What Morrissey thinks about all this...



WTF? Have they gone mad!? They are wasting precious brain matter on Laura and how to cut her down before they talk about how much I suck right now?! Ee-gads!

Now, come ON folks. Talking about me having Toxic Shock? Suzanne still insisting that I look more insane than she does? Posting short clips of cartoons taking sh*ts? This is pitiful...no wonder Wendy Wu doesn't come here any more.

I wonder who is passing on any useful info to Morrissey these days for the lot of us? I dunno, David, wanna fess up? Or do you feel like slandering my name any further? (Rhetorical, I assure you. You know how I feel about my name coming up with lies, now don't you?)

Oh, I am being cocky. Sorry. It's all in preparation for tomorrow, when I get the gentleman at work all to myself and he and I can play our games. Soo childish and fun!

I promise to not post any more retarded info for at least a week- if I can help it.

> WTF? Have they gone mad!? They are wasting precious brain matter
> on Laura and how to cut her down before they talk about how much
> I suck right now?! Ee-gads!

> Now, come ON folks. Talking about me having Toxic Shock? Suzanne
> still insisting that I look more insane than she does? Posting
> short clips of cartoons taking sh*ts? This is pitiful...no
> wonder Wendy Wu doesn't come here any more.

Factual statement:

Wendy Wu stopped coming here right after she revealed herself and started getting attacked by people who were jealous of her position as Moz's friend.

That doesn't say she hasn't returned under a new name or has quit reading all together. She basically made the announcement that she would quit reading for a while.

Obviously, the name Aurore George hasn;t popped up since, and of course, all of these people posting as her obviously aren't. But it doesn't mean a new handle wasn't created...even though I haven't seen anything written as of recent that shows that same tinge her posts had.

> I wonder who is passing on any useful info to Morrissey these
> days for the lot of us? I dunno, David, wanna fess up? Or do you
> feel like slandering my name any further? (Rhetorical, I assure
> you. You know how I feel about my name coming up with lies, now
> don't you?)

Wendy Wu also slandered your name.

The real one. Not the imitators who have popped up as of recent.

She asked for you to quit stalking Morrissey. I think that speaks for itself, doesn't it?

> Oh, I am being cocky. Sorry. It's all in preparation for
> tomorrow, when I get the gentleman at work all to myself and he
> and I can play our games. Soo childish and fun!

> I promise to not post any more retarded info for at least a
> week- if I can help it.

> Laura
FYI: she wrote me just last week and SAID she hasn't been back here since...

> Factual statement:

> Wendy Wu stopped coming here right after she revealed herself
> and started getting attacked by people who were jealous of her
> position as Moz's friend.

Factual statement:

Wendy Wu had posted MANY times before she finally gave UP on the as*holes that post here.

> That doesn't say she hasn't returned under a new name or has
> quit reading all together. She basically made the announcement
> that she would quit reading for a while.

No she hasn't.

> Obviously, the name Aurore George hasn;t popped up since, and of
> course, all of these people posting as her obviously aren't. But
> it doesn't mean a new handle wasn't created...even though I
> haven't seen anything written as of recent that shows that same
> tinge her posts had.

> Wendy Wu also slandered your name.

No, she didn't slander my name, she took actual info she had on me and used it to embarrass me in a forum that is as public as they get. She later said she gets that way sometime in defense of Morrissey. She is VERY protective about him. FYI: Laura wrote to Morrissey a LOT for about 6 months. That was it. Any questions? No biggie, fire away!

> The real one. Not the imitators who have popped up as of recent.

> She asked for you to quit stalking Morrissey. I think that
> speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Yes, it does, if you had been involved in the emailing that took place AFTER she made a mistake and openly apologized for doing that to me. She didn't send you that one? Oh, that's right 'cause she doesn't CARE about this sh*t!

Suzanne, I desperately want to understand you, only because you seem like you long for some understanding. However, there aren't enough hours in my day to try to sit down and bother having a normal conversation with you. I originally tried to contact you to try and let you know I wasn't against nor for you from day one. You seemed like a spicy little meatball (or meatless meatball, whatever) and I thought you would be someone interesting to 'talk' to. Instead you freaked out on me and started trying to make me look stupid here. Whether it worked or not doesn't matter. All that matters is I am just Laura, always have been, always will be. Sorry to have ever burst a bubble you wanted me to float you in.

Oh, and by the way, don't you think its a bit freaky that you STILL have my emails? And if you do, then by all means maybe you should READ them in their context sometime and actually try to NOT mis-quote me. That isn't an invitation for you to post them here, though I can do nothing to stop you from doing so. But I would like to say this: if you WERE to post them here, who's to say you haven't altered them in any way to try and make me look bad, or worse, than I may already look to regulars? I mean, God knows you would do something like that, since you already have sent my emails to people in altered states. It WAS my fault for ever emailing you thinking you could HAVE an intelligent view on something and NOT get maniacal about whatever subject was at hand. Go figure.

