moz and the elusive record deal....



does anyone have credible evidence as to why a guy with gold albums out the ass can't get signed to any label?
$$$$$$ = Greed = $$$$$$ = Greed
Morrissey is worth less than Gary Numan, I imagine

> does anyone have credible evidence as to why a guy with gold albums out
> the ass can't get signed to any label?

Morrissey's new songs are shit. His most recently released songs are shit. And the ones before that are shit. Morrissey might be worth something as an 80s nostalgia act, touring with Dead and Alive and T'Pau. But in his head he's still this important figure, who isn't at number 1 only because of a gigantic conspiracy involving the NME, MTV and other "rich" and "white" people (exluding the very rich and white Morrissey himself of course). All of his difficulties are his own fault. Don't make laughable records if you want to be taken seriously, that's my advice.
At least Gary Numan has evolved and STILL releases new music
Re: Morrissey is worth less than Gary Numan, I imagine

> Morrissey's new songs are shit. His most recently released songs are shit.
> And the ones before that are shit. Morrissey might be worth something as
> an 80s nostalgia act, touring with Dead and Alive and T'Pau. But in his
> head he's still this important figure, who isn't at number 1 only because
> of a gigantic conspiracy involving the NME, MTV and other "rich"
> and "white" people (exluding the very rich and white Morrissey
> himself of course). All of his difficulties are his own fault. Don't make
> laughable records if you want to be taken seriously, that's my advice.

We here at understand that you feel Morrissey's recent recodrdings, and his current character in general, are not only diminished in quality, but are "utter shit." We've witnessed this sentiment repeated by you numerous times on here.

The feeling has been acknowledged.

We also comprehend your need to persistently "upset the applecart" with overt rants in regards to Morrissey's lack of current perfection in the world of popular music. As well, we are doubly aware how fun it can be shooting at fish in a barrell by constantly harassing those who seem to posess a bizarre inabilty to critique Morrissey even in the most minute sense.

It's understood.

Really, it is.

Now, if your comments in general are simply an attempt at trolling, then I suggest you vary your material somewhat.

What fun is it being a cuckoo in the opposite sense?

Again, we are receptive to your feelings and will always be there for you, but continually repeating your rants, so as to get a rise out of the manically devout has been done before (The most impersonated form of trolling we exeprience here), and has become extremely tedious to watch.

Keep in mind, this is merely a form of constructive criticism.

Shotgun Sam (Impersonated)
Re: Morrissey is worth less than Gary Numan, I imagine

> We here at understand that you feel Morrissey's recent
> recodrdings, and his current character in general, are not only diminished
> in quality, but are "utter shit." We've witnessed this sentiment
> repeated by you numerous times on here.

And under numerous names!
Are you sure that quote is OK? Did I really write "utter shit"? And if I did, who cares? Tube.
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