Thread of the Year 2009

Thread of the Year 2009

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The Andrew Collins thread. No contest. Lots of incisive comment. Worm's contributions were particularly strong. Collins put up a spirited defence and came across well but, ultimately (and inevitably), lost the fight.

fancying your cousin: is it wrong? And if the people stare, let the people stare.

The Frink Club Fight Thread was supposed to be a joke, but turned into something awful. I can't believe it was even nominated. It should be buried.
Barking, you sure have a talent for picking the ugliest fonts ever. Your graphic design skillz are amazing to me, I actually look forward to your little creations. :p Not that they're bad, they're consistantly bizarre which I love.
Barking, you sure have a talent for picking the ugliest fonts ever.

Because I'm daft, I'll take that as a compliment. :guitar: You know, I just click at random in the list of Paint fonts. As they're not displayed in the font they refer to, it's like being a blind man with a box of chocolates. :thumb: A surprise every time!

Don't forget to vote, Barking.

Okay. I didn't see my tits in any of these threads so I voted for Snooty's décolleté.

What choice do we ever have? :tears:
The Frink Club Fight Thread was supposed to be a joke, but turned into something awful. I can't believe it was even nominated. It should be buried.

I nominated it, because it was hilarious. Schadenfreude. If you don't like it, vote for something else. :thumb::thumb::thumb:
I would nominate the 'Black Cloud' sleeve thread. Mainly because it's the first good thread I've seen on this site. My vote goes to Lorimoz's sleeve. It's enigmatic and beautiful.

Given how much better most of these designs are than Morrissey's recent singles sleeves, perhaps he should let this website design all his record sleeves in future.
Barky, for a dog, you do allright. You got my vote. That thread was great. It could have not been any better if she responded herself.
Barky, for a dog, you do allright. You got my vote. That thread was great. It could have not been any better if she responded herself.

eh? Who, me? (there's a Barky who isn't me you know Mozmic, and went to a gig in California apparently, which proves it's not a dog at all. )(I know, confusing).
Did you vote for Barky or for me? And who is "she"? Snooty, or Snoopy?

(Massages forehead)

(PS: You know, I saw that gif.:straightface: I thought of using it myself for a sig. :straightface:And then I thought, no, it's too rude for Msolo.:straightface: And here you are. Bless you.) (I have to find that pic of Brian with a Martini now...).

edit: that pic would have been so much better if Snooty'd been holding an Italian ice cream/with a beach background/ and Morrissey saying "honey, I don't remember, where did we park the kids?". Not that I suggest anyone to Photoshop it.:straightface:
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I apologize Barking, using your full Christian name this time, for causing so much confusion for you. I tend to dance all over the place. I know very well how I got my name.

The "she" I referred to was "Snooty" or the devil herself. The post I voted for was the PA one and lastly, your little photo won my heart.

Too early for photoshop. Your mistress needs some coffee first. Rock on.
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