Pulp - Different Class

Was looking through my old MP3s and came across Pulps 'different class' album, I remembered that I used to listen to it loads when it first came out, so I gave it a go...

What a great album! Gotta be one of the best (non Moz) albums ever... Love 'live bed show' and ' I spy'. Anyone else gonna drag this outta their collection?
I don't have to drag it out of my collection, I've listened to it (atleast a few songs) everyday for the past three years and I've had it since 1998.
I don't have to drag it out of my collection, I've listened to it (atleast a few songs) everyday for the past three years and I've had it since 1998.

get you
Its good, of course. Hence the 'nice' in 'nice one'. :)

I gotta listen to it more.
How the hell does one "look through ones old mp3s"??? ;)
But, in my ever so 'umble opinion, THE best post-Smiths album by a Northern English band.
I adore this album too, though I confess that I only discovered it a few months ago. Shameful! I'd actually never listened to Pulp at all before then, and now I'm determinedly building up my collection. At the moment, though, Different Calss remains my preferred album, and "I Spy" is one of my particular favorites--so gritty and vitriolic and, dare I say, also a bit sexy? In fact, that's that's sort of the specialty Cocker Cocktail, I guess...
ugh, Different CLASS, of course, not Calss...
It seems theres a lot of comparisson between Morrissey and Cocker, I suppose they are similar enough to be compared, what do you think?

I even found one review of Cocker that stated "...Cocker has supplanted Morrissey as the quintessential English lyricist". Now, don't matter how good I think Cocker is, thats going to far!
I read a description of Cocker as "...like the bastard son of Bryan Ferry and Morrissey". Can't speak for Our Man at Marks and Sparks, but I'm not sure that either of the others would have been thrilled at that.
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I read a description of Cocker as "...like the bastard son of Bryan Ferry and Morrissey". Can't speak for Our Man at Marks and Sparks, but I'm not sure that either of the others would have been thrilled at that.

Great quote!

Personally speaking, 'Different Class' in one of my top 3 favourite albums of all time, shame they couldn't repeat their success with the follow up album.
My best friends sort of but not quite kind of more than a friend not quite a boyfriends friend put it on about 1 in the morning on Saturday night and it sounded so, so good! We danced our little socks off!
My best friends sort of but not quite kind of more than a friend not quite a boyfriend....

Ha! I LOVE that stage!

Pencil Skirt! Underwear! Common People! All the abovementioned tracks other people liked! How on earth do you pick a fave from that lot? Okay, if I REALLY had to choose, it'd be 'Underwear'. That 'Oh, Jesus!' nearly undoes me, sometimes.
Oh, I loved it all, even Disco 2000 (a song I have always hated) however, I was into my third bottle of wine at the time... I know it's the album everyone loves, but hey, I don't care. If I'm interested in buying any more of their albums (which I am) can anyone recommend a couple for me?nThank you!
Oh, I loved it all, even Disco 2000 (a song I have always hated) however, I was into my third bottle of wine at the time... I know it's the album everyone loves, but hey, I don't care. If I'm interested in buying any more of their albums (which I am) can anyone recommend a couple for me?nThank you!

His 'n' Her's is good, especially Lipgloss. :D
Yeah, great album, but surely not that much better than His n Hers or This Is Hardcore? Like The Smiths, it always seems as if they only made 1 album, as it's the only one people always talk about.

BTW We did a poll on Best Song On Different Class not so long ago.
Yes, it's a great album, and no, it's not that much better than His'n'Hers or This Is Hardcore, or Separations (I can't believe how underrated that album is, but then again, most people haven't even heard it). Well... maybe not This Is Hardcore, I'm not sure if it's that great as a whole, even though the title track is my all-time favourite Pulp track.
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