so slow are the days i used to know



I think morrissey should once again work with Steve Lilliwhite.Vauxhall and I has been Morrisseys best album to date.Also another point to mention.I think his backing band need to be taken in hand now and again.Im sure they are getting paid stacks of cash for reworking beatles chord progressions over and over.Morrissey needs to work with musicians who are not just treading water and letting there guitar synths do all the work.

> I think morrissey should once again work with Steve Lilliwhite.Vauxhall
> and I has been Morrisseys best album to date.Also another point to
> mention.I think his backing band need to be taken in hand now and again.Im
> sure they are getting paid stacks of cash for reworking beatles chord
> progressions over and over.Morrissey needs to work with musicians who are
> not just treading water and letting there guitar synths do all the work.

but that album came out almost 10 years ago!

do you not think that maybe some change of direction is in order given the hiatus? the smiths '83 was not like morrissey '93, and so therefore, it would be strange that after 10 years he would stagnate and throw himself back into the same surroundings as then.

let's face it: if it weren't for the Dave Matthews band, Lillywhite would have nothing to show for the last several years, and even THEY eventually dropped him.
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