Manchester, UK - Manchester Arena (Aug. 20, 2016) post-show

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Suedehead / Alma Matters / All You Need Is Me / You Have Killed Me / Ganglord / Speedway / Istanbul / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Kiss Me A Lot / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / Everyday Is Like Sunday / The Bullfighter Dies / Meat Is Murder / It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small / Jack The Ripper / One Of Our Own / The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores / I Will See You In Far-Off Places / What She Said / Oboe Concerto // Irish Blood, English Heart

setlist provided by Sarcasmos, corrections by BennyandBrummiearec*nts.

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f*** me, the crowd was dead. I tried my best to encourage those around me, but I'm only one person....i enjoyed it, anyway ...

The crowd wasn't dead at the front I can tell you, it was nuts down there. Did anyone else see Boz fall on his arse after Oboe Concerto? Looked like the stage hands forget to lend him use of a torch light as he walked off and he went arse over bollocks over a small stage speaker. He was given a torch light walk on for Irish Blood though but looked well pissed off!

Loved the gig btw
Why would the latter not be a good outcome? Morrissey has always pissed about with silly stage accoutrements - plasters, hearing aids and around the time of Southpaw Grammar he was going full whacko with the beaten up look.

However one fears with recent maladies they could genuinely be required

Indeed. But if it is not 'for real', there could be reasons. (1) - it's a prop, nothing more, or (2) He's faking an injury.
This Guardian review...

...contains a description of a very puzzling episode:

"...So eyebrows are raised when he strides on wearing a medical dressing just beneath his throat. The singer has used such items as stage props before – he wore a hearing aid on Top of the Pops in 1984 – but intrigue becomes alarm as blood seeps through the dressing.

At first, Morrissey seems unaware of this development, which unfortunately occurs during Speedway’s lyrics about being greeted by a hearse. Nor is this the best moment for some plucky stage invader to grab him by the neck, after which the singer pulls his lapels together to hide the now blood-soaked bandage. However, when it suddenly falls off, there isn’t a visible mark on him. It’s hard to know whether this is this the latest in a career of memorable theatrical gestures or whether the man is truly suffering for his art."

The wizard of moz up to his old CrankFraud ways eh ! What a surprise :eek: not for BtBB :cool:
and the gang.
Blacking out the upper tier :clap:
Mass free entry :clap:
Happy meals n milkshakes :clap:
Cheetham Hill tatty old merchandise rape bundles at the pop up mugging shop :clap:
Chugging karaoke bland tribute setlist :pray:
Glueing fake bloody sanitary pads to his chest :laughing:

The Rank, Crank, Stank out, Manc.

Sold out :rofl: my arse !

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Just wanna says thanks to whoever left a "shyness is nice" T-shirt on the bench in Victoria station, official T-shirt from the gig, would of preferred the pop art one, but thanks anyway
The crowd wasn't dead at the front I can tell you, it was nuts down there. Did anyone else see Boz fall on his arse after Oboe Concerto? Looked like the stage hands forget to lend him use of a torch light as he walked off and he went arse over bollocks over a small stage speaker. He was given a torch light walk on for Irish Blood though but looked well pissed off!

Loved the gig btw

L O L Ringpiece of the platoon Martin on his arse end, every credit to whoever threw that banana skin.
Have you seen that footage of him on utube when he's slips dancing like a proper knob jockey with his guitar ? Classic, let's dig it out for the crack :rofl:.

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
And here is BrummieBoy, once again infesting this site with his negative, spiteful bile. You really are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. You profess to hate Morrissey and 'most' of his songs, yet do nothing other than turn up here and waste your energy........on Morrissey! Please, do yourself, and everyone else on here a big favour, have a good look in the mirror at yourself, and view the pitiful person that you have become. And after that, please f*** OFF forever. "You hiss and groan and you constantly moan, but you don't ever go away. And that's because all you need is me"

Actually, "All You Need Is Me" isn't directed from Morrissey to me, it's sung from me to him with a video backdrop using footage of him as he walked onstage in Bradford with his "f***" t-shirts on his human billboard employees, his Dad rock pub rock Smiths karaoke backing band.

