Original written lyrics to "I Keep Mine Hidden" - @Vivahate72

I have plenty of things older than 27 years (like all of my childhood school papers) that are in just as good condition as this.
i guess i dont. i have some yellowed paper but so it goes i suppose.
No way, that can't be possible, did u spray it with a special preserver?

No, they're just sitting in a box. It's really not unusual! Unless you leave notebook paper sitting out in the daylight all the time or use it as a coaster, it's not going to fall apart or even turn yellow after a quarter century.
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
You've got a poor record on hoaxes haven't you.

Reply from Mod Uncleskinny:
f*** off you tiresome c***. Is that all you got?

f***ing wanker.
It was a lot more civil & less childish than your tantrum,Make sure you add to your little 'IP address crime against Morrissey.solo' black book.;)
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