Richard Attenborough dies - Morrissey statement at

Link posted by an anonymous person (original post):

Richard Attenborough dies -
26 August 2014

"I was thrilled beyond words to have met Richard Attenborough, who, of course, played Pinkie in Brighton Rock (1947), a central theme of my song Now my heart is full. When I met Sir Richard he was delightful, and I asked him if Brighton Rock seemed like a hundred years ago. He replied 'Oh, much more than that ...'.
I also had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting the recently deceased Lauren Bacall ... so beautiful, so cautious ... and so sad that her death was overshadowed by that of Robin Williams. It was Lauren, not Robin, who changed motion picture history. Yet modern media has an odd way of forgetting the more senior servers of the arts. Dora Bryan, whom I knew personally in the late 80s, and who also died in recent weeks, had pitifully slim attention from the British news media, yet her talents were a treasured staple of British life throughout the 1950s, 1960s and beyond. Dora had agreed to introduce the Smiths onstage at the London Palladium in 1986, but at the last minute her agent asked for a fee which we, the Smiths, just couldn't afford.
However, in our X-factory society, it seems that anyone who has NOT appeared on Big Brother just isn't worth remembering by the British media ... alas."


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Also while were at it, how are people who respect and admire Robin Williams part of today's X Factor society?

The daft old c*** has lost his marbles.
Also while were at it, how are people who respect and admire Robin Williams part of today's X Factor society?

The daft old c*** has lost his marbles.

Lol, he wouldn't be Morrissey if he didn't say something outlandish in one of his statements. There are things you just don't say and then you can count on it that Mozzer will say it.
Not rude compared to Henry Rollins.

I can't believe more people here aren't talking about the Henry Rollins comment. How can anyone say that suicide is not a selfish act that destroys your children's lives? WHo gets slammed for saying that? I don't like Henry Rollins but seriously? Backlash? People act as though we should applaud Robin Williams for his bravery or something? It was very, very sad what happened to Robin Williams, but all of us know - or should know - that suicide is not the way out and it does nothing but hurt everyone you're trying to "help." Anyone who says otherwise is deluded. Seriously, what happened in the world that black is now white and white is black?
Also while were at it, how are people who respect and admire Robin Williams part of today's X Factor society?

The daft old c*** has lost his marbles.

I'd say that's pretty obvious = the priority of ephemeral, sentimental crap over the longevity of Art.

Not surprised that anyone who uses such an expressive phrase as "daft old c***" has comprehension issues.
No it isn't. Robins death was sad but he wasn't as important as lauran in terms of movie history.
Robin only has three films of any artistic merit. He mostly made family films. Moz isn't attacking robin he's attacking the media attebtion span.
Mozza writing is very very much like an fb friend of mine spooky

regardless of whether or not one thinks robin's films have any artistic merit, robin's death was shocking, while it was expected that would lauren would be passing. she lived to a ripe old age. robin died suddenly by suicide and has at least 4 movies that are yet to be released. I say it makes sense that his death would get more attention. it's not saying that he was more important. I think people would've been disturbed if it had been the other way around and robin's death had been overlooked. by the way, robin has made many films that aren't just family films and many of those are some of his best.
I've just googled what Rollins said, I must have been living in a cave or something. He was right though but insensitive in using someone who's just topped themselves to put the point across. Much like Morrissey's usual faux pas whenever talking about a recent event involving death.
Moz.....Lauren isn't's just that she was old and everyone expected her to die. Shocking stuff is what makes top news. You should know this.
I was surprised that he didn't praise Robin for committing suicide, as he did when his female fan (forgive me, I don't recall her name) recently did. I'm also surprised he called h "Sir Richard" since he loathes the monarchy.

oh yeah. that's right........about the praising suicide thing......
To compare Robin Williams to Oscar Wilde is idiocy beyond belief. I can't recall any of RW's "lines" at all (let alone any of his "best" ones) and I very much doubt he will ever be quoted in posterity (ie by generations beyond his own) in the same way Wilde is and always will be.

And in any case, Morrissey's comment is not a slur on RW - it's an unambiguous slur on the media, hence his reference to Big Brother in the last line.

