Tony Visconti on introducing Kristeen Young to Morrissey - Artrocker

Are you sure he really is a big fan of her music? i mean he does not praise her like the other artists he likes, he says there is nothing good really in modern music which is true(therefore i doubt he really thinks that much of her music, he hasn't said he does that much really).
and yes i do think it is partly to do with the fact she worked with bowie.

He has recorded two of his songs with her. He only EVER does this with people he actually likes- Come now keep up.
He also watches a lot of her shows, more than any other who has supported him.You do know that when Mossissey goes vocal about certain artists, he is doing it to help them out, he doesn't. always, mean it. He doesn't really think that Doll is a true voice original, for instance.
He often says nice things about bands who name check him and if he is friends of the management of the band.
To be honest I wouldn't have commented, if people don't like certain music thats fine. But making untrue statements for no other reason than spite is a bit much.
As I say as soon as you mention KY on here some people go into over drive. Yet I think she is much better than The Flats and all the other male fronted bands he has had of late. I would say Doll and her hicks are also better than most of the other male fronted bands. I am not much a fan of Dolls music though as it seem to 2 +2 indie for me.
I find the twitters surprising however given the Visconti interview with Artrocker. She is lucky that she has somebody like him and Morrissey in her life who help her out. Not everybody has somebody in their life that gives them career advice and helps them overcome obstacles that they would not be able to deal with on their own. If people are jealous of this, I find it is their right, especially if people who are so lucky let it all hang out like the doll does. It also become annoying if people pretend that they are doing things on their own out of their own "genius" or claim they are self made when clearly they are helped by others. I read some of Kristeen Young's twitters and she seems like a nice person judging from her twitters during the past three or four weeks.
The word jealous is overused. The concert at Eindhoven is just happening. Kristeen Young is the opening act. About ten people twittered about her and all were in horror.

I only used it once!( I think) Anyone who twitters lacks any real style anyway- everyone know that.
The truth is a number of people bitch about Morrissey on here and twitter ,so its no surprise that Kristeen gets a raw deal.
Like Moz, Kristeen couldn't give a flying toss about peoples thoughts on here (or thats what a friend of mine let slip)

The thing is I can remember some moz fans ripping into Suede in their pomp and when The Libertines supported Moz I heard a number of Moz fans rip into them as well....
Which shows (to me at least) how little they know
I only used it once!( I think) Anyone who twitters lacks any real style anyway- everyone know that.

I only use twitter to see what people twitter about the Morrissey concerts as they happen. This is how I found out about kristeen young's twitters. So are you saying that Kristeen Young lacks any real style because she twitters?
I find the twitters surprising however given the Visconti interview with Artrocker. She is lucky that she has somebody like him and Morrissey in her life who help her out. Not everybody has somebody in their life that gives them career advice and helps them overcome obstacles that they would not be able to deal with on their own. If people are jealous of this, I find it is their right, especially if people who are so lucky let it all hang out like the doll does. It also become annoying if people pretend that they are doing things on their own out of their own "genius" or claim they are self made when clearly they are helped by others. I read some of Kristeen Young's twitters and she seems like a nice person judging from her twitters during the past three or four weeks.

True, good points. The things is Kristeen has been in the game for years. She was gigging before TV and Moz found her. This notion she has never done anything on her own is false. Life at times has been hard for her, yes she has good mates like Moz but it wasn't always the case.
Doll, as you say is a different thing, she is typical middle class, Brighton scene know nothing. Shes meant to be sweet and nice..but there no struggle there.
I only use twitter to see what people twitter about the Morrissey concerts as they happen. This is how I found out about kristeen young's twitters. So are you saying that Kristeen Young lacks any real style because she twitters?

Ha! clever thing... nearly
No! as she, like all the smart people in pop culture, use it to get the message out. Not to shout into the nothingness about the price of wagon wheels etc etc.
Ha! clever thing... nearly
No! as she, like all the smart people in pop culture, use it to get the message out. Not to shout into the nothingness about the price of wagon wheels etc etc.

Please, Murder! Kristeen Young is just an invenction made in Tony Visconti and no more! An old and glorious producer who needs to create her personal "Galatea". Obviously Morrissey is involved but do you think he realy belives she'll be bigger than life? It's a kind of "minuet" all planned, all concorded for publicity and as it's happened before the old Kristeen got no fortune!
It is difficult for me to listen to her because she reminds me so much of Tori Amos and Kate Bush - two female singers I simply can't stand. I was shocked when Morrissey brought her back after her comment in front of his family (he's not one to forgive easily), but I was never shocked to learn how much he liked her. She is very artistic and she really did start a fashion craze of sorts (like the bubble dress Gaga copied). I can see why he is enamored by her. So, no I dont look forward to seeing her open for Morrissey, should he add US tour dates, but it has nothing to do with her personally. She seems like a very sweet and unique person. I'm really sorry to hear she lost one of her best friends a few days ago. That's got to be hard while she's so far away at the moment...
It is difficult for me to listen to her because she reminds me so much of Tori Amos and Kate Bush - two female singers I simply can't stand. I was shocked when Morrissey brought her back after her comment in front of his family (he's not one to forgive easily), but I was never shocked to learn how much he liked her.

