Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" lyric video (March 11, 2020)

I'm just saying. Musically, it's almost the kind of thing you might hear at a gay discotheque with men in fishnet shirts dancing in cages. And it's your favorite. The theory that you're an angry, frustrated closet case is making sense.
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Morrissey has just posted:

Mr Shandy has just limped back from Shudehill with an 'acetate' of IANADOAC. In a rare moment of agreement we are declaring 'Hurling Days' a late-career masterpiece.
Recently seen the film The Snows Of Kilimanjaro, which was dealin' with the life of that guy Ernest Hemingway.
Hemingway would go kill Lions and Rhinos cause he thought it was a grand adventure that made him feel alive.
The thinkin' of these hunters and murders is that a grand adventure will heighten their life.
That's why The Wild Turkey Community is advocatin' for the replacement of guns with cameras.
Instead of goin' out and destroyin' somethin', capture the life and beauty of it in a picture.
Then ya can study the picture and come to the realization that the grand adventure is actually the grand design of life itself!
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I'm liking it too. Especially the bit near the end where the song revs up and you see young Moz.
so this is moz then. was just about to ask. is this a picture publicly available? never seen it before.
Recently seen the film The Snows Of Kilimanjaro, which was dealin' with the life of that guy Ernest Hemingway.
Hemingway would go kill Lions and Rhinos cause he thought it was a grand adventure that made him feel alive.
The thinkin' of these hunters and murders is that a grand adventure will heighten their life.
That's why The Wild Turkey Community is advocatin' for the replacement of guns with cameras.
Instead of goin' out and destroyin' somethin', capture the life and beauty of it in a picture.
Then ya can study the picture and come to the realization that the grand adventure is actually the grand design of life itself!
the lyrics have an imagist ring to 'em, would ya agree? 'specially the first part. they're like a succession of hard and concrete photographs, seein' bein' the main sense of perception. int'restingly, the seein' turns into a hazy gazin' in the second part when ev'rything is softenin' up a lil, a state hemingway could only reach through alcohol and later in life, cats, when evrything was too late for him really.
Hovis... good luck for Saturday olde boy.... have you got 5 live on the wireless again!!!! I have with a glass of red..... no pun intended
so this is moz then. was just about to ask. is this a picture publicly available? never seen it before.
This is the photo. I just can't remember where I saw it. The Severed Alliance maybe? It's in some book (I think). Someone here will remember.

This is the photo. I just can't remember where I saw it. The Severed Alliance maybe? It's in some book (I think). Someone here will remember.

Severed Alliance. In my edition it's facing p. 129. It's actually cropped, there are two friends to his right. He is apparently aged 13 here, so I guess it's 1971/72.
This is the photo. I just can't remember where I saw it. The Severed Alliance maybe? It's in some book (I think). Someone here will remember.

This is the photo. I just can't remember where I saw it. The Severed Alliance maybe? It's in some book (I think). Someone here will remember.

It’s not in severed alliance, just had a look
i am not a dog on a chain info
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