Sheep gives birth to human-faced lamb in Turkey

When one's religious or cultural views cause great suffering to others then I will condemn it as being barbaric. This isn't always because of my Western filter either. I disagree with a lot of Western religions and views for the same reasons.

My friend here says it's totally possible.

Seriously, it's probably just a deformed sheep...wasn't it born dead?
The lamb was not actually born with a human's just that the positioning of the mouth, eyes, and something that looks like a nose resembles that of a human face, rather than a sheep's face.

And, yes, it sounds like it was stillborn.
When one's religious or cultural views cause great suffering to others then I will condemn it as being barbaric. This isn't always because of my Western filter either. I disagree with a lot of Western religions and views for the same reasons.

that sounds like the kind of self-congratulatory pish that people say when they want others to think they're 'an individual'. people like that flatter themselves that they are their own moral compass and tend to think that it makes them cool. really, though, they're just delusional and vain.

don't be ashamed to say that you think that the culture of your own society is superior to that of others, if that's how you feel and if you can justify your opinion.
" This is how it feels to be City,
This is how it feels to be Manc,
This is how it feels
When your club's not owned by a bank.

Jukebox Jury "

I laughed really hard at that. :thumb:
that sounds like the kind of self-congratulatory pish that people say when they want others to think they're 'an individual'. people like that flatter themselves that they are their own moral compass and tend to think that it makes them cool. really, though, they're just delusional and vain.

don't be ashamed to say that you think that the culture of your own society is superior to that of others, if that's how you feel and if you can justify your opinion.

Oof, burn!
that sounds like the kind of self-congratulatory pish that people say when they want others to think they're 'an individual'. people like that flatter themselves that they are their own moral compass and tend to think that it makes them cool. really, though, they're just delusional and vain.

don't be ashamed to say that you think that the culture of your own society is superior to that of others, if that's how you feel and if you can justify your opinion.

Who said anything about comparing our cultures, let alone saying ours is superior? So every condemnation of a single act is somehow equivalent to saying the other society is crap and ours is the best?? On what planet? Be honest, were you high when you typed that?

Killing animals is done by most societies. Killing animals for no real good reason is done by most societies. Superstition and religion is a part of most societies. We condemn all of these and other undesirable acts, including in our OWN society. We do it without condemning or judging the entirety of the other society. And we do it knowing that other cultures and countries have different situations and cultures.

Oof, burn!

Hardly. Maybe if you lack the ability to think critically for yourself.

It's pretty clear by now that you saw HIM vs. Scarlet Ibis and made up your mind who you'd agree with. And so you made a post that added nothing of value to the conversation. You forgot to add < AOL > me too! < /AOL >
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Who said anything about comparing our cultures, let alone saying ours is superior? So every condemnation of a single act is somehow equivalent to saying the other society is crap and ours is the best?? On what planet? Be honest, were you high when you typed that?

Killing animals is done by most societies. Killing animals for no real good reason is done by most societies. Superstition and religion is a part of most societies. We condemn all of these and other undesirable acts, including in our OWN society. We do it without condemning or judging the entirety of the other society. And we do it knowing that other cultures and countries have different situations and cultures.

Hardly. Maybe if you lack the ability to think critically for yourself.

It's pretty clear by now that you saw HIM vs. Scarlet Ibis and made up your mind who you'd agree with. And so you made a post that added nothing of value to the conversation. You forgot to add < AOL > me too! < /AOL >

I think the bickering is funny. It is a funny reading it. It make me do a mouth laugh.
Fake or not human or not, (more likely not)
its just SAD. :(
Who said anything about comparing our cultures, let alone saying ours is superior?

nobody - which was kinda the point of my saying that she sounded vain and delusional.
nobody - which was kinda the point of my saying that she sounded vain and delusional.

Ah, yes. Animal rights = delusional vanity. :crazy: Why, surely most people on a Morrissey fan forum will agree with you. :lbf:
pic = yuk! so baaaaaad
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