> I wonder who is passing on any useful info to Morrissey these
> days for the lot of us? I dunno, David, wanna fess up? Or do you
> feel like slandering my name any further? (Rhetorical, I assure
> you. You know how I feel about my name coming up with lies, now
> don't you?)

Isn't it slander when it's proven to be false? I haven't seen any reasonable proof either way...

Besides, I don't think you have to call for more people to speak ill of you, you seem to have your fair share of those who will do it voluntarily.
Yes, Jeane, you BRILLIANT person!

> Isn't it slander when it's proven to be false? I haven't seen
> any reasonable proof either way...

> Besides, I don't think you have to call for more people to speak
> ill of you, you seem to have your fair share of those who will
> do it voluntarily.

Slander is EXACTLY that...David posted info and apparently wrote to people and DIDN'T check his facts with me- the person who supposedly was writing some sh*t. I haven't any idea. He never responded to me and my accusations of slander. I don't know why. I don't care. All I care about is that people CHECK their info from the one who is being spoken about so negatively- and NOT post false info to try and make them look bad. Is that so hard to do?

I don't have too many people who don't like me around here, Jeane. Suzanne is bitter naturally, as well as one other Girl Afraid. Girl Afraid hasn't posted in a long time, but I am sure she is one of the people who post as a few others so it SEEMS as if it is more than those two . Honestly, does it MATTER? Seriously. If you give me a reason to defend myself, I will. This is what I feel I am doing here. We all have free will, which has led to your post which may or may not so accurately state that there are so many who are my enemy. I post this:

Is this not a message board? I actually know about 4 or 5 people who post here, some regulars, some not. THAT is all that matters. People who I don't know, I think of you kindly most of the time, even under inane posts such as Jeane's, or someone who calls themself a 'critic'. Whatever! All I know is, this is sooo far removed from my actual life and the daily goings-on, that I have to wonder how much of this you all think I take too seriously? Do you think telling me people don't like me will make me cry? Oh, think again, dear chick. I have stated more than once I really come here out of habit and to check in with what is going on with Morrissey or the surrounding world. I dunno WHO comes here for the daily benefits of friendship, but it AIN'T me!

Re: Yes, Jeane, you BRILLIANT person!

> Slander is EXACTLY that...David posted info and apparently wrote
> to people and DIDN'T check his facts with me- the person who
> supposedly was writing some sh*t. I haven't any idea. He never
> responded to me and my accusations of slander. I don't know why.
> I don't care. All I care about is that people CHECK their info
> from the one who is being spoken about so negatively- and NOT
> post false info to try and make them look bad. Is that so hard
> to do?

Are you suggesting that information received by you will be truthful? I'll need more than your word on that. Besides, in my view David can say whatever he likes (if indeed it was David and not someone posting under his name). This is his site. I find your tone toward him not only condescending but unnecessary. Frankly, if you don't like what David says about you, go to another site to catch up on that steam train that is Morrissey information. Is what he says is correct or not? Well, like I said the jury is still out on that one.

Let me just go back to one point, David works incredibly hard on this site, it's non-profit and in fact he spends his own money to keep it running so that little smarmy, ungrateful idiots like you can question, pout and strut around like you are someone that matters more than the rest of us. And seeing that none of us here really matter all that much, your continual whining and moaning about how unfairly treated you have been is rather childish to say the least.

Secondly, how cowardly of you to challenge David on a board that you know him to rarely contribute to.

> I don't have too many people who don't like me around here,
> Jeane.

Yet you seem to easily write that there are so many people discussing you when there are more important things in life. I agree, there are more important things, however, you seem to want to constantly remind us that you're here, that Suzanne is a so & so, and why does everyone keep talking about you? But you know, freedom of speech and all that. I'm not going to rain on your parade. If you feel that is the most valuable aspect you can bring to this forum, so be it.

Suzanne is bitter naturally, as well as one other Girl
> Afraid. Girl Afraid hasn't posted in a long time, but I am sure
> she is one of the people who post as a few others so it SEEMS as
> if it is more than those two . Honestly, does it MATTER?
> Seriously. If you give me a reason to defend myself, I will.

Defend yourself to whom? Do any of us really care? Although I cannot speak for everyone here, I know I don't.

> Is this not a message board? I actually know about 4 or 5 people
> who post here, some regulars, some not. THAT is all that
> matters. People who I don't know, I think of you kindly most of
> the time, even under inane posts such as Jeane's, or someone who
> calls themself a 'critic'. Whatever! All I know is, this is sooo
> far removed from my actual life and the daily goings-on, that I
> have to wonder how much of this you all think I take too
> seriously?

