Kristeen Young responds to Morrissey's tour cancellation TTY statement

Re: Kristeen Young responds to TTY statement

If this is true, Morrissey is a liar. Thoughts?


They both have issues with the truth.
Yes afraid so-sadly.
Although I know Marr only from what I've read and seen in interviews - with his soft spoken voice and an openess that is almost childlike he is completely disarming. His interview- the series on falling in love with the guitar - captivating, his genuine enthusiasm -contagious and palpable. I imagine Mozz was drawn to this - the comfort Marr has in his skin the affable ease, a humbleness and sincerity that come across so naturally, paired with his natural musical abilities. He is instantly likable.
It seems that Mozz let down his defenses to him, and so poured forth The Smiths. This is what made me fall in love with The Smiths with Mozz- he was everything about me that hurt, felt awkward and yearned for love-he sang about feeling that way too- and it was genuine!!! What sweet solace, a balm to my numerous heartaches.
Then, when it was ripped from him, this person from whom he "Expected" so much. Why did he inexplicably expect Marr to be an endless well of sacrifice, understanding and talent?!?!- Yet instead of any self reflection- he struck out- it was "Marr's fault" - Marr's"inability to forgive" - Marr "should've just taken a break if he was so stressed" etc. - Again No accountability, No acknowledgement or reflection on how he contributed to the mess.
It is only my opinion - but the time Mozz has spent in the bubble of fame, to only be surrounded by those whose livelihood depend on him or somehow benefit from him/ his celebrity in some way or other- Of course they will prop up and parrot his perceived injustices - whether real or imagined. He has repeatedly declared himself an Island. We, sadly are not our own best council especially in times like this. Who is left to pull his coat?

I saw Johnny Marr in concert with The Cribs and he wasn't likable at all. He was full of himself and behaved in the most bizarre way. He was so full of himself that he didn't know how to walk properly. I looked at him, imagined Morrissey next to him and couldn't imagine them ever having been in a band together or getting along. Morrissey seemed much more likabale in comparison. This was just two weeks after I had a very bad experience with Morrissey mind you. It was that bad! I find that they are both total wankers. Without any input from others, Johnny Marr wouldn't know what to do next either. He had to move back to England to get in touch with whatever? Really? Also, he is best friends with Scarlet Ibis, which alone also speaks for itself. All the Morrissey scum is also clinging to him. For good reasons. The Smiths? Cannot be bothered about them anymore either. Luckily I don't have any life experiences associated with their music. I used to think of their music as something that it is not. They made it easy to drop it. I understand that it isn't as easy for people who grew up with them in the 80s and spent years or even decades in this fantasy bubble.
For years I supported and followed her on facebook. For years she bemoaned not being recognized, that the industry is shit, (lots of Morrissey mirroring) and that people just don't get her. But think about what she was bemoaning all those years...that her ginormous gamble didn't pay off. She's no better than a failed gambler pissed at the bookie that he chose the wrong horse and wants ALL OF MORRISSEY'S FANS to join the pity party that she didn't get away with A LIE. She's a four-octave piece of trash.

