Morrissey Central "Las Vegas, 2022" - Vegas shows to showcase songs from "Bonfire of Teenagers" (May 20, 2022)

As per Morrissey Central:-

May 20, 2022

The Morrissey concerts in Las Vegas in July will showcase songs from the album 'Bonfire Of Teenagers', which was recorded in January 2021.

"The thrill of this album was the speed under which it was recorded. Considering the knots of grief I had experience[d] at the time, it made 'Bonfire' an incredible achievement for me."


Wonder which songs will be played?

Media item:
Unusual for Moz to get his grammar all southpaw.

Considering the knots of grief I had experience at the time, it made...

I guess someone else transcribed his text and made a mistake. It should be corrected though.
The more I think about it, not often. The more I think this announcement is worrying.
I thought he had a deal , when he said about a single - now, I wonder if he said that simply to say " Hey record people, this would be my new single...Sign me up"
A show case can be seen as a record launch, kinda thing, so he already has a deal and this is his way of getting the world interested
But this one seems more like it could be he has no deal in sight, even after a Las Vegas residency and a headline slot at that Chicago gig and the Cruel World headline slot. Which isn't great.
In fact is awful. As he wont get more of a wow than the last LA Vegas thing and Cruel World
It means hes a bad mix of toxic and not a great seller, in terms of recorded product, It also, seems to suggest he isn't selling that many tickets.
I hope this is his last Vegas residency, I would rather see him do 3 nights in NY, London, Rome , LA, Austin, etc
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What the hell does "I am Veronica" even mean? Seems like gibberish. My, how the mighty have fallen.
I am Veronica = Je suis Veronique / Je m'appelle Veronique

Have you ever tried to learn a new language? Usually, introducing yourself is the first thing everyone wants to do.

Learning a new language is like starting a new life, after what is or felt like death. A new beginning.
The second paragraph sounds a bit as if he wanted to curb excessive expectations.

Not sure, if he has ever released a new single AFTER it had been introduced weeks or months ahead of the appertaining album.
The myth that if you move a lot of tickets then labels will sign you. Everyone wants to think that. It can sometimes ring true in the right place and the right time. Ask Twisted Sister about how many shows they sold out without a record deal and nobody would touch them with a ten foot pole.
I tend to agree, Morrissey has never had a problem playing live to an eager audience... and yet this is the 3rd time post-Maladjusted he's without a record contract. So it appears there are other factors involved.
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I wonder what happens if these Vegas showcase gigs goes ahead, and he still can't get a deal he likes? Will he book a similar showcase gig in London, to try and get a UK label interested? Or just say "the hell with it", and release it himself? :unsure:
I wonder what happens if these Vegas showcase gigs goes ahead, and he still can't get a deal he likes? Will he book a similar showcase gig in London, to try and get a UK label interested? Or just say "the hell with it", and release it himself? :unsure:

or maybe never release it or play shows again. That’s fine too.
Wow, in all my years following the fortunes of Mr S Morrissey, nothing like this has ever happened! A little hard to understand the motivation. Not convinced that promising a lot of songs off a new album would help sell tickets - it might actually put quite a few people off. It's like the opposite of a greatest-hits tour. It's good for us lot, though, having the chance to hear the new ones. I think he has a proper (and pretty decent) manager at the mo, so presumably they are behind this, too. Given how reluctant he's been in the past to play many new songs without a deal, it makes me think that he probably has one already.
Is showcasing songs mean that he’ll play
a lot of songs off a new album’ ?

Maybe he thinks all the new ones are hits.

haven’t seen any signs of how good the new management is for him, I guess we’ll see what label they helped get him signed to?

could be.
Some good points.
Yes, 'showcasing' might just mean two or three songs.
New ones considered hits? I think it's more about their familiarity.
Probably about half the audience are there for 80s indie nostalgia reasons, hoping to hear a few familiar Smiths and big solo songs, and do not have most solo albums.
It's like me going to see The Cure, New Order, Depeche Mode etc. I only know (and want to hear) the singles. If they said, 'we'll be showcasing our new album at these concerts' I'd probably be inclined not to go.
What does it refer to? The Manchester Arena bombing?
Yes. From last year's interview:

'Bonfire of Teenagers' the track is magnificent, but you must be expecting some manufactured paranoia … the usual 'you can't sing about THAT' pearl fumblers.

… because?

It's about the Manchester Arena Bombing.

It's about the kids who were murdered, yes. We are not encouraged to look beneath the surface because it's dark and hidden. But the song is anti-terror, and anyone who finds that offensive can only be devoid of personal morality. As your brother once said to me, the Manchester Arena Bombing was Britain's 9/11. We should appreciate anyone who asks questions.

