just for theo/nick/davidxrayspex/anyothernameyouve thought up in the last three hours

  • Thread starter I beg to differ with myself, so that doesn't count
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I beg to differ with myself, so that doesn't count

Shalom. Loathsome Oaf's Kike Brigade here.
Even though freeyourself has stuck to his word and not mentioned me on this site since he said he wouldn't, I have once again found it necessary to bad-mouth him.
You see I couldn't help myself when I saw him being attacked by two others, I had to run over and stick the boot in too, even though I've complained loudly and often about "trolls" and the disgraceful behaviour of Morrissey's Internet fans.
Yes, I know, I'm a filthy Jew dog who should have his lanky skinny ginger frame dragged behind a Mercedes through the streets of Berlin.

Why does a Jew pick his nose?
It's cheaper than using a tissue.

What is the title of the Jew favorite how-to-book?
"How to Make Money!"

When a Jew throws a party, what do his guests drive?
The goys crazy!

Why did the Jew rush to the discount store?

The ad said: "CHEAP!!!"

Why is the rhinoceros jealous of Jews?
Jews have bigger noses.

What time is bed time at the Jew's house?
When electricity is too expensive.

What do Jews and niggers both like to ride?

What is the worst stain on a Jew's underwear?
Lipstick from a Jewess.

Why does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?

He checks the sofa for loose change.

What did the sunbather shout at the Jew?
No, I won't PAY you for sunshine!

What is a Jew's ideal of a perfect 10?
Any blonde he can get.

Why did the Jew want his own kid?
Cheap labor.

What repulsive thing can be found in a Jew's clothes?
The occupant.

What has a big nose, stinks, and acts like a repulsive jerk?
The typical Jew.

Why did the gas company fire the Jew?
He was allergic to gas.

Why are Jews' pants so big?
So they don't need to buy a wallet.

Why don't Jews eat pork?
The Torah prohibits cannibalism.

What did the Jew say to the bank teller?

I want MORE!

Where does the Jew look for dates?
Porn sites.

Why does the Jew hate his own reputation?
The truth hurts!

What caused the Jew's biggest problem?
The greatest man who ever lived, ADOLF HITLER!
Re: just for the trash bin

> Shalom. Loathsome Oaf's Kike Brigade here.
> Even though freeyourself has stuck to his word and not mentioned me on
> this site since he said he wouldn't, I have once again found it necessary
> to bad-mouth him.
> You see I couldn't help myself when I saw him being attacked by two
> others, I had to run over and stick the boot in too, even though I've
> complained loudly and often about "trolls" and the disgraceful
> behaviour of Morrissey's Internet fans.
> Yes, I know, I'm a filthy Jew dog who should have his lanky skinny ginger
> frame dragged behind a Mercedes through the streets of Berlin.

> Why does a Jew pick his nose?
> It's cheaper than using a tissue.

> What is the title of the Jew favorite how-to-book?
> "How to Make Money!"

> When a Jew throws a party, what do his guests drive?
> The goys crazy!

> Why did the Jew rush to the discount store?

> The ad said: "CHEAP!!!"

> Why is the rhinoceros jealous of Jews?
> Jews have bigger noses.

> What time is bed time at the Jew's house?
> When electricity is too expensive.

> What do Jews and niggers both like to ride?
> Blondes.

> What is the worst stain on a Jew's underwear?
> Lipstick from a Jewess.

> Why does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?

> He checks the sofa for loose change.

> What did the sunbather shout at the Jew?
> No, I won't PAY you for sunshine!

> What is a Jew's ideal of a perfect 10?
> Any blonde he can get.

> Why did the Jew want his own kid?
> Cheap labor.

> What repulsive thing can be found in a Jew's clothes?
> The occupant.

> What has a big nose, stinks, and acts like a repulsive jerk?
> The typical Jew.

> Why did the gas company fire the Jew?
> He was allergic to gas.

> Why are Jews' pants so big?
> So they don't need to buy a wallet.

> Why don't Jews eat pork?
> The Torah prohibits cannibalism.

> What did the Jew say to the bank teller?

> I want MORE!

> Where does the Jew look for dates?
> Porn sites.

> Why does the Jew hate his own reputation?
> The truth hurts!

> What caused the Jew's biggest problem?
> The greatest man who ever lived, ADOLF HITLER!

How could you be so cruel?
Jewish bores in late night pawnshops

> How could you be so cruel?

Cos it is funny

Get a sense of humour you jewish bore
Those jokes didn't even have punchlines.

A good Jew joke is "What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? A pizza doesn't scream when put in the oven".

See how, as offensive as it may be, it has a clever punchline that follows the initial question? That's how a joke works.