Yet at the same time in a recent article she did say that she would like to have acknowledgement for herself. OK well how as an artist if you think NOBODY understands you and NOBODY gets you are you looking at this as a way to continue to develop your skills or talent? In a way that "Nobody gets me" bullshit is stupid. We are humans. We speak the same language.If you are working in a field that involves communication and it heavily does then think about why people are not getting your message. I really cannot stand that sort of egotism. The couple of videos I made an effort to watch of hers seemed lame and low budget. Shit there are cooler people that with less money could do a better job. Sorry, but it is true. Oh here is me and my tiny waist trolling through an abandoned shopping mall.I'm so cool and original because I picked this location. The scenes could have even been shot better.Also, I get that it was a deal for her to tour with Morrissey for a while but she does seem like someone who might do better trying other avenues. All I have ever heard was bitching and complaining about her from fans.Nobody "Gets you" if you are lying. You can't even tell the truth about your life and when you lie you run the risk of being caught up in it because your life is a facade.Immediately for that reason alone there is no connection.There is nothing genuine you are offering a person when you take this approach with people . You are belittling their intelligence , in addition to that it makes you seem like a twatty insecure woman who is kind of desperate more so than anyone worth listening to. Women had to suppress a lot for a long time and there have been enough in the media for years now she could have learned a thing or two from by now . If nobody gets you then you need to put yourself out there. It's one thing for her to have a voice or something to say it's another thing for a woman of her age and so called experience to keep trying to push other grown women back into their teenage bedroom while courting Morrissey. Wants to know the truth about this crap.
Yet at the same time in a recent article she did say that she would like to have acknowledgement for herself. OK well how as an artist if you think NOBODY understands you and NOBODY gets you are you looking at this as a way to continue to develop your skills or talent? In a way that "Nobody gets me" bullshit is stupid. We are humans. We speak the same language.If you are working in a field that involves communication and it heavily does then think about why people are not getting your message. I really cannot stand that sort of egotism. The couple of videos I made an effort to watch of hers seemed lame and low budget. Shit there are cooler people that with less money could do a better job. Sorry, but it is true. Oh here is me and my tiny waist trolling through an abandoned shopping mall.I'm so cool and original because I picked this location. The scenes could have even been shot better.Also, I get that it was a deal for her to tour with Morrissey for a while but she does seem like someone who might do better trying other avenues. All I have ever heard was bitching and complaining about her from fans.Nobody "Gets you" if you are lying. You can't even tell the truth about your life and when you lie you run the risk of being caught up in it because your life is a facade.Immediately for that reason alone there is no connection.There is nothing genuine you are offering a person when you take this approach with people . You are belittling their intelligence , in addition to that it makes you seem like a twatty insecure woman who is kind of desperate more so than anyone worth listening to. Women had to suppress a lot for a long time and there have been enough in the media for years now she could have learned a thing or two from by now . If nobody gets you then you need to put yourself out there. It's one thing for her to have a voice or something to say it's another thing for a woman of her age and so called experience to keep trying to push other grown women back into their teenage bedroom while courting Morrissey. Wants to know the truth about this crap.

My jaw dropped when she was calling out people for saying Pamela Anderson looked old and went on an Ageist rant. She's the QUEEN OF THE AGEISTS, having daily shame of your real age and hiding it is perhaps the most quintessential Ageist Act a woman could commit. Apparently they don't offer Logic classes at Music School.

A f***ing DECADE.
My jaw dropped when she was calling out people for saying Pamela Anderson looked old and went on an Ageist rant. She's the QUEEN OF THE AGEISTS, having daily shame of your real age and hiding it is perhaps the most quintessential Ageist Act a woman could commit. Apparently they don't offer Logic classes at Music School.

A f***ing DECADE.