Personally, I thought the American media's over-reaction to RW's suicide was ludicrous. You'd have thought a major humanitarian or philanthropist had died, not a very average comedian/comedy actor known primarily for the plethora of terrible films he made and his over-rated, rather crass improvisations. It's like the American nation only ever gets emotional about Hollywood fictions - the endless banalities about the sentimental, one-dimensional characters he played were nauseating.

I always regarded RW as one of the most un-funny men on the planet, but that's just my personal opinion. Did Morrissey's statement contain anything like this? Of course not - he does not "slag off" RW, his was an attack on the media. It's me who is "slagging off" RW's limited talent and America's reaction to his death.

Those who say Morrissey's statement shows that he is stuck in the past or that Lauren Bacall was only relevant to the 1940's, evidently have no sense of history or cultural influence. That's like saying that Sinatra or Elvis are only relevant to the 50's and 60's. What we've just witnessed in the media is the equivalent of Donny Osmond's death being more widely reported and given greater cultural significance than that of David Bowie.

Oscar wilde is completely overrated. the kids in the hall have a great sketch that mocks him and how pretentious he was.
For a while there, he seemed to be typecast as the affable hero and it got really tiresome. Which is all the more reason why I adored his creepy performance in the film One Hour Photo. It really demonstrated for me his breadth as an actor.

he's awesome in that.
I can't believe more people here aren't talking about the Henry Rollins comment. How can anyone say that suicide is not a selfish act that destroys your children's lives? WHo gets slammed for saying that? I don't like Henry Rollins but seriously? Backlash? People act as though we should applaud Robin Williams for his bravery or something? It was very, very sad what happened to Robin Williams, but all of us know - or should know - that suicide is not the way out and it does nothing but hurt everyone you're trying to "help." Anyone who says otherwise is deluded. Seriously, what happened in the world that black is now white and white is black?

EVERYONE gets slammed for making comments like rollins did.
Yes, suicide hurts other people. Everyone knows that. That doesn't mean that someone's responding statement needs to be a comment on how selfish the person was being. My first thought is always that that person must've been in the darkest of places to have done that.
I can't believe more people here aren't talking about the Henry Rollins comment. How can anyone say that suicide is not a selfish act that destroys your children's lives? WHo gets slammed for saying that? I don't like Henry Rollins but seriously? Backlash? People act as though we should applaud Robin Williams for his bravery or something? It was very, very sad what happened to Robin Williams, but all of us know - or should know - that suicide is not the way out and it does nothing but hurt everyone you're trying to "help." Anyone who says otherwise is deluded. Seriously, what happened in the world that black is now white and white is black?

rollins is probably just trying to get attention. HE'S "selfish" that way.....doing anything for a career.
rollins is an insensitive, hypocrite and I wouldn't give him too much credit for anything he says about anything. he seems to have a pattern of attacking people who are mentally ill or depressed. henry has his own issues to deal with. maybe he should focus on himself.....
Not only was Lauren Bacall old but she was a woman, so of course she isn't going to get the same level of coverage.
Note how even when she was alive her career was always seen as an adjunct of her relationship to Bogart.
And she never had a major success for the Big Brother generation: Richard Attenborough was referred to as "the actor from Jurassic Park", for the most part, while James Garner was the actor who "played the older Ryan Gosling in The Notebook"; if they haven't done anything in the last twenty years they don't exist.
And she was a woman, ugh! etc.
You guys are so LAME. Robin Williams was totally overrated and is even more so now because he died. It was sad he killed himself, but that doesn't make him more talented. He was actually very annoying and couldn't talk normally for 3 seconds. Morrissey is totally right.

someone can be weird and annoying and still be talented. if that wasn't possible, then Morrissey couldn't possibly be talented because he's certainly weird and annoying.
lauren's acting wasn't any better than robin's. I understand that she's an "original". so was robin, whether or not he's your taste. I was never a huge fan of his comedy bits. I love classic Hollywood. they both could act. sometimes robin's acting chops get overshadowed by his loud comedic persona. a lot of people seem to only be familiar with one or two sides of his work. his talent ran the spectrum. have you seen one hour photo??

all that being said, robin got attention because his death was unexpected AND he was still very current. he has just been on a tv series and has 4 films coming out. lauren was old. old people die. she lived a good, long life. the media is NOT saying that he was more talented than lauren. the media has even referred to both of them as legends.

they both are.
I don't think he is slagging RW he is just comparing 'greatness', I'd rather watch 'The Big Sleep' any day over 'Mrs Doubtfire'.

