My birthday was yesterday and...



its also world vegan day. weird! i still eat turkey and fish, but i quit eating cows and pigs long before i knew who Morrissey was. are any of you vegan or vegetarian because of morrissey and his work with PETA, or were you one already? Im thinking about going ovo-lacto vegetarian but i commend all you vegans for cutting out so much that is a staple to american and UK meals!
Im 25 now if anyone cares, ha ha ha
well i was always thinking about being veggie but meat is murder gave me a kick up the arse to actually do it properly. I dont eat fish eithe, but I don't think i could quite hack being vegan though, you gotta eat something !
Eating dairy products and eggs also contribute to the abuse of animals who suffer worse fates than death, crammed in dark dirty places with no natural air or spaces to move. Dairy and eggs are also murder in my book. Not to mention leather, wool and fur.
i wasn't trying to get into a debate. sheesh. what about free range eggs and milk? i have farms near my house i can get fresh eggs from chickens who aren't commercialized factory birds.
plus i dont own any freaking fur and my couch is ikea cheap cloth *NM*
> i wasn't trying to get into a debate. sheesh. what about free range eggs
> and milk? i have farms near my house i can get fresh eggs from chickens
> who aren't commercialized factory birds.

You're still paying for eggs and milk, hence using animals for your own benefit and that of the farmer, "range" or not. But you're right, you weren't trying to get into a debate. I apologyse. I'm just very passionate about this subject.
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