Okay, so you don't take it seriously, why then the great urge to be exonerate yourself from what people say. I think you do take this seriously. Does constantly repeating "My world is larger than this" convince yourself that isn't the case?

Do you think telling me people don't like me will
> make me cry? Oh, think again, dear chick. I have stated more
> than once I really come here out of habit and to check in with
> what is going on with Morrissey or the surrounding world. I
> dunno WHO comes here for the daily benefits of friendship, but
> it AIN'T me!

Make you cry? Come now, you're sounding like a Culture Club record. Thank God you don't come here for friendship, you would have sadly been disappointed. The point of my post was to remind you that David is your host here, I'll repeat it for you, just so you don't miss the point. Trying to embarrass, humiliate or god knows what else was meant by the whole slander issue really just indicates that you are the petty, mindless person that certain others proclaim you to be.

And please, don't call me chick.

Bigmouth strikes again

I just popped in...my first time in a LONG time. And, I noticed that the same old tired thread is continuing. Again, I just want to make light of the fact that I've had NUMEROUS expereinces with Laura and her stories about 'knowing morrissey'. I've spoken with David, and from what he told me he's had numerous bits of information sent his way about her from several different reliable sources.

David's not one to make up stories or gossip, as anyone whose familiar with him knows. And, yes this is HIS website, he has EVERY RIGHT to make posts about the validity (or lack thereof) of anyone posting on his message boards. ESPECIALLY when he knows the latter to be the case from several different authorities. And, especially when said person consisently posts to the board speading the same incorrect information ('I know morrissey', 'I have insider info' etc etc.)

This whole argument is utterly ridiculous (yes I realize that I didn't spell that right). It basically boils down to Laura not being able to accept that she was proved wrong, and not being able to move on from it. The sham is up, actually it was up a long time ago. I'm just VERY suprised to come back to this website after MONTHS of absense to see her posting the same old tired defense of things which EVERYONE saw David point out in the general post to all of us on the matter. ~sigh~

Give up Jeanne, she's beyond hope of comprehension, she creates her own reality. Even if she can manage to accept this today, she'll dismiss it in two months and post about how unfair the whole affair was. She's just lost. (cute Mozzy pic for all those keeping score)

We tried, and we failed, we tried and we failed

> Suzanne is bitter naturally, as well as one other Girl (insert post about me using other names blah blah)

Oh, I just noticed this. Actually, contrary to popular belief (and Laura's pathetic delusions) I only post as me 'Girl Afriad'. That includes the names 'girl afraid' and 'girl afraid'. Repetition they say is the key to learning Laura.

I only visit now every once in a while, tonight being the first time in a while. So, feel free to free yourself of the illusion that I'm stalking this board under other names. Tis' not true.

As for the board (and all of you unknown non-posting lurkers out there) after all this time I'm suprised that there's hardly NOTHING written about the upcoming 'best of' album? What does everyone think, or is this a tired topic already?

~sexy moz ~

Re: Bigmouth strikes again

> I just popped in...my first time in a LONG time. And, I noticed
> that the same old tired thread is continuing. Again, I just want
> to make light of the fact that I've had NUMEROUS expereinces
> with Laura and her stories about 'knowing morrissey'. I've
> spoken with David, and from what he told me he's had numerous
> bits of information sent his way about her from several
> different reliable sources.

You're right, I have heard more bad than good about Laura (or maybe those people just yell louder). However, like I said, when it all boils down, I don't care what she's done, what she hasn't done (this is not a jab at you, rather I'm too lazy to think about it at great length). For me, undeniable proof would mean either a picture of her and Morrissey having a drink or Laura being arrested for stalking. For all those people who may have been enticed by Laura to send her their letters to Moz, well, there has been a service provided by you and David and Suzanne. If nothing else, they should at least be careful of who they entrust. This is something that should be applied in our daily lives not to only one person in particular.

> This whole argument is utterly ridiculous (yes I realize that I
> didn't spell that right). It basically boils down to Laura not
> being able to accept that she was proved wrong, and not being
> able to move on from it. The sham is up, actually it was up a
> long time ago. I'm just VERY suprised to come back to this
> website after MONTHS of absense to see her posting the same old
> tired defense of things which EVERYONE saw David point out in
> the general post to all of us on the matter. ~sigh~

And yes, the same old ramble continues. You haven't missed much. Spelling was fine.

> Give up Jeanne, she's beyond hope of comprehension, she creates
> her own reality. Even if she can manage to accept this today,
> she'll dismiss it in two months and post about how unfair the
> whole affair was. She's just lost. (cute Mozzy pic for all those
> keeping score)

Normally I would just let all of this pass but, I think I was forced to say something in this instance as it goes beyond just having a go at the rest of us (which, naturally, is par for the course). To me, it's like taking a dump in person's bedroom just after they've given you lunch. (Apologies if you were eating while reading this...never been a smooth talker...haha)

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