Spencer Cobrin FB: Trump/Morrissey comments (June 21, 2020)

UPDATE June 21 2:25 PM PT:

Posted by Alexi:






There's activity in the comments section, but given this topic has been done to absolute death - I won't paste it all here.

Visit his FB page for more:
(Update: Spencer deactivated his FB account this afternoon after the apology).
The post was deleted around 2pm UK time.
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Can't believe Spencer bottled his initial posts. Poor form.
Is there private shots????
I guess those rumours are all based on Spencer's quote referenced in this interview. Sounds more like a joke to me, but who knows.

"Nostalgia: My most memorable moment- Texas '91my most memorable moment with Morrissey was in a hotel room as we rolled around in bed (naked of course) for a private photo shoot. A lot of fun. Shame the pics will never see the light of day."

"COBRIN: That was pretty memorable-
MORRISSEYTOUR-A: So what are two straight guys like you and Morrissey doing rolling around naked?
COBRIN: Another fantasy and a lot of fun.
MORRISSEYTOUR-A: What ever happened to the pictures?
COBRIN: I'm sure he burned them."

("Two straight guys" always makes me cringe.)

Link to full interview:
Why should those anecdotes not be true? 2 attractive young guys having a good time in an expensive hotel bed and one of them has a privat photographer on location, cause he likes to collect "art" (in which he is involved). Remember the private Jake Walters photographs, he made available.
Why should those anecdotes not be true? 2 attractive young guys having a good time in an expensive hotel bed and one of them has a privat photographer on location, cause he likes to collect "art" (in which he is involved). Remember the private Jake Walters photographs, he made available.
I'm not saying it's not true I'm just wondering why Spencer would have any interest in talking about it and it sounds to me like it was meant as a joke.
I'm the last person to say Morrissey wouldn't do this.
Meanwhile, back in the real world....a Libyan refugee murders 3 white people. But i guess Trump rallies are more important to Spencer and gets him all worked up.
To be fair, he just wanted to let off some steam on his own Facebook page. If he wanted it splashed all over Morrissey Solo pages, he could’ve come here and done it himself. I’m slightly concerned, if not surprised, that so many people (1) find it perfectly OK for this to be shared and (2) invest in it, either positively or negatively.
The interview you found (thanks for that) shows, that Spencer is able to give more information but tries to stay discreet.Teeth crunching.
I hope I’m at the concert when Spencer jumps on stage and tries to put Mozz in a sleeper hold, only for Mozz to reverse the move into a Stone Cold Stunner!

After the concert Mozz will celebrate with a plate of the finest dairy cheeses flown in overnight from the finest dairies around the world. ??
As a particular quote has been cited several times, here's its source:

"How did you meet Spencer?
I used to work at this cafe in the East Village and he’d come in every day and I used to think he was the surliest f***ing bastard. And when you work a job like that, it can really get to you. He’d come in with his English accent, ‘give me a latte.’ No good morning, no please, no nothing. So after months of that, I had this friend who told me she knew this guy Spencer who was a musician and she thought we’d get on really well and that we ought to meet. And when I finally met him, I think it was after a show somewhere, I was like, ‘Oh god. it’s this f***ing guy.’ But once we started talking I liked him immediately. And then I realized he was Spencer Cobrin and I was impressed by the fact that he worked with Morrissey for seven years.
Did you get to ever meet Morrissey through Spencer?
No, I mean, they’d been feuding for ages. Still are.
Do you have any good Morrissey stories?
(laughs) Yeah, I got one. I don’t know if I should be telling this. Well, O.K., so Spencer and I were writing together in his apartment in the East Village one afternoon–and Spencer spoke liberally to me about his experiences with Morrissey, that he’s kind of an intense, strange person, and there are rumors that he’s a racist–not that I really believe it, maybe he just uses racist remarks to shock or whatever. Or maybe I’m just still a fan and I’m creating excuses for him. Anyway, at that stage in Morrissey’s life–this was the late 90s–he was big into faxing. It’s very ominous, faxing. I mean, there’s this big, scary machine sitting there and suddenly it just beeps and the grr grr grr of the paper coming through, it’s really a little frightening! So Spencer and I are writing a song together and off goes the fax machine in the other room. And Spencer goes in there and it’s Morrissey faxing to see if he can use this song that he and Spencer wrote together. I think Morrissey owed Spencer money then and things were all out of sorts. So Spencer faxes him back and says, you know, sorry mate but I don’t think that’d be best until we’ve got all the rights sorted out, et cetera, et cetera. And he comes back into the living room and he and I are pling-plonging away on our guitars. Then, after a little while, we hear beep! grrrrr grrrrr grrrrr and we both look at each other and Spencer goes in to get the fax, and he comes back with this piece of paper in his hands and in big, black letters scrolled across the page it reads, ‘YOUR LOSS JEW BOY.’ It was like a death threat the way it looked! (laughs) Poor Spencer, he was just devastated. He’s very sensitive, too. I think after that he and I just went to a bar, did some drugs, drank beer for ten hours."

