Your latest Morrissey/Smiths buy

the "stop me" cd isnt really rare, but its a nice item,
because it wasnt released in uk, in germany and japan
only, like you know. it could be found very easily and
very cheap in the 90's here in germany, especially in 2nd hand stores.
therefore i bought more than one copy, just like
the german "sheila" cd. i guess i havent spent more
than 30 - 40 german marks for all "stop me" and "sheila" cds.

Stefan R

Thanks Stefan - I suppose that the value of them has gone up - can't figure out what 30-40 marks is, but I'm guessing less than £150!!|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
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Thanks Stefan - I suppose that the value of them has gone up - can't figure out what 30-40 marks is, but I'm guessing less than £150!!|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

30 - 40 german marks, were approxm. 15 - 20 Euros.

150 UKP for a japanese "stop me" CD ?
who is ESPRIT ? God ?

do they mean there are idiots on ebay, only ?

ESPRIT is buying a CD "Difference" from uk for 6 UKP and
reselling it for 35 + UKP. i cant believe that there are
people selling it to ESPRIT for 6 UKP.

who are these people ?

Stefan R
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I'm not saying it's worth their asking price, but please bear in mind that the Eil Japanese "Stop Me" is (I think) for a still sealed 1988 release (not the 1990 reissue with different catalogue number). The former item is obviously a lot more scarce than the latter (which regularly appears on ebay).
morrissey - certain people i know rare australian digipak cd single cat no. 8803652

1. certain people i know
2. suedehead
3. our frank
4. november spawned a monster
Is it rare? Or was that just the sellers description?

It's not "raaaaaare". It's more like... "hard to find but if you keep looking you'll find".

It's the same one I was selling 3 copies of a month or two ago at the price I paid for them--US $5. I think they were rather underpriced by the store, though.
yeah, i just copied the description.

it replaced one that was lost in a move a few years ago.

it came in extra mint condition which is way better condition than the one i lost was.
Just bought another Greatest Hits EU CD-R promo from my local record store. The price, 2 euros.
Just bought another Greatest Hits EU CD-R promo from my local record store. The price, 2 euros.

FANTASTIC Mikael! Do you wanna sell ME that item, since it's "another" copy for you?

If yes, state your price (incl. shipping to UK) by PM. Thanks!
they arent that rare , i have one and i pale in comparison to most of you guys

Ah-ha so you admit mines bigger than yours? :D

Don't forget the SnG next month!


only in certain areas my friend only in certain areas ....

i do remember , i am possibly going to be in the edinburgh tommorow ... are you going to about ?

I'm available etc, do you mean for drinks etc?


the smiths vinyl
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