Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Thanks, sister. I made it complicated for myself. I suppose I can always return to my funny country and corrode. I have also a plan Z. Damn, I got distracted by somebody who was only singing. It's worse than drugs.

you said it, its an addiction you can never get over. Who would want to! :D
that would be a dream come true... I can at least sing, though that might earn me some accusations of mimicry, in a sense, since I'm such a huge Morrissey and Smiths fan, hehe. but I haven't had much luck finding someone willing to embark on a project like that, yet. (that's not to say I've asked too many to, though...I should put more effort into it, hmm)

What side of the world are you located on? I know a Swedish guitar player, who is living next door. I could arrange a 1982 on King's Road:)

And btw thanks for support.
that would be a dream come true... I can at least sing, though that might earn me some accusations of mimicry, in a sense, since I'm such a huge Morrissey and Smiths fan, hehe. but I haven't had much luck finding someone willing to embark on a project like that, yet. (that's not to say I've asked too many to, though...I should put more effort into it, hmm)
I edit posts too much...

ha ha well thats what the edit function is there for lol ;)
Do you write in a similar style to himself then?
you said it, its an addiction you can never get over. Who would want to! :D

Well, I'd like at least an illusion that I control it. But it corresponded suddenly and perfectly with my attitude towards the world and it's one handsome etc. now. And I already said where this sweet combination is leading me.

In my homeland he is not really known, The Smiths a little bit more, strangely enough the most popular song seems to be Asleep. There was one musician who wrote a song 'Take me out' inspired by There Is A Light.., but he no longer names Morrissey among his favorites.

*Vegetarian. Created the group Foje in 1982. Dispersed in 1997 (families, royalties - yes, but no lawsuits), farewell concert for a crowd of 60 thousand. Andrius Mamontovas (writes lyrics and plays the guitar and practically everything else) continues solo, plays theater and produces music.
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Not much hope of that. It's taken 20 years to knock the Suffolk accent out of the hubby and he's half-Lancastrian. These mixed marriages are a minefield.
I've lost quite a lot of my Bradford accent now, I kind of miss it.
So you don't say 'Brrattfutt' any more. :p

(At least around 'Ull. 'Ornseh and Bev'leh we can pronounce our own place-names....:D)
Nah, it's still Bratfutt to me, always will be! But I sound...not proper London, but a bit now.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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