NY - Thanks Steven & Ben


New Member
Took my son to NYC for the weekend to see MOZ for his 18th b'day present. We absolutely had a blast!! Friday we were about 6 rows back towards the left. On Saturday we were about 3 rows back in the center and got CRUSHED beyond belief. One dude w/his wife came outta nowhere and got all annoyed when we politely asked him to move over SO WE COULD BREATH - it was nuts. When the first shirt came wafting towards us, I knew we were in trouble - we both got pushed to the ground and stepped on (I've got some pretty nice bruises.)

Thanks to Steven for protecting me throughout the show and Ben for helping to pick me up off the floor. You both made what seemed like eternity the night before go by so quickly on Saturday. It was really nice talking to you - I'm sorry we didn't see you at the end, but I had to hobble away.

What a wonderful experience and b'day present for my boy to see the man, the myth, the legend in person. I am truly thankful for the opportunity.

Tomorrow - off to the chiropractor!!!:D

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