Vancouver 5 Oct 92


Let's see in the past 3 years Morrissey has brought back several songs from Your Arsenal...

I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
We'll Let You Know
The National Front Disco
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side

anyone care to guess which Your Arsenal song will be played next?

My guess:Seasick, Yet Still Docked
Because Morrissey boycotting Canada, I'm boycotting Moz in Canada.

That'll teach him!
Inuits need to stop clubbing Baby Seals already...

Just as Southern Californians need to stop using possoms as target practice while driving..
The only time I'll get to hear a Canadian show, thanks to the government allowing the beating, torture and murder of over 325,000 baby seals every year. :(

Thanks for the concert.
The only time I'll get to hear a Canadian show, thanks to the government allowing the beating, torture and murder of over 325,000 baby seals every year. :(

Thanks for the concert.

would the beating, torture, and murder of over 325,000 Inuit be preferable?

The "hunters" are from all over. It's just not Inuit people, it's mostly white hunters iirc.

And no, it wouldn't. Now, if you gave the government that treatment, then yes. It would be preferable indeed.
The "hunters" are from all over. It's just not Inuit people, it's mostly white hunters iirc.

And no, it wouldn't. Now, if you gave the government that treatment, then yes. It would be preferable indeed.

Ah Bad Press..they've made it sound like it's an Inuit survival thing....

I concur about the government officals...especially the Parti Québécois..
It has little to do with Inuit survival. They sell the pelts to make coats and other fashion related things with.

Out of the approx 350,000 seals killed, only around 10,000 are allocated by the government for hunting by aboriginal people. The other 340,000 are murdered for their pelts and nothing more.
It has little to do with Inuit survival. They sell the pelts to make coats and other fashion related things with.

Out of the approx 350,000 seals killed, only around 10,000 are allocated by the government for hunting by aboriginal people. The other 340,000 are murdered for their pelts and nothing more.

Again I say...Let's club the parlimentary officals...starting with the Quebecians...

As I stated in my US/Canadian Geography those Inuit some Casinos...who cares if it's 40 below...install some heaters and people will come...look how people endure the heat in California to go to those would sure beat their current method of supporting themsleves...selling arts and crafts...they're starving already....Bring in the high rollers
bumping this up for drifter.. he's been extremely generous with his time and bootlegs for so many of us to benefit from. let's get him the one bad track.
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