Say something nice about Morrissey

Apart from being beautiful,the music that he constantly plays says everything to me about my life.:D
I like his neck ties and his shoes!
(I don't like his shoes but I love his ties).
I like Moz a lot cause he is very passionned, very sensitive, intelligent, witty, funny; I love his songs, his humour, his irony, his courage:he dares to be himself. I like his face and his wonderful blue eyes which express so many feelings.
And I like his voice cause it is so soft.
He moves me.:o
I haven't seen too many people praising Marr. I myself am not a Marr fan whatsoever.

To quote a great man, "I Can Have Both"! Marr is a very talented musician and (from what I hear) a sweet person.

Morrissey however is on another level altogether: genius, icon, living legend -- words come up short. Nice legs too ;)
To quote a great man, "I Can Have Both"! Marr is a very talented musician and (from what I hear) a sweet person.

Morrissey however is on another level altogether: genius, icon, living legend -- words come up short. Nice legs too ;)

Well, of course I don't mean to belittle Marrs fans. :)
he still employs Boz and Alain!
This is so cliche, but his stuff feels so personal. It's relatable, like he could have written it just for you. That's an amazing find.
Also, I respect his views on animal rights and think it's great that he has converted so many people to vegetarianism.
1. He writes wonderful lyrics
2. He is very well read (a grand quality in anyone)
3. He is true to his beliefs, which shows admirable strength of charactor
4. He cares about the wellbeing of his audience
5. He hasn't given up
6. He's f*cking gorgeous

I don't think he is perfect, but I respect him imensely and, believe me, my respect must be gained.
The trousers he's been wearing lately on this tour look really smart. And he still takes his shirt off even though load of assholes give him horrible abuse.... Let him take off his f***ing shirt if he wants. It's not like he's your dad, so who cares?
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