I suppose Moz forgot (which is strange for him as suicide is so close to his heart) that it is the way in which RW died and at what age that makes this a keener felt tragedy. He was outwardly such a gleeful man who was full of vim the shock runs deep when someone like that turns out to be a manic depressive.
I don't think he is slagging RW he is just comparing 'greatness', I'd rather watch 'The Big Sleep' any day over 'Mrs Doubtfire'.

I suppose Moz forgot (which is strange for him as suicide is so close to his heart) that it is the way in which RW died and at what age that makes this a keener felt tragedy. He was outwardly such a gleeful man who was full of vim the shock runs deep when someone like that turns out to be a manic depressive.

Didn't you find that obvious?
I can't believe more people here aren't talking about the Henry Rollins comment. How can anyone say that suicide is not a selfish act that destroys your children's lives? WHo gets slammed for saying that? I don't like Henry Rollins but seriously? Backlash? People act as though we should applaud Robin Williams for his bravery or something? It was very, very sad what happened to Robin Williams, but all of us know - or should know - that suicide is not the way out and it does nothing but hurt everyone you're trying to "help." Anyone who says otherwise is deluded. Seriously, what happened in the world that black is now white and white is black?

I think once someone has taken their lives who has suffered from depression it's probably a good time to stop judging them. They've done enough of that to themselves while they lived. They have suffered enough. Try to leave out your own selfish reasons for why you don't approve of it and how about we just leave them in peace.

Life is hard enough. Give it a rest and let the dead have theirs.
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I agree, the Robin Williams comment was unnecessary. The media RIGHTFULLY gave more weight and coverage to Robin Williams due to the unfortunate manner in which he passed. Lauren Bacall lived out her life and died of natural causes. Robin Williams, a man who provided joy and laughter to so many for decades, turned out to be a victim of a depression that grabbed hold of him in a way that in Williams mind there was no other manner other than his ultimate means to break free from.

As I yelled out at one of Morrissey's shows once, "Shut up and sing."

Why would you do that? It's his show, he's allowed to talk. And being rude is a good way to get him to storm off of the stage and ruin the show for everyone else. Don't go to his shows if you don't want to hear him speak.
The return of Morrissey The Consumer Media Troll.

This eulogy isn't for Bacall or Bryan, it's a statement designed to highlight Morrissey's imagined superior taste in film & literature, but it just makes him look like he's still a lonely little prat in the playground walking round with a Bowie LP trying to impress the Alpha Males. epicFAIL!

Absurd kow-towing to royalist-aristocratic honorific. "Sir Richard" my arse. Williams lost his battle with depression yet Morrissey, the fraud career USP "suicidalist" who still dares to use that word in his last Hot Press interview rushes off in private planes from Lima to LA to his private doctor when he has a dose of the shits. Some death-wish. LOL! Either put up or shut up. Why are you playing Switzerland when you could be booking yourself into Dignatas, troll?

His bizarre comments on the death of a 'fan' by suicide are yet another example of his irrational and illogical thinking when set alongside this clumsy attempt to caste shade on either Williams or those who mourned his loss. Oh wait! Robin Williams laughed at his depression, entertained millions, was mega-successful and didn't blame his drummer, label bosses & web site owners for his problems...I see!

Briefly scanning the idiotic comments, I muse upon how totally absurd it is to compare Morrissey to Oscar Wilde. It always was! His endless semi-literate banalities as part of the sentimental, one-dimensional character impersonation he attempts of Oscar is now nauseating, Hack-careerist troll 'aphorisms' are hardly the work of a 'genius'.

A real shame as the new music is so wonderful, but it's pretty obvious the purpose of highlighting the lack of media coverage of dead film stars is to subtley link Morrissey's lack of a media profile to the low-key funeral reports.

Jayzus!, what a wanker Morrissey is sometimes. If he wants a global audience, he can get his fat arse onto X-Fcuktor. Where else does he imagine he'll get one? Morrissey-Aid? He's on the slide. 02 gig and now this nonsense. I can feel another fatwa coming on.....

with mild irritation, yet curious scintilla of amusement
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