what's with the influx of moronic f***wits today?



seriously, i'm stuck in bed with a cold for the weekend and, when i come back, this board is shot to hell with idiots. i know i'll get flamed for this, so bring it on.
Sick? Yuck. I hope you're all better?
This board needs ya Mindy, to help keep up the intelligence levels. No more illnesses!!!
> Sick? Yuck. I hope you're all better?

i'm still sick, but much better considering how a couple days ago when trying to get out of bed to reply to oaf's annoying posts, i almost had a stroke out of anger. anyway, thanks, i am on the mend.

> This board needs ya Mindy, to help keep up the intelligence levels. No
> more illnesses!!!

i'll try to stay healthy, for the good of the board of course. lol. just kidding.
Good to hear you're better.
And of course you must get healthy for the good of the board, we needs our Mindyses!!

What is the fabulous Mindy up to, anyway, it's been a while.
> Good to hear you're better.
> And of course you must get healthy for the good of the board, we needs our
> Mindyses!!

> What is the fabulous Mindy up to, anyway, it's been a while.

to whom am i speaking anyway? :p i've been spending my spring break thus far sleeping and recuperating (and showering my kitty with kisses -- she's the one good thing about being home from school), which makes me very bitter. what have you been doing, oh anonymous one?
> to whom am i speaking anyway? :p i've been spending my spring break thus
> far sleeping and recuperating (and showering my kitty with kisses -- she's
> the one good thing about being home from school), which makes me very
> bitter. what have you been doing, oh anonymous one?

:o I will give you one hint: ä
David convinced me to take a peek in!!

Spring Breaks are always good for sleeping, I loved that about breaks. Sadly, I no longer enjoy such things...as I have 50 hour work weeks. Oh, being out of school is not as fun as it sounds when you're still there...

I've been, um. Working.
> :o I will give you one hint: ä
> David convinced me to take a peek in!!

that's no fair. which david? (i know many.)

> Spring Breaks are always good for sleeping, I loved that about breaks.
> Sadly, I no longer enjoy such things...as I have 50 hour work weeks. Oh,
> being out of school is not as fun as it sounds when you're still there...

i wish every day that i were pretty and had no principles so i could marry some old rich guy and never work and always sleep. just kidding.

> I've been, um. Working.

i'm sorry.
> that's no fair. which david? (i know many.)

Resident david, every_day_is_like_sunday david.
But never mind that, the big hint was: ä

> i wish every day that i were pretty and had no principles so i could marry
> some old rich guy and never work and always sleep. just kidding.

No need to pretend you're kidding, sometimes I wish for the same myself. Though I don't ever wish for it to be an old guy. Eck.
> Resident david, every_day_is_like_sunday david.
> But never mind that, the big hint was: ä

haha! i thought you just had a gimpy keyboard! hi parly. we've missed you.

> No need to pretend you're kidding, sometimes I wish for the same myself.
> Though I don't ever wish for it to be an old guy. Eck.

well, i just wanted to stay in keeping with the anna nicole motif.

anyway, you should come back in earnest!
> haha! i thought you just had a gimpy keyboard! hi parly. we've missed
> you.

Aha, you remembered me! Yay! I'm fairly certain I am staying this time, I ran into david in the chat and he said some very nice things to me. Made me want to come back! I'd like to keep with the new nick, though, if you'll notice I've already made a profile for it. It's just such a lovely little name. Plus, that's one less thing people can call me when they don't agree with me...

There's been a lot to read through, I still haven't gone back through all of it yet...seems some interesting discussions took place. Of course, it was mainly political...you crazy Moz fans and your interest in politics...
Re: So what's new with that?

> this board is shot to hell with idiots

same old same old
> seriously, i'm stuck in bed with a cold for the weekend and, when i come
> back, this board is shot to hell with idiots. i know i'll get flamed for
> this, so bring it on.

> Aha, you remembered me! Yay! I'm fairly certain I am staying this time, I
> ran into david in the chat and he said some very nice things to me. Made
> me want to come back! I'd like to keep with the new nick, though, if
> you'll notice I've already made a profile for it. It's just such a lovely
> little name. Plus, that's one less thing people can call me when they
> don't agree with me...

Hey you! Welcome back. Diggin' the new name.
> Hey you! Welcome back. Diggin' the new name.

Well, it's a lot...more...well, at least people can spell this one with no problem Or at least some of you can, I'm sure most of these "moronic f***wits" would have a hard time spelling their own name...
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