Father and daughter

My daughter is very specific. If it is important to her, it exists and she will invest whatever energy is available to make it the best. She is also very athletic like me and very good at sports. She has ran a lot of miles with me over the years, and it was mostly on the flats and while I was on a slow run. I always appreciated when she wanted to run with me. The difference between my kids is my daughter is like me for distance, my son is like me for sprints and power.

I haven't ran this year with her a) because I was racing bikes, b) the organized sports she was doing did not involve heavy running. My wife came to me last week and told me that my daughter mentioned some running tests at school and she asked about running with me. It was weird, because she saw me run a bit during my "off" month of October and now I have started my winter cycling training this November. But I told my wife, I will run anytime with her, no matter how that may affect my cycling.


So I am with my daughter friday night doing talk time. I ask she if she would like to run again with me. She immediately says yes and then proceeds to tell me why. She has an upcoming 1 mile test at school and she wants to run it faster (in the 6min area) than she has in the past (7min mile). I'm happy hearing this and tell her we start tomorrow morning in the canyon. We go over the fundamentals which she has heard before about leg speed, threshold and vo2 max. She's all ears.

Saturday morning we have a great run in the hills. She is so on it already, it's really just fine tuning stuff. Her baseline of fitness is just there already. We will continue to do this every weekend.

There are moments for me, or maybe I just make the moments for me, but the things that happen, I find gratitude for being part of them. I can easily be just to busy, but like my daughter, she exists to me, and I will invest whatever energy Is available to make it the best.


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