Most memorable moz-solo members

chatroom trivial pursuit with

drew a swallow
Laura (moonbeam?)
mick ransomich
pill popper
Blue..? (girl from Glasgow)
German girl Simone (cant remember the name)
lad who sent cartooney pictures without talking
elizabeth from Trenton, NJ
Andy Ison
also to the above around 2006/7

Kali (RIP)
Lon - groesbeck (RIP)
chatroom trivial pursuit with

drew a swallow
Laura (moonbeam?)
mick ransomich
pill popper
Blue..? (girl from Glasgow)
German girl Simone (cant remember the name)
lad who sent cartooney pictures without talking
elizabeth from Trenton, NJ
Andy Ison
some keepers on there for sure, there is one I remember fairly well ;)
More recently I mourn the loss of:
our most eloquent poster :thumb:
chatroom trivial pursuit with

drew a swallow
Laura (moonbeam?)
mick ransomich
pill popper
Blue..? (girl from Glasgow)
German girl Simone (cant remember the name)
lad who sent cartooney pictures without talking
elizabeth from Trenton, NJ
Andy Ison

German girl Simone (cant remember the name) - Walkers Crisp?
Blue..? (girl from Glasgow) - BabyBlue?

Ghoul was a regular then, and Nicola, CG sometimes too
German girl Simone (cant remember the name) - Walkers Crisp?
Blue..? (girl from Glasgow) - BabyBlue?

Ghoul was a regular then, and Nicola, CG sometimes too

My name was tenforum. I remember all those guys.
Were you Broccoli Spears in the chat room years ago?

Nicola (iamnicola) was BroccoliSpears in 2006 - there was another poster Broccoli_Spears i think - he was a funny guy. They got mixed up.
It all got too personal for Nicola as I remember. She, along with a guy she fell for 'Chico?' met up, and visited Kali (Colleen McTavish RIP) I think too. They were ever-present in the chat back then. They were here for like 12 hours a day.
Nicola (iamnicola) was BroccoliSpears in 2006 - there was another poster Broccoli_Spears i think - he was a funny guy. They got mixed up.
It all got too personal for Nicola as I remember. She, along with a guy she fell for 'Chico?' met up, and visited Kali (Colleen McTavish RIP) I think too. They were ever-present in the chat back then. They were here for like 12 hours a day.

Broccoli Spears was a bitch. Her and Dave were chat buddies. :sick: Both of them lived in that chat room 24/7.
You can still contact Suzanne through the State Bar of Texas attorney look-up web page. It says she's a government attorney. Tell her I said "hi".



There was Little Miss Curious who met her partner here. I can't remember his name. Nice chap. Good taste and knowledge of mid 80's English indie pop. I would like to think that they are still together. Then there was the infamous Suzanne. From Texas. She lived her life on here. Ruffian was a good bloke too. This was around the 2003-2005 period I think.
Jeane (or a variation on the spelling of that name) was another of my favourite posters. She was Australian. Very wise, very mysterious. We used to email each other until the emails stopped. Jeane spent quite a lot of time in the chatroom. I remember chatting to her while at work!
in case no one got it, I was the "registered" exMr.White :eek: however, I should add many of my worst "chat offenses" were before you had to register b4 it
and while I impersonated many, others impersonated me, only one succeeded*, much of what of what I posted was "in red" as in 1on1
and yeah, I recorded all posted in there from like 05 to 07, cuz yeah, my hacker buddies were pretty good, amazing how many of them are now top programmers
anyways, sorry for a lot I did and said in there, especially "pre-09", I was not clean then
now I only drink :squiffy::thumb::o

*="Morrithey", who I always assumed was the here registered "Dave"
Who were you in the chat?

She used a number of names. Pikachu was the one you'd see most often. She spent a great deal of time there, originally as a cheerleader for Belligerent Ghoul (in much the same way that she more recently functioned as cheerleader for "The Mentalist Three").

Eventually she seduced a programmer who helped her to harass her enemies. Then they married and pretended to be too zen for such things for a while. Later they divorced and, obviously, she came crawling back to start the same old shit all over again.

At the moment I believe she's trying to starve herself into being a kinder, gentler internet addict.
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