Semi-God Semi-man Morrissey

Babelpish translation:

Semi-God Semi-man Morrissey, to age make famous

Who hides behind Moz?

And if Moz were more than one singer? Large mouth, maintaining its myth, idol of unhappy, Morrissey continues to animate the passion of its fans very into growing old. Semi-human, semi-divine Moz? It is the continuation of the vrai/faux one.

The myth of Moz
Moz, better than front?

"After 25 years of career and 7 years of layoff, it returned better than ever." FORGERY.

Morrissey did not deliver chiefs of work in the form of LP since Vauxhall And I and, it is an opinion personal, the very brutal one and stripped Southpaw Grammar. Its texts are less incisive and its melodies do not resemble any more that of which it had dreamed formerly: sequences some 3 minutes of pure pop English. That did not prevent it from delivering these last years a score of nearly perfect titles on the albums and elsewhere. Among them, Irish Blood, English Heart, The First of The Gang To Die, Boxers, Sunny and so much of others would not make shame with its old partnership with Johnny Marr. His/her collaborators close (Boz Boorer, Alain Whyte, Jesse Tobias) and its successive producers were shown to draw it downwards: they are not completely false but that is not enough to explain a general depreciation.

"Morrissey is a foutor of shit of first order." TRUTH.

In a musical world where the people took the step on the large mouths, Morrissey does not go there with the back of the spoon. That which sang yesterday "Margaret (Thatcher) one the Guillotine", "National Face Disco music" or "Bengali in Platforms" kept intact its capacity to be done to hear in its country. Morrissey is expressed and started polemic on political facts or of company. Its last declarations on the immigration and the decline of England did not pass unperceived. As odd as that can appear, it passes for a dissatisfied eternal, defends the displaced ones and the outsiders (it is a star among Spanish-American), mistakes the system which nourishes it (well) and opposes an aggressive speech, capricious and diverting with those which court it. In a word, and contrary to Bono or McCartney, Morrissey is all except reliable and it is what makes its charm.

"Morrissey and God are the same person." FORGERY.

Morrissey did not create the world. Its character is not invested less by it of a crowned dimension. He appeared these last years on scene equipped as a priest and addressed at least two of his individual recent ("I Cuts Forgiven Jesus in particular ") of equal to equal to God or his representative. The attachment of the fans to the Master resembles a religious attachment and doubles on scene of ritual which concern the liturgy: the glaïeuls paper or papered the apron, a bell announces its arrival, it tighten the hand in the forefront to bless them, play of the tambourine, its shirt tears between faithful. Like Jesus, Morrissey does not have officially any sexuality. , its in love indicated for a long time in song did not have a kind ("Hand In Glove" for example), so that one could hear there what one wanted. These symptoms are not particularly original but are arranged carefully and here repeated systematically to constitute a system of worship to which one does not find equivalents at artists having same longevity and/or a higher audience or equalizes (The Cure, U2, The Police, The Rolling Stones & Co).

"Its fans are boutonneux teenagers and attardés."VRAI AND FORGERY.

Morrissey would have been, as of the birth, a different, timid child but good with the race, kind to think "Ugly Duckling". Its adolescence remains a mystery: the singer would have built the Pantheon nevrotic where James Dean, Marylin Monroe, Oscar Wilde and some others act of imaginary companions and only friends. Leaving, private true loves little, it animated a time the fan English club of the New York Dolls. Its work speaks in priority with those which are only smelled. While being addressed to the unhappy share which is of each one of them, Morrissey opened a hot line with many of its fans, auprès of which he became an invaluable fellow traveller. Today its fan-base European partially aged with him but preserved all its respect and its attachment to him. It is enough to intend some notes of "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" to feel the burden of the life.

"Its last best-of is beautiful swindles." TRUTH.

Whereas it vilified formerly the artists who multiplied the doubtful commercial steps, Morrissey became since 2002 a good soldier of the industry of the disc. Its world round is with its second rotation. Its individual leaves systematically into 2 or 3 specimens, its albums in almost as many versions, which is not without causing movements of mood at the fans of the first hour. Its new Greatest Hits is a beautiful illustration since it has collection of the best titles only the name. Besides the roublardise leads often Morrissey to disavow these compilations, to be annoyed with the houses of discs then to recommend to the fans not to buy them. Too much late... In spite of three attempts at least, the best-of of Morrissey worthy of this name does not exist yet. As for the box of Smiths, one speaks about it since years without seeing the beginning of the end of it.
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I'm going to try speaking in babelfish for the rest of the week.
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