Not to mention she is catering to another stupid stereotype that women "Lie about their age" I am a woman. I often get told I look ten years younger than my age. I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME but I would not DREAM of lying about it . I take it as a compliment .I sometimes think they are lying .I'm like no way.I never did think highly of women who lied about their age and where in the first place does the insecurity to do so come from? It is ridiculous. I just really think it is stupid and in a way sexist as well. It fits a gender stereotype. Even if a person does not believe it MANY people have heard that tale of women lying about their age.It's stupid. She is supporting this . If a person is older and someone tells them they look younger , they should tell the truth and rock that shit ....seriously . What is wrong with a person that they feel the need to do this ? THIS DOES support both ageism and sexism.She probably got defensive hearing people talk about Pamela Anderson because she does not tell the truth about herself .I find that other female artists I am a fan of don't find themself in a position of having to defend their age because of their message and credibility and the music they put forth. One of then has even addressed that she is not in her twenties anymore so she has to come at her songs from a different place than she did some years back.It's OK. *Rolls eyes* Seriously she needs to get help for that. You have to be who you are .
Not to mention she is catering to another stupid stereotype that women "Lie about their age" I am a woman. I often get told I look ten years younger than my age. I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME but I would not DREAM of lying about it . I take it as a compliment .I sometimes think they are lying .I'm like no way.I never did think highly of women who lied about their age and where in the first place does the insecurity to do so come from? It is ridiculous. I just really think it is stupid and in a way sexist as well. It fits a gender stereotype. Even if a person does not believe it MANY people have heard that tale of women lying about their age.It's stupid. She is supporting this . If a person is older and someone tells them they look younger , they should tell the truth and rock that shit ....seriously . What is wrong with a person that they feel the need to do this ? THIS DOES support both ageism and sexism.She probably got defensive hearing people talk about Pamela Anderson because she does not tell the truth about herself .I find that other female artists I am a fan of don't find themself in a position of having to defend their age because of their message and credibility and the music they put forth. One of then has even addressed that she is not in her twenties anymore so she has to come at her songs from a different place than she did some years back.It's OK. *Rolls eyes* Seriously she needs to get help for that. You have to be who you are .

Her new thing now is "The past doesn't matter." Mega lols.

Good point about her catering to the female stereotype that women lie about their age all the time, it shouldn't matter! Feminists would die if they knew her dirty secret, but you know what would happen? "She sure looks good for 50!" She'd be applauded for lying, she'd be rewarded and acknowledged for her beauty. I say let her fester in the lie while she comes to terms that she's formed her mock identity from a man who her sugardaddy hates. Must be confusing to be Kristeen these days.
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Her new thing now is "The past doesn't matter." Mega lols.

Good point about her catering to the female stereotype that women lie about their age all the time, it shouldn't matter! Feminists would die if they knew her dirty secret, but you know what would happen? "She sure looks good for 50!" She'd be applauded for lying, she'd be rewarded and acknowledged for her beauty. I say let her fester in the lie while she comes to terms that she's formed her mock identity from a man who her sugardaddy hates. Must be confusing to be Kristeen these days.

“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.”
― Frida Kahlo

Hmm this was said by Frida Kahlo.An artist oh an a WOMAN too. A little more optimistic than her snarky shit. If you want to have an impact you need to make a genuine CONNECTION. Also I am kind of appalled that someone like Tony Visconti at his age would stoop to such low levels of dissing Morrissey in the manner he has given this situation. He has worked with him before. Nice way to maintain any level of professionalism there.As a grown up he should know better and why do these people have such poor communication between each other? I am not at liberty to swoop in and defend Morrissey mindlessly but frankly I don't give a shit who Tony Visconti is and knows he is just a person like everyone else but someone who probably for his age should not reduce himself to playground bullying and drama. I say a lot of similar things that I have heard Morrissey say in the past but often times it was coincidence. I have shared similar views ( not that I know what is true about him anymore) .It was never intentional unlike the people who do not think for themself and parrot everything he says or does.Though in retrospect I have to say there are some lyrics of his that are not very kind towards women yet he turns around and acts like he gives a crap about feminism.People are all mirrors if you have the introspection you can find some common ground in most people I suppose it is how you view it with your heart sometimes.These people are extremely shallow.
I saw Johnny Marr in concert with The Cribs and he wasn't likable at all. He was full of himself and behaved in the most bizarre way. He was so full of himself that he didn't know how to walk properly. I looked at him, imagined Morrissey next to him and couldn't imagine them ever having been in a band together or getting along. Morrissey seemed much more likabale in comparison. This was just two weeks after I had a very bad experience with Morrissey mind you. It was that bad! I find that they are both total wankers. Without any input from others, Johnny Marr wouldn't know what to do next either. He had to move back to England to get in touch with whatever? Really? Also, he is best friends with Scarlet Ibis, which alone also speaks for itself. All the Morrissey scum is also clinging to him. For good reasons. The Smiths? Cannot be bothered about them anymore either. Luckily I don't have any life experiences associated with their music. I used to think of their music as something that it is not. They made it easy to drop it. I understand that it isn't as easy for people who grew up with them in the 80s and spent years or even decades in this fantasy bubble.

