Morrissey Fan Fiction

  • Thread starter Bored At Unemployment
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Bored At Unemployment

I must admit that I was rather disappointed to discover that the scourge of the internet, also known as Fan Fiction, had not yet bled into Moz territory yet. I'm severely bored (see username) and was hoping for a good laugh... there's Harry Potter SLASH fan fiction for God's sake. Although if I ever get the hankering to read about Harry and Ron's latest magical discovery of each other's "wands", I'll let you know.

I can't be the only one who would find this uproarious.

I think I'll write some myself, so I can laugh. Only problem is, I'll have to [censor] it, because this is a Family Message Board.

"Morrissey slid sexily off stage and gasped as a slim figure lunged from the darkness, out of the wings.

'It's me,' a sexy voice said sexily.

'Johnny Marr! I always knew you would come back to me,' Morrissey choked, his voice coagulated with a mixture of lust and emotion and sexiness.

Sexily, Johnny took Morrissey into his sexy arms and began rubbing his back. Wracked with emotion, he brought his face to Morrissey's and they began to [Bible study]. With trembling hands, he then reached down and sexily unzipped Morrissey's [Jesus], caressing his [rosary], all the while [Hail Mary full of grace].

They collapsed to the floor in a tangled mass of [Sunday school], [communion wafer] and [the Pope] all akimbo. Finally spent, Johnny [Holy water] his [benediction] and disappeared back into the wings, leaving Morrissey drenched in [baptism], confusion, and, of course... sexiness.

I have far too much time on my hands. Hooray for insomnia!
I like your approach. But I would like the story to be a bit more sexy.
> I must admit that I was rather disappointed to discover that the scourge
> of the internet, also known as Fan Fiction, had not yet bled into Moz
> territory yet. I'm severely bored (see username) and was hoping for a good
> laugh... there's Harry Potter SLASH fan fiction for God's sake. Although
> if I ever get the hankering to read about Harry and Ron's latest magical
> discovery of each other's "wands", I'll let you know.

> I can't be the only one who would find this uproarious.

> I think I'll write some myself, so I can laugh. Only problem is, I'll have
> to [censor] it, because this is a Family Message Board.

> "Morrissey slid sexily off stage and gasped as a slim figure lunged
> from the darkness, out of the wings.

> 'It's me,' a sexy voice said sexily.

> 'Johnny Marr! I always knew you would come back to me,' Morrissey choked,
> his voice coagulated with a mixture of lust and emotion and sexiness.

> Sexily, Johnny took Morrissey into his sexy arms and began rubbing his
> back. Wracked with emotion, he brought his face to Morrissey's and they
> began to [Bible study]. With trembling hands, he then reached down and
> sexily unzipped Morrissey's [Jesus], caressing his [rosary], all the while
> [Hail Mary full of grace].

> They collapsed to the floor in a tangled mass of [Sunday school],
> [communion wafer] and [the Pope] all akimbo. Finally spent, Johnny [Holy
> water] his [benediction] and disappeared back into the wings, leaving
> Morrissey drenched in [baptism], confusion, and, of course... sexiness.

> I have far too much time on my hands. Hooray for insomnia!

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah brilliant!
Fan Fiction... nah how about a Morrissey RPG game....ill be photographer greg gorman
Because then you'd have no one to practice your clever comebacks on!
Re: Moz RPG

Heh... I'm sure that would be a riveting excursion.

Day 1

You roll out of bed. Choose an outfit:

a) Tastefully mismatched Gucci suit
b) Tastefully mismatched Gucci suit
c) Tastefully mismatched Gucci suit
d) Tastefully mismatched Gucci suit, with oversize ring

You put on your clothes and head to the bathroom. Oh no! Fate has cast a badhair +1 spell at you. Choose your counterattack:

a) Gel
b) Hairspray
c) Kyan from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy
d) Crying jag

...Ad nauseum.
> I must admit that I was rather disappointed to discover that the scourge
> of the internet, also known as Fan Fiction, had not yet bled into Moz
> territory yet.

That was fab! the censoring amused me.

Anyways..... maybe you should see this?

Oh, and if you know where to look, there's loads of very hot, naughty Moz slash fic about....... ;D
i do remember that several years ago that one girl was posting quite a few sexy stories of moz...but they also seemed to involve toilets. i know who she is, but i can't remember what name she was posting under at the time.

and as for me, a few years ago, i started writing something with a name similar to the Blair Moz Project. I posted a few chapters but i've never finished it!

> I must admit that I was rather disappointed to discover that the scourge
> of the internet, also known as Fan Fiction, had not yet bled into Moz
> territory yet. I'm severely bored (see username) and was hoping for a good
> laugh... there's Harry Potter SLASH fan fiction for God's sake. Although
> if I ever get the hankering to read about Harry and Ron's latest magical
> discovery of each other's "wands", I'll let you know.

> I can't be the only one who would find this uproarious.

> I think I'll write some myself, so I can laugh. Only problem is, I'll have
> to [censor] it, because this is a Family Message Board.

> "Morrissey slid sexily off stage and gasped as a slim figure lunged
> from the darkness, out of the wings.

> 'It's me,' a sexy voice said sexily.

> 'Johnny Marr! I always knew you would come back to me,' Morrissey choked,
> his voice coagulated with a mixture of lust and emotion and sexiness.

> Sexily, Johnny took Morrissey into his sexy arms and began rubbing his
> back. Wracked with emotion, he brought his face to Morrissey's and they
> began to [Bible study]. With trembling hands, he then reached down and
> sexily unzipped Morrissey's [Jesus], caressing his [rosary], all the while
> [Hail Mary full of grace].

> They collapsed to the floor in a tangled mass of [Sunday school],
> [communion wafer] and [the Pope] all akimbo. Finally spent, Johnny [Holy
> water] his [benediction] and disappeared back into the wings, leaving
> Morrissey drenched in [baptism], confusion, and, of course... sexiness.

> I have far too much time on my hands. Hooray for insomnia!
Re: Moz RPG

woah, woah! whatever happened to ladies blouses and horn rimmed glasses?
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