Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

"True, I'd give my right arm
To keep you safe from harm
And true, for you, I'd move to Ecuador
And I'd keep a little farm
Chop wood to keep you warm
But I don't really love you anymore"
Just got to Penn station... Next train out is at 454 am... I am depending on some of you to entertain me
i hate when that happens, last time i took the commuter rail home, i had 2 hours to kill in south station.

This place is nuts with all the drunks either falling over themselves or passed out on the floor. Penn gone wild!
What time does the post office close on a Saturday?

I searched yahoo answers and found this prize winning rant:

'The post office CLOSES on Saturdays at 10:45 in the MORNING. They're not even open until noon! Not even an until HOUR BEFORE NOON! Why do they even bother to show up that day? For that little bit of time, they could just keep the building closed all weekend and save some wear and tear on the door hinges!'

Why isn't there a clip on youtube of Glenn Medeiros bursting into tears on Juke Box Jury? If it was Juke Box Jury...
Got high last night and lost (intentionally) some of my friends phone numbers. Now I feel like my head could explode.

Life is a pigsty.
I think she thinks I was just as drunk as her. But I barely touched a drop.

So when she grabbed me and wrapped her arms around my neck and started snogging me in front of her new boyfriend, I probably shouldn't have opened my mouth and kissed back.

Monday is going to be embarrassing...but, damn, I wouldn't have missed it for the world! I think I'm probably a bad person *shrugs*
i am pleased, and i did not this, halloween is my fave holiday, it being a friday this year makes it even more enjoyable,though i really do not mind just watching a marathon of horror are up very late.:)

haha hope you are not holding a knife after a few,though i did have a couple while creating mine.:eek:
yeah, I'd been at a friends' having a girly film night :) Sex and the City and Notes on a Scandal, both very good!
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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