He reads absolutely EVERYTHING I write, has done since the start. If you seriously think Morrissey doesn't know who I am and what I have planned for him then you are very amusing. He knows that when 'VegAnarchy In The UK' drops he is toast, as is John Lydon. The only reason for delay is that there are over 500 songs and Zozo is being very inscrutable each time we get the Ouija board out and ask for the final, definitive set list and album sequence order for the first LP. We all assume VITUK has made the cut but we may be wrong, it may be that this is all a parlour game and "BrummieBoy" has zero interest in Morrissey other than as an amusing research project. Nobody knows. Not even "BrummieBoy". Only Zozo knows and only Zozo can kick-start the show. Next week we move back to Denmark, then Spain, Lithuania, Iceland and Ireland. We're assuming this is final tweaks, re-mixes but it may be that there's an entirely new suite of songs to be written and recorded. It may be that Zozo will never green-light a release or a stage performance. But all of that is by the by, what's important and funny is that another silly little troll still thinks this debunking is about Morrissey. It isn't. It's about all of those idiotic 'stars' and how and why there always was a Blackstar hiding in the shadows waiting to see if the stars align and Zozo finally allowed him to sing on the dotted contract line. Stop wasting your time, my time and everybody else's time. Either put me on Ignore or take ever more knockout punches to the canvass floor, just like this. Knockout in Round 1. Next contestant!
This Guardian review...

...contains a description of a very puzzling episode:

"...So eyebrows are raised when he strides on wearing a medical dressing just beneath his throat. The singer has used such items as stage props before – he wore a hearing aid on Top of the Pops in 1984 – but intrigue becomes alarm as blood seeps through the dressing.

At first, Morrissey seems unaware of this development, which unfortunately occurs during Speedway’s lyrics about being greeted by a hearse. Nor is this the best moment for some plucky stage invader to grab him by the neck, after which the singer pulls his lapels together to hide the now blood-soaked bandage. However, when it suddenly falls off, there isn’t a visible mark on him. It’s hard to know whether this is this the latest in a career of memorable theatrical gestures or whether the man is truly suffering for his art."

The stigmata of Uber-Troll Crank-Fraud fake rock rebel martyr Morrissey.

What a plonker.
I'd describe 95% as being 'packed'. Nobody has said it was totally sold-out.

in that case, perhaps a better description is needed to describe a concert that is 65 percent sold out, than 'packed to the rafters'.
with the entire UK at his disposal, he couldnt sell out a single show. the entire upper tier was blacked out, and the middle tear had large swathes of empty seats. twitter comments point out the haphazard lighting, areas with empty seats being dimmer.
now that the punters have spotted the fake plaster, and alerted the internet, the bandage itself seems to get progressively bigger as the tour progresses. hopefully he wont end up like the mummy by the time he gets to hong kong.
any word if the fake blood is vegan?
now that the punters have spotted the fake plaster, and alerted the internet, the bandage itself seems to get progressively bigger as the tour progresses. hopefully he wont end up like the mummy by the time he gets to hong kong.
any word if the fake blood is vegan?

There was no blood. Just in Dave Simpsons imagination :head-smack:
1 excellent gig
2 just for brummie I made the effort to check empty seats - some in 208 but that's about it
3 I've given up meat - every time I see mince I think of benny and suffer Narcolepsy

Lots of kagouls but that's fair given the weather
in that case, perhaps a better description is needed to describe a concert that is 65 percent sold out, than 'packed to the rafters'.
with the entire UK at his disposal, he couldnt sell out a single show. the entire upper tier was blacked out, and the middle tear had large swathes of empty seats. twitter comments point out the haphazard lighting, areas with empty seats being dimmer.

Thats right the people of Great Britian have decided to vote for Mozzxit and show him the door, we must respect the people's decision now and get on with the job of kicking his fake arse out of Great Britian once and for all now. Look when I came to solo many years ago and told you I was going to kick his arse out the door you all laughed at me ! Well I have to say you're not laughing now are you.

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Does this statement implies that Morrissey is actually watching the Rio Olympics? :confused: Personally, I can't be bothered. It's just a business that's bound to go bankrupt. Look at all the abandoned olympic venues and the debt it caused to hosting countries.

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