Do tell your bad experience with Moz!
i live in baltimore four blocks from the hall and was gonna see this show as i saw him in reading p.a and it was mind blowingly fantastic. im guessing its more about insurance but maybe thats just the cynic in me. sad about the cliff richard appearance being cancelled as i thought that cool. there are some cliff richard songs that have titles super close and similar to some of morrissey titles and lyrics. i mean this could easily be a morrissey lyric imo "We turned water into wine but that didn't last. We were the victims of our age. Now we live on different floors. And go our separate ways. And talk behind closed doors.." i love richards records up to a point but i could also see morrissey admiring his, cliffs, directness and ability to speak his mind and emote without fear of public embarrassment or loosing cool points.
All I can say is that I find some of these events and comments extremely disrespectful to Morrissey.

Morrissey has his best album ever coming out in a few weeks.

Well it could be better than Vauxhall, which is saying something about
how good Boz Boorer actually is, as we know. Another massive talent. A great line up.

Morrissey has done so well to

a. even start touring (after the health scares from last year.)
b. get into the studio and record these songs.
c. keep calm - after reading some of this crap.

This is a time when he needs your support the most, wherever you are.

I just cannot believe how disrespectful the comments from TV were.

And finally the drummer. What is it about drummers that makes them do
stupid things ? I mean has anyone really recovered from the stupid events of THAT drummer
never mind KY's drummer. What a stupid and childish comment. Just shocking after everything
that Morrissey has done to help Kristeen. Maybe Kristeen is embarrassed by it too. She should be.

Fingers crossed,

All I can say is that I find some of these events and comments extremely disrespectful to Morrissey.

Morrissey has his best album ever coming out in a few weeks.

Well it could be better than Vauxhall, which is saying something about
how good Boz Boorer actually is, as we know. Another massive talent. A great line up.

Morrissey has done so well to

a. even start touring (after the health scares from last year.)
b. get into the studio and record these songs.
c. keep calm - after reading some of this crap.

This is a time when he needs your support the most, wherever you are.

I just cannot believe how disrespectful the comments from TV were.

And finally the drummer. What is it about drummers that makes them do
stupid things ? I mean has anyone really recovered from the stupid events of THAT drummer
never mind KY's drummer. What a stupid and childish comment. Just shocking after everything
that Morrissey has done to help Kristeen. Maybe Kristeen is embarrassed by it too. She should be.

Fingers crossed,


Very good post, Hazard.
Her new thing now is "The past doesn't matter." Mega lols.

Good point about her catering to the female stereotype that women lie about their age all the time, it shouldn't matter! Feminists would die if they knew her dirty secret, but you know what would happen? "She sure looks good for 50!" She'd be applauded for lying, she'd be rewarded and acknowledged for her beauty. I say let her fester in the lie while she comes to terms that she's formed her mock identity from a man who her sugardaddy hates. Must be confusing to be Kristeen these days.

It is OK to move on. We have all had to at some point .However, the past is a part of who you are. It represents lessons that you have learned .It is experiences that you have had in life that were unique to your person and soul journey that you learned from and denying parts of yourself like who you are or where you have been is pointless. You could be on your way living your life pretending you are someone else then someone you knew way back when might run into you and remember you. I am still friends with people I knew 25-30 years ago. If I tried to make up some BS story about my life do you think they would fall for it ? I doubt it. There are so many talented female artists out there why do you have to pull this crap? A lot of the things she says make her seem like a mute puppet. It's positive that she came forward and corrected her situation as you don't see too many people do that who have been involved with Morrissey.I might not even mind her style of music but her attitude for the most part is what repels me .Also , whether you are beautiful or not what your message is and who you are is also what makes a difference. People are more accepting of this nowadays.I recently went to see an amazing singer that I like who I have been a fan of for years and she is amazing and has a beautiful voice and lyrics with real depth. She is always personable and chatty and rises above drama she just does not exude drama in the slightest. How come other people can do this but it eludes her? IMAGINE leaving an entire decade of your life out of your existence...constantly having to pretend you did not know .
All I can say is that I find some of these events and comments extremely disrespectful to Morrissey.

