Who's your Moz-solo non-crush but you admire them?

I have a non crush admiration for almareallymatters and if you have seen the size of her husband's biceps, you'd think the same too;)

Jukebox Jury
Franzanna is the bee's knees AND she knows about Sidcup :)

Awww, shucks. Now now, let's give some of the other under 18s some airtime. :) I'm not the only anklebiter lurking around these parts. :p
Awww, shucks. Now now, let's give some of the other under 18s some airtime. :) I'm not the only anklebiter lurking around these parts. :p

Who else is there?
I only discovered you were a whiney teen recently ;) I haven't a clue how old people are on here, mostly. Although I'm an old person who is on here mostly...or ghostly.
Who else is there?
I only discovered you were a whiney teen recently ;) I haven't a clue how old people are on here, mostly. Although I'm an old person who is on here mostly...or ghostly.

Munchy Brain, Dow Jones, Sweet and Tender Hooligan, I can go on, but I'm not actually sure who wants to be identified as a whiny teen and who doesn't.
Munchy Brain, Dow Jones, Sweet and Tender Hooligan, I can go on, but I'm not actually sure who wants to be identified as a whiny teen and who doesn't.

I wouldn't have had a clue that any of those were teens. I'm just kidding about the whiney teen thing. I myself am a grumpy old man :)
I once stayed up till 2am my time with younguns, prue4ever and Depeche609 to watch Moz sing THPGU on Carson Daly.
5am because she's very smart and very cool. So there.
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