Does anybody REALLY think that this was the reason? His family is neither deaf nor blind and surely they know what he earns his money with? They ARE English native speakers and do not occure to me to not be of this world. The picture his nephew takes are very explicit. His mother became pregnant when she was twenty and this surely did not happen from bathing water. Having said this, maybe they do not and they read these forums and it became too "hot" recently because the content of his art was exposed too explicitly so that anything "subversive" was stripped off. Yippee! I personally think that sucking a penis is all right for him while licking a vagina is not. I find equally sick, but that's me, because I do not buy into this whole BS that claims that sperm is some bizarre male milk that you need to drink to receive life energy and to be reborn outside the mother womb.
From what I remember (reading here on the site) she was fired from making the comment. I never said his family are too precious or could be corrupted from such a quote! I have seen his nephews photography, and he's quite talented. Now, as for the rest of the garbage you wrote, i have no comment.

Does anybody REALLY think that this was the reason? His family is neither deaf nor blind and surely they know what he earns his money with? They ARE English native speakers and do not occure to me to not be of this world. The picture his nephew takes are very explicit. His mother became pregnant when she was twenty and this surely did not happen from bathing water. Having said this, maybe they do not and they read these forums and it became too "hot" recently because the content of his art was exposed too explicitly so that anything "subversive" was stripped off. Yippee! I personally think that sucking a penis is all right for him while licking a vagina is not. I find equally sick, but that's me, because I do not buy into this whole BS that claims that sperm is some bizarre male milk that you need to drink to receive life energy and to be reborn outside the mother womb.
From what I remember (reading here on the site) she was fired from making the comment. I never said his family are too precious or could be corrupted from such a quote! I have seen his nephews photography, and he's quite talented. Now, as for the rest of the garbage you wrote, i have no comment.

I also have no comment for the garbage you write, you homophobic little twat.

I am Satan and I have powers and I make things happen. And this site is filled with lost souls and empty headed fiends and I want to utilize my magic tail to destroy it.
I want to urinate on this whole site as I wave my shriveled up 3 incher all about.
You people are sickening wrecks. You live for nothing but to find fault with my man Morrissey. You claim he saved your lives once and I’m sure he’s not the only one who now regrets that.
I am eating KFC and it’s tasty as I am Satan and I’m a carnivore and will eat all the meat I can. Except I won’t eat you people after I roast you over a flame. I’ll feed you to the wolverines.
I have powers. I make things happen.
Why does this site still exist. Why do most of you still exist. I want to make you all disappear by stuffing you all in a meat locker and then putting you in a trunk and sticking swords through it to carve you into little pieces as I’m Satan and I have powers and I make things happen.
I like to pass wind as it’s fun and I like the aroma, it makes me swoon.
Why is there tomato and lettuce on my genitals as I don’t remember making myself a sandwich But it looks so yummy. I want it. Why isn’t there an Arby’s roast beef well done. Though not as yummy as menstrual blood. That is my ketchup and I love it and want to add it to my standwich.
I want to take all of you people and one by one make you pay for the cries against Morrissey. I am your judge and jury and shall soon be your executioner.
I want to drink menstrual blood off the pad in my ex gf’s garbage as I like to got through her garbage and consume menstrual blood from vaginas. I prefer penises as I’m a gay man so I fake coming with a vagina as I prefer penises like my bf Eugene’s I’m delighted to have come out of the closed on David Tseng’s website as we are all Davidt apparently.
I want to drink the urine of Eugene’s penis and wash my face in it while eating steak and peanuts. I want Hungarian ghoulish and then mash it together with Burger King, KFC, and MCD. I want to live in a meet factory where I can meat different types of meet and consume and eat them gloriously 24/7 days week.
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I am Satan and I have powers and I make things happen. And this site is filled with lost souls and empty headed fiends and I want to utilize my magic tail to destroy it.
I want to urinate on this whole site as I wave my shriveled up 3 incher all about.
You people are sickening wrecks. You live for nothing but to find fault with my man Morrissey. You claim he saved your lives once and I’m sure he’s not the only one who now regrets that.
I am eating KFC and it’s tasty as I am Satan and I’m a carnivore and will eat all the meat I can. Except I won’t eat you people after I roast you over a flame. I’ll feed you to the wolverines.
I have powers. I make things happen.
Why does this site still exist. Why do most of you still exist. I want to make you all disappear by stuffing you all in a meat locker and then putting you in a trunk and sticking swords through it to carve you into little pieces as I’m Satan and I have powers and I make things happen.
I like to pass wind as it’s fun and I like the aroma, it makes me swoon.
Why is there tomato and lettuce on my genitals as I don’t remember making myself a sandwich But it looks so yummy. I want it. Why isn’t there an Arby’s roast beef well done. Though not as yummy as menstrual blood. That is my ketchup and I love it and want to add it to my standwich.
I want to take all of you people and one by one make you pay for the cries against Morrissey. I am your judge and jury and shall soon be your executioner.
I want to drink menstrual blood off the pad in my ex gf’s garbage as I like to got through her garbage and consume menstrual blood from vaginas. I prefer penises as I’m a gay man so I fake coming with a vagina as I prefer penises like my bf Eugene’s I’m delighted to have come out of the closed on David Tseng’s website as we are all Davidt apparently.
I want to drink the urine of Eugene’s penis and wash my face in it while eating steak and peanuts. I want Hungarian ghoulish and then mash it together with Burger King, KFC, and MCD. I want to live in a meet factory where I can meat different types of meet and consume and eat them gloriously 24/7 days week.

I want to do the monster mash and I want to slap slabs of red raw unthawed meat on your head and dance until you are dead and then I want to go to bed with my bf Ned and have a threesome with Ed while I drink the menstrual blood that bled and then run it all through my balding scalding head. And then I want to get fed by Ned’s penis head. I want to get f***ed in my buttocks and then put rocks in stones and gravel in Ned’s anus.
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