Also, it's nice to see you're targetting "niggers" now, too.

Wretched old hag.

> What is the title of the Jew favorite how-to-book?
> "How to Make Money!"

> Why did the Jew rush to the discount store?
> The ad said: "CHEAP!!!"

> What do Jews and niggers both like to ride?
> Blondes.

> What has a big nose, stinks, and acts like a repulsive jerk?
> The typical Jew.

> Why did the gas company fire the Jew?
> He was allergic to gas.

> Why are Jews' pants so big?
> So they don't need to buy a wallet.

> What did the Jew say to the bank teller?
> I want MORE!

> Where does the Jew look for dates?
> Porn sites.
Re: Those jokes didn't even have punchlines.

> A good Jew joke is "What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
> A pizza doesn't scream when put in the oven".

> See how, as offensive as it may be, it has a clever punchline that follows
> the initial question? That's how a joke works.

> Also, it's nice to see you're targetting "niggers" now, too.

> Wretched old hag.

You have omitted all the latter jokes you loathsome jew.

The punchline was..

What was the jewish problem?

Answer Adolf Hitler, the greatest man that ever lived.

I noticed you failed to admit that half of the soddin noticeboard and all that went before...groucho
For your information mr yellow belly nick the list of jokes was posted by beyourself earlier today

Now get off my back.

I have never ever castigated black people, I see you deem them fit to be called "niggers" you filthy dog...Then again the scapegoat of an excuse always tries to deflect the blame upon others, I know that, you try and deflect the blame upon me time after time after time even when others post anti jewish truths on here, guess who's the scapegoat, yes you got it the old hag irene.

I'm wise to you and I am so sick of you and I am seriously thinking of taking you to court if you dare to print my name again on this or the main message board. I have taken legal advice and anyone who uses a persons full title on an anonymous website without their permission is infringeing their civil liberties...if you dare to accuse me of raping my dog or shagging god knows what....think before you print because believe me...im waiting for you jew boy.
Re: For your information mr yellow belly nick the list of jokes was posted by beyourself earlier tod

I would never call a black person a "n*****", I was referring to this:

"What do Jews and niggers both like to ride?

That was YOUR doing, not mine.
f***ing ignorant piece of trash.

And oh no, the Nazi Hag is threatening to get the internet police to come after me. Give me a break. I laughed out loud at that one.

> I have never ever castigated black people, I see you deem them fit to be
> called "niggers" you filthy dog...Then again the scapegoat of an
> excuse always tries to deflect the blame upon others, I know that, you try
> and deflect the blame upon me time after time after time even when others
> post anti jewish truths on here, guess who's the scapegoat, yes you got it
> the old hag irene.
Re: Those jokes didn't even have punchlines.

> A good Jew joke is "What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
> A pizza doesn't scream when put in the oven".

> See how, as offensive as it may be, it has a clever punchline that follows
> the initial question? That's how a joke works.

Some clean(?) jokes from a Catholic web-site:

A Jewish couple has a son who is a holy terror. When he gets to be of age, he's kicked out of every school they put him in. Finally desperate, the father goes to the Rabbi for advice and the Rabbi says put him in the Catholic school. Shocked, the father asks if the Rabbi sure. "Yes" is the reply, so the father takes him to the nuns and leaves.

An hour goes by, then two hours, lunch time and finally at three the son comes in says "Good afternoon Papa, good afternoon Mama," goes to the table and starts on his homework. The father is amazed and finally ask why he stayed in school all day and why he is behaving so well. His son looks up and says "Papa when you left, the Mother Superior told me that they did not allow rowdy boys, then she took me to my room. Papa they mean business! They've got a Jew nailed on a Cross in every room!"

* * *

Two Jews are on a business trip and are walking back to their hotel when they happen to pass a Catholic church. They see a big sign outside saying "CONVERT TO CATHOLICISM AND GET $20".
Avram looks up and down the street, then turns to Shlomo and says, "Let's do it — no-one will know when we get back home and we'll each make $20."

"Okay," says Shlomo. "You go first."

So Avram strides purposefully into the church. He comes out twenty minutes later with his head bowed.

"So," asks Shlomo eagerly, "did you get the $20?"

Avram looks up and says, "Is that all you people think of?"

* * *

A Jew walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need security for the loan, so the Jew hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan and an employee drives it into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.
Two weeks later, the Jew returns and repays the $5,000 plus the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very well, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you're a millionaire many times over. Why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

The Jew replies, "Where else in New York can I park my car for two weeks for fifteen bucks?"
Re: Racist bores on late night boards

> Cos it is funny


> Get a sense of humour you jewish bore

I'm not Jewish, and I sure hope never to be such a bore as you.

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