What age is everyone and how did you get into Morrissey / The Smiths

Denia said:
as much as i shame to admit it, i'm thirteen. i became a fan last year thanks to my delightful social studies teacher, Andrew. he always played moz music in the middle of class and i recall him holding up the "meat is murder" album during a discussion about the econmy of the music industry. a few days later, i bought the "singles" album and then i came to be interested in moz's solo music. that's my testimony.

There is nothing wrong with being thirteen...a difficult time of life for some. I jsut think it is cool that Morrissey has fans your age!

I was 18 in 1983/4 and lucky enough to see them live.
i am 31,i used to listen to the smiths/morrissey and depeche mode when i was a teenager but drifted away from morrissey when i was in my early 20's,but about 5 years ago there was an advery playing on tv where i worked all day at about 20 minute intervals and they used charming man as their theme and i was back hooked on morrissey,saw my first gig in cardiff last week,hopefully not my last
zom said:
There is nothing wrong with being thirteen...a difficult time of life for some. I jsut think it is cool that Morrissey has fans your age!

thanx. i'm just stall in admitting my age because i know everyone will be older than me. almost everyone says i have an old soul (whatever that means) but i'm not the only one in my school who likes moz. my classmate ariana does too and she became a fan because of the same reason, our social studies teacher. i guess it is kinda cool to be this young and a moz fan. i like being the "oddball" lol.
Well, I was born approximately at the same time as the Smiths (spring 82), and the first album was Louder than Bombs and the first song, that I really liked Shakespeare's sister.
I am ashamed to let everone know my age, you will all think I am very sad, but I just love the man. I am so much older than all you young puupies!!!!
I fell in love with him after seeing a documentary on channel 4 a couple of years ago about him called "The importance of being Morrissey". Then heard the song "There is a light that never goes out" on the radio and had to buy all his/Smiths albums, completely hooked now. Went to see him at Ali Palace, trying to get tickets for 28th May London Palladium.:)

You are not sad, we all love you as you are one of us! ;)
smithsman said:
I am 40 I got into the Smiths way back in 1984 when i used to listen to the John Peel show on radio one (...) but if it was up to me out of the smiths songs he sings at a gig i would like to hear hand in glove or handsome devil live again ...

You are so lucky! I only found out about The Smiths when they were about to split up.
I'd love to hear "Handsome Devil", too, what a brilliant song, love the passion!
I'm 17 right now,but I wont be forever!Thank God..
I got into The smiths when I was 13,I saw Him on singing Panic and this charming man.It was just at the right time too,he was just perfect to me..still is now!I remember buying the singles and reading the words to ask and falling so in love with them..
I dont know anybody in my pathetic town who likes them!
Its always nice to see other ones my age who love Morrissey,its no fun all alone.xxSo feel free to talk to me other ones in the awkward age..
Illness_As_Art said:
I'm 17 right now,but I wont be forever!Thank God..
I got into The smiths when I was 13,I saw Him on singing Panic and this charming man.It was just at the right time too,he was just perfect to me..still is now!I remember buying the singles and reading the words to ask and falling so in love with them..
I dont know anybody in my pathetic town who likes them!
Its always nice to see other ones my age who love Morrissey,its no fun all alone.xxSo feel free to talk to me other ones in the awkward age..

yaaay im not alone
I'm 35. First heard The Smiths when What difference was released and havnt looked back since.
Managed to see them at the Edinburgh Playhouse back in Sep 85 as a mere 14 and a half year old.
Even now i get excited about new Morrissey albums and tours(roll on tuesday at truro!) seen him a few times over the years.

I have to be honest though and say that despite some great solo material i still prefer The Smiths to his solo output. There is just a certain rawness and excitement to The Smiths, maybe its due to growing up with it i dont know.
lol how could you have not heard of them prior to 1987?? did you live in the Falkland Islands?
McCol said:
I'm 35. First heard The Smiths when What difference was released and havnt looked back since.
Managed to see them at the Edinburgh Playhouse back in Sep 85 as a mere 14 and a half year old.
Even now i get excited about new Morrissey albums and tours(roll on tuesday at truro!) seen him a few times over the years.

I have to be honest though and say that despite some great solo material i still prefer The Smiths to his solo output. There is just a certain rawness and excitement to The Smiths, maybe its due to growing up with it i dont know.

nice signature ;)
I'm 33... Yes... I suppose it's time to get off the stage, but I've been a fan since Meat is Murder and I haven't looked back. Regrettably, it took many years to see Moz for the first time live as my first concert was on the "Kill Uncle" tour in 91. Great small show in Vegas in which several chairs were destroyed and the paper actually put him on the front page saying they would never have a concert there again due to the destruction.

In the following years I have seen him a very modest amount. I'm satisfied to see Moz once every couple of years and have seen him only slightly more than this. I think, in all, I've been to maybe 15 or so shows. It's good enough for me. I have MANY other bands I'm into, but I admit that nobody gets to my emotional core quite like Morrissey.

I can't explain what it was like to go to Turtles records in 85 and have the guy behind the counter, who asked me who I liked and I said Joy Division, New Order, The Cure, The Fall... he said.. you have to listen to The Smiths... and the rest is history. I can't tell you how it was listening to "That Joke Isnt' Funny Anymore" for the first time... wow...

I only wish my parents would have let me go to see him when he was with the Smiths. UGG! Oh well. I was too young for Ian Curtis and I guess I missed the boat with The Smiths....

I am VERY excited about the latest album, btw. There are so many amazing songs that define albums for him in the past ("Maladjusted", "Late Night Maudlin Street", "Southpaw".... and I must admit, I have completely fallen in love with "Life is a Pigsty". I am very motivated to see him when he comes here to LA just to hear him play that song...

Okay, I've gone on long enough. Other music I'm listening to at the moment...

Grandaddy, The Editors, Imagining Heat, Arctic Monkey, The Rakes... etc.. blah blah blah, I know. The power of corporate marketing..

"And if you slam.. down the hammer"
Sami said:
lol how could you have not heard of them prior to 1987?? did you live in the Falkland Islands?

I have read about the Falkland Island war at school. I felt really sorry for that guy who sustained horrific facial injuries, he was called Simon Weston I think.

It is a pity that some people are cursed with having to endure such physical and emotional pain, but inevitable I suppose when people put themselves in the firing line.

I'm very young and first heard Morrissey when he released Ringleader of the Tormentors.
Where can I find some of this other stuff you guys talk of, like The Smiths?
Is it any good?
Helen Bach said:
I'm very young and first heard Morrissey when he released Ringleader of the Tormentors.
Where can I find some of this other stuff you guys talk of, like The Smiths?
Is it any good?

very funny!
I was 16. It was 1985. I had flippy hair. My demin jacket had at least forty pins on it. I heard This Charming Man while one a school trip, a girl had a mix tape with that song on it. Nothing has been the same since.
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