Morrissey has his best album ever coming out in a few weeks.

Well it could be better than Vauxhall, which is saying something about
how good Boz Boorer actually is, as we know. Another massive talent. A great line up.

Morrissey has done so well to

a. even start touring (after the health scares from last year.)
b. get into the studio and record these songs.
c. keep calm - after reading some of this crap.

This is a time when he needs your support the most, wherever you are.

I just cannot believe how disrespectful the comments from TV were.

And finally the drummer. What is it about drummers that makes them do
stupid things ? I mean has anyone really recovered from the stupid events of THAT drummer
never mind KY's drummer. What a stupid and childish comment. Just shocking after everything
that Morrissey has done to help Kristeen. Maybe Kristeen is embarrassed by it too. She should be.

Fingers crossed,


All I can say is that I find some of these events and comments extremely disrespectful to Morrissey.

Morrissey has his best album ever coming out in a few weeks.

Well it could be better than Vauxhall, which is saying something about
how good Boz Boorer actually is, as we know. Another massive talent. A great line up.

Morrissey has done so well to

a. even start touring (after the health scares from last year.)
b. get into the studio and record these songs.
c. keep calm - after reading some of this crap.

This is a time when he needs your support the most, wherever you are.

I just cannot believe how disrespectful the comments from TV were.

And finally the drummer. What is it about drummers that makes them do
stupid things ? I mean has anyone really recovered from the stupid events of THAT drummer
never mind KY's drummer. What a stupid and childish comment. Just shocking after everything
that Morrissey has done to help Kristeen. Maybe Kristeen is embarrassed by it too. She should be.

Fingers crossed,


What did the drummer do?
Well this is just beyond a joke now!
No wonder the morrissey solo legend herself - scarlet Ibis left this forum!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Listen, I dont care about what any other "nobody" "stars" do or have done in there concerts!
Thats them, this is morrissey!
Theres a major differnce!

Oh so hes done nothing 4 his fans? what about helping 2 heal sick and unwell childen?
What about campaigning about aminal cruelty and highlighting such issues?
What about speacking out about the monachary and the type of disgusting blood sporters they are?
What about his music and comforting words ect speaking 2 and helping all the lonely soulsand those bullied in life who feel rejected by society?
And so it goes on !!!

The man is an absolute legend!

I spoke 2 a guy the other day and I mentioned morrissey, this guy smiled and his face lite up with delight , as if all his pains and suffering were taken away! :)

No i wont shut the f*** up! not at all !!!
I WONT GO DOWN LIGHTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! believe me!!!!
you must have missed the interview where Morrissey explained what a legend really is .

Sick of people saying this .
I'm confused.

The article is from 2007 and says she is 31

Kristeen Young

Singer-songwriter and pianist from St Louis, Missouri. She has supported Morrissey on tour. Her records include Meet Miss Young And Her All Boy Band of 1997 and The Orphans. Aged 31


What am I missing?

She was born in 1964. She'll be 50 this year.
You didn't answer my question.
What in that article implies she was born in 64?
You didn't answer my question.
What in that article implies she was born in 64?

Nothing. THat's why she's a liar. She claims in most articles to be born in 1974 but she was born in 1964. In that article she claims also to be exposed to The Smiths when she was 14. The Smiths didn't even exist until she was 20.
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