Full interview:
Chadwick Moore/Scott Matthew/Butt Magazine/2010


To me, and if this is to be true, it seems like Morrissey's comment is a mutual joke between Morrissey and Spencer. I mean, why else would you say that? It's seems a bit silly, even for Morrissey.

I'm inclined to say Morrissey isn't a racist, he just doesn't fully explain what he means, which I think most people do anyway. I think because of this, his words get twisted and aren't examined with Morrissey and the way he says things (yes sometimes brashly) and he's labelled 'racist'. Obviously something has happened with Morrissey-Spencer that we will probably never really know - plus, who really cares? The fact that Alain speaks very fondly of Morrissey and the recent comments from Jesse should confirm anything other than what many people seem to believe is true.
Because straight people never force their sexuality on anyone with their violently heterosexual advertisements or their open display of affection for one another in public or their sexist aesthetics...
Aah but the gays always have to shout from the rooftops and gather for pride marches etc to highlight their gayness, I've no idea why they feel the need to do that? How about getting on with your life discreetly without daft tags like gay & dyke?
Can't believe Spencer bottled his initial posts. Poor form.
Because the posts are incoherent, cheeky and he was obviously drunk. Why would he keep that badly written garbage on a public forum? He should be embarrassed by the whole episode.
Jesus, I was trying to be cheeky. The name of the magazine is supposed to be funny, no need to get offended.
well for someone who was trying to be cheeky you never did a very good job.nothing offends me,age is a great leveller.
Because the posts are incoherent, cheeky and he was obviously drunk. Why would he keep that badly written garbage on a public forum? He should be embarrassed by the whole episode.

I agree. I’ve no idea about there past and don’t care that much but this whole post seems very incoherent and a mess
Morrissey’s hates Jews so much he wrote ‘Israel’, said that everyone else is just jealous of them, and was awarded the keys to Tel-A-Viv by the mayor. Makes a lot of sense ?
For same reason that Boz Boorer once posed naked, wore a dress onstage and put his name to cringeworthy emails asking why ""I'm Throwing My Arms Around.." wasn't no.1 in the wake of the Paris attacks - because he is a yes-man. Loyal friends tell you when you f*** up and try to help you - nobody "on the payroll" would ever risk doing that.

Yeah that dress up crap he was doing on stage live to me was cringe at it's most horrid.
Spencer is only 5’4.” The only thing he could get in a sleeper hold is Morrissey Jr.

On a serious note is there anyone near Brooklyn who can check on him? He was obviously drunk and with all the violence in NYC recently it would not be safe to walk the streets inebriated.
I hope I’m at the concert when Spencer jumps on stage and tries to put Mozz in a sleeper hold, only for Mozz to reverse the move into a Stone Cold Stunner!

After the concert Mozz will celebrate with a plate of the finest dairy cheeses flown in overnight from the finest dairies around the world. ??
The thing is that when someone writes something, we automatically assume that they mean what they wrote.
And when they have the good grace to remove something and apologise, we ought to automatically recognise we’ve been intrusive, self-interested c***s.
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