position again? morrissey is still 'the unmanageable' - he goes through managers like most of us go through hot (vegetarian) dinners. morrissey has changed from the young man he was - but not in the ways that count or make him a better person to deal with. imagine how difficult it would be to manage, both personnel wise and financially an unwieldy beast like the smiths today? i think this is the issue that would stop johnny going ahead (and johnny started and finished the band, so it will be him who revives it if anyone). johnny would want all the business side contractually in place with cast in stone management so he wouldnt end up having to deal with it again.

it always surprised me how much a money grabber morrissey is too (like leaving the early recording sessions to go to rough trade and make sure mike and andy were excluded as much as possible from future income, and left johnny to tell them). i can't see morrissey agreeing to the kind of managment/business structure johnny would have to insist on to stop himself going insane.
i think it with johnny it would more come down to why would he put himself in that position again? morrissey is still 'the unmanageable' - he goes through managers like most of us go through hot (vegetarian) dinners. morrissey has changed from the young man he was - but not in the ways that count or make him a better person to deal with. imagine how difficult it would be to manage, both personnel wise and financially an unwieldy beast like the smiths today? i think this is the issue that would stop johnny going ahead (and johnny started and finished the band, so it will be him who revives it if anyone). johnny would want all the business side contractually in place with cast in stone management so he wouldnt end up having to deal with it again.

it always surprised me how much a money grabber morrissey is too (like leaving the early recording sessions to go to rough trade and make sure mike and andy were excluded as much as possible from future income, and left johnny to tell them). i can't see morrissey agreeing to the kind of managment/business structure johnny would have to insist on to stop himself going insane.

Whatever sins were committed in the (mis)management of The Smiths, Johnny and Morrissey were equally guilty. Or, better yet, Johnny and Morrissey both made mistakes as a result of being young, inexperienced, and overwhelmed.

The details of the court case don't paint an innocent picture of Johnny. Rather, they depict someone who frequently kept himself out of the fray, or at least seemed to. I'm not bashing Johnny; as he pointed out, he was just 23 years old! But if you give Johnny a free pass, you have to extend the same to Morrissey.
The Smiths were completely unique when the band was alive. Today they're just as unique as ever-- by remaining dead, unlike the pestilential horde of zombie rock bands roaming the earth in search of filthy lucre.
That's right.
Talking about a reunion is nice, even playing with people's hopes and somehow keeping a fantasy alive - that's fair enough, especially when everyone is pestering you with the same question again and again. Fantasies are always better than reality and surely Johnny Marr knows it. As for Morrissey, I guess he's really proud to have built a solo career after The Smiths and he really doesn't want to share anything with anyone, anymore. Which is, again, fair enough!

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