It's in the air already...he knows how to push all the right buttons. We are still talking about him in 2022 which is a feat. Is anyone talking about Natalie Merchant in 2022? You have to be on people's tongue or they forget about you and another band takes it's place. What ever happen to R.E.M.? Nobody talks about them anymore. The Smiths need to reissue something so the world doesn't foregt about them!!
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It's in the air already...he knows how to push all the right buttons. We are still talking about him in 2022 which is a feat. Is anyone talking about Natalie Merchant in 2022? You have to be on people's tongue or they forget about you and another band takes it's place. What ever happen to R.E.M.? Nobody talks about them anymore. The Smiths need to reissue something so the world doesn't foregt about them!!

REM retired from the music scene so I assume that’s why people don’t speak about them as much as when they were active.
There is definitely no record deal. Not now or in the near future.
Cast your mind back to

World peace.......
Things were truly hopeless then....

Then through the fog and the mist ..

Pamela Anderson ......

Then a full release...... for only one week as Mozz carried his self on with his mouth .

Lez .... how many times have we all been here with the usual patter of deals, tours, ECT .

We shall all meet in near places ...
I would not Like it if Bonfire were an online release only. If it were to come out online in August / September as Ketanin Sun reasonably suggeste, then I hope it will be followed by a physical release in 2023. Morrissey may want to go for an online release in the first place to speed up the process. After all, hés been sitting on the album for nearly 18 months now. And I hope that the recent actions are a sign that he is about to conclude a record deal.
That really would be a bitter pill to swallow.
I tend to agree, Morrissey has never had a problem playing live to an eager audience... and yet this is the 3rd time post-Maladjusted he's without a record contract. So it appears there are other factors involved.
Well, the thing is he knows he doesn't need a label to get an audience. He has one (just way smaller than it once was)
He didn't sell many tickets around Southpaw Grammar and Maladjusted time, things improved once he went away and came back with Quarry, the "we missed you" buzz lasted to ringleaders, then it was nose drive time again.
He managed to bounce back mainly due to his autobiography, mainly due to the first third being fantastically written
That carried him even though his LP world peace, wasn't that well received (I like it) . Then of course he said some daft stuff and got booted off the label and the lp was pulled.
Now, this is when he started to really lose his footing. His book List Of the Lost , got panned , nearly everywhere ( I think people got the wrong idea. They didn't see it was M doing an American Pulp novel )
He was artistically, for the first time ever, a laughingstock, people used that as an excuse to have a dig.
The mix of not being liked and considered racist and the fact his last two lps didn't do well and now his first novel being panned meant he wasn't just unfashionable but now, not respected by many, like he was in the 90s
But, M pulled it together, and things looked promising for LIHS, even though the lp cover, was crap, Utter crap.
The first single Spent The Day in Bed. Was classic M. English in that Alan Bennett, Philip Larking way, lots of us relate to. It was a real return to form.
Then came the brilliant I wish You Lonely and Jackie . He had the BBC gig lined up and The German TV thing. What could go wrong?
Well, he opened his gob and continued to spout nonsense and wind people up. Including his fans.
This was lethal , as lots of hardcore left, never to return. He tried to limit the damage and interview himself, yet somehow managed to stitch himself up further. Amazing really.
Still, as we said he does have a loyal audience, yes way smaller but still there .
The trouble is I think he refuses to let the record company have any of the money from live gigs, its strictly for music product and he just doesn't sell that much.
Its not his age, when Quarry came out, it looked lie he could be the kind of artist who would be popular to many until he died. Like Sparks , Neil Young and so on.
It seems he has messed too many people about, he has gone too far with the wind ups and where as once his live gigs were special, they no longer were as he gigs way way too often- not only were they now commonplace, but lots of times he just wasn't into it. The gigs were just phoned in
Even the ones over the last few weeks, have seemed reserved and stand-offish
Hardly anyone sells that much these days and he doesn't have the standing to be a legacy artist, as he is too toxic. Add to that he has left virtually every label he has been on, in the red and he has messed about lots of record labels. This leaves us where we now are.
I hope to god, he has sorted something out. If he hasn't yet, Im not sure he will for a while
Unless he wants to go the indie label , self release route.
I love the guy, so I want him to win
With regards to low ticket sales for Las Vegas…for me personally, I’m not sure I would even go if I was visiting my folks there. It hurts me to say this, but Morrissey concerts have just become really boring. I get it, he’s not 35 or even 45 anymore. So I’m not knocking him…but there were some shows that I had the chance to go to locally, and I just couldn’t shell out the money to go. I honestly get quite bored and that disappoints me more than anyone.

And I am not the ‘casual’ follower…I made sure to take each one of my kids to at least one show before they got too old. I’ve seen him about 15 times. Unfortunately, none before 1997, so I missed the the ‘crazy’ shows of the early 90’s.

Again, I get it. He’s in his younger 60’s. And nobody should expect the Moz of 1992 anymore. But when it comes to spending money on a couple of tickets…it just isn’t worth it to me anymore, and nobody is more sad about that than myself.

Be safe and well…
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