Post your favorite Radiohead lyrics

"I can't help the feeling, I could blow through the ceiling"

...very reminiscent of morrissey lyrics

Speaking of Morrissey and Radiohead. . .

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God, what a great Smiths song. I'd love to play guitar on this track.
Personally I think they're the most overrated band ever.

But that's just me.

I agree, but I like them -tho I'm not fanatical. hey, I have more Coldplay stuff *ducks* His voice is too asthmatic'y in the Headmaster cover. I dig the music tho.

I love the songs Karma Police and High and Dry so those songs are my favorite RH lyrics :)
Here's some of mine.

Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there
Now that you've found it, it's gone, Now that you feel it, you don't"

I'm not here, This isn't happening.
I'd be crazy not to follow
Follow where you lead
Your eyes
They turn me

Turn me on to phantoms
I follow to the edge of the earth
And fall off
good call joey!

I have these lyrics on my myspace page at the moment

I don't wanna hear it
I don't wanna grow old
I just wanna run and hide

This is just a nightmare
But soon I'm gonna wake up
Someone's gonna bring me 'round

This is your warning
4 minute warning
I got the Knives Out 12" single a while back but just listened to it yesterday. I'm preparing for the August show.

Cut the kids in half
Cut the kids in half

...yeah I still need to get tix to that...

I saw a Radiohead tribute band a couple weeks ago, cuz I'm a dork, but they were actually really good. they definitely did the real guys justice. :)
"When I am king you will be first against the wall/With your opinion which is of no consequence at all".

Not the most subtle lyrics, I know, but I'm a simple woman... :o
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A Jigsaw falling into place
So there is nothing to explain
You eye each other as you pass
She looks back and you look back
Not just once
and not just twice
Wish away your nightmare
Wish away the nightmare
You got the light you can feel it on your back
[A light,] you can feel it on your back
Your jigsaw falling into place

Talk Show Host
You want me, well, come on and break the door down

I'm ready

Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
After years of waiting
Nothing came
As your life flashed before your eyes
You realize

I'm a reasonable man
get off, get off, get off my case

Motion Picture Soundtrack
It's not like the movies
They fed us on little white lies

I think you're crazy, maybe
I think you're crazy, maybe
I will see you in the next life
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