why are the song credit on the new reissue of YATQ


John Collins

Theay are no where to be seen . who wrote the besides with moz. isnt that illegal
Boz Boorer and Alain Whyte are his writing partners; it goes without saying
Re: Traditionally credits are put on the label of a single but...

I don't think there is a credit on the label of the 7" - though I may be wrong as I don't have one of my several copies to hand. But then again it deosn't have the title of the song either.

> They are no where to be seen . who wrote the besides with moz. isnt that
> illegal

Re: Traditionally credits are put on the label of a single but...
> Theay are no where to be seen . who wrote the besides with moz. isnt that
> illegal

yes indeed . then as the song wrting credita are not printed then one can steal the songs and say they wrote it. this is a bad mistake by sanctuary
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