"Back On The Chain Gang" official video via Rolling Stone interview

Morrissey Covers the Pretenders’ ‘Back on the Chain Gang,’ Talks ‘Pop Classic’ - Rolling Stone
“It’s a pop classic,” singer says. “Of the brain as well as the loins”
By Kory Grow


"When Morrissey decided to cover the Pretenders’ “Back on the Chain Gang” for an upcoming double-vinyl reissue of his Low in High School album, he wanted to play it loose with the lyrics. “I didn’t ever see the lyrics correctly printed because I wanted to sing them as I had always thought they were,” he tells Rolling Stone via e-mail. “This is tricky with [Pretenders singer] Chrissie [Hynde] because sometimes she’ll sing into a misty wobble. So, I decided to wobble also.”

Other than a few switched-up words, though, it’s mostly a reverent cover. He croons Hynde’s lyrics, wobbling his voice, along with a jangly guitar line that sounds like a mix of his solo music and the Pretenders. He recorded it this past April at Sunset Sound in Los Angeles. The song will also be available as a 45 with cover art, out November 23rd, which features Gilbert O’Sullivan’s “I Didn’t Know What to Do” on the flip side. Morrissey proudly points out the single sleeve features writer and feminist Germaine Greer, with the expanded LP out December 7th."


Studio & video versions are different to the live arrangements.
Moz on guitar!
Rolling Stone got the scoop, then linked to by 'Official' with the pre-order advert for the deluxe:



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I’m sure it’s been mentioned but I haven’t read through the comments entirely, the back vocal that says ‘chain gang’ in an odd voice at the end of Moz singing ‘....back on the chain gang’ - just why?! Ruins it slightly for me, and as someone else said, shame there’s not the ‘uhh ahh’ as with the original. It’s near identical musically to the original, so maybe that’s all a half hearted attempt at making it his own? Having said that, I will listen and watch another 10 times at which point I will love the recording, and pre order multiple copies. God I f***ing love Morrissey. #vivamoz
I agree. That backing vocal is a car crash. Moz sounds ace though.
Like it! Sweet vocal and Moz looks relaxed in the vid.
Jesse's guitar is pretty faithful, no?
Dancing girls is obviously a Sam request. Yet another "retro TV performance" concept (Moz obviously watched thousands as a wee lad).
You would think the days of female models rubbing themselves suggestively as backing singers are long gone, but apparently not. Reminded me a bit of Addicted To Love video by Robert Palmer. Or as John Peel said on Top of the Pops: "That was Robert Palmer' s A Dickhead In Love". :guitar:
It's kind of endearing, the way he pretend plays it. He moves with a guitar swagger that is sooo Moz.
It's bizarre after sniggering at comments referring to him as a "musician" that he looks so comfortable pretending to play a guitar. Yes the song sounds great but I wish it had a touch of that bluesy rockabilly sound that you can hear in Piccadilly Palare, Sing Your Life, etc... It's hard to describe the sound but it's that deep sounding, distorted twang. Know what I mean?
Really nice vocal, it lifts the fairly workmanlike arrangement. I also like the visual joke with the guitar. And he looks like he's enjoying himself, which is always good to see. Could have done without the dancing bimbos though.

Wonder if he'll be doing his guitar-miming schtick on James Corden? That would be funny.
I think its a throwback to top of the pops,its got a sepia tint to it as well.pep nothing wrong with dancing bimbos,thats the only reason I still go out at the weekend.ps nothing against any dancing bimbos who frequent this site.
The song sounds nice but the dancers look like they’re strung out on ludes.
I think its a throwback to top of the pops,its got a sepia tint to it as well.pep nothing wrong with dancing bimbos,thats the only reason I still go out at the weekend.ps nothing against any dancing bimbos who frequent this site.
No offence taken, at least they're wearing clothes in this video, though the insipid pointlessness of their presence doesn't evoke any nostalgia for me. Its a depressing reminder of the past. Like Kiss Me a Lot I'm left with an uneasy or is that queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I dont think a few Himbos dancing in the background would help either.
The dancers in Jackie served more purpose and at least they got to trash the set after.
However I could watch Morrissey play guitar all night. Love this version.
That backing vocal is obnoxiously high in the mix, to my ears (and that's just an opinion) - less of an opinion, and more of a fact, is the observation that Jesse Tobias is a shit guitarist. I'm not saying I'm better - God knows, I'm not. But the jangle of this song's original incarnation is beautiful; the arpeggios roll over one another seamlessly, and everything sounds crystalline and multifaceted. I just can't stand the punchy way he plays lead guitar - it's not befitting of the track, but then; just my opinion.

Moz looks awesome with his own axe; made me chuckle
Were Manning and Walker there for the April session or for the California Son sessions? I don't remember.
Just this track apparently.
I wonder if Morrissey playing guitar is a jokey reference to/inversion of Johnny singing.

The most obvious reference is probably Chrissie Hynde, who certainly likes to show herself with a guitar... even several Pretenders' album covers are simply Chrissie and a guitar.

Of course, maybe ALL the songs by Morrisssey are about Marr, even the covers. :crazy:
I think its a throwback to top of the pops,its got a sepia tint to it as well.pep nothing wrong with dancing bimbos,thats the only reason I still go out at the weekend.ps nothing against any dancing bimbos who frequent this site.
I suspect it probably is just Morrissey perpetually stuck in some kind of 60's homage time-warp, but possibly there could be some kind of ironic message going on when you stick a radical feminist like Germaine Greer on the cover, then fill the video with doe-eyed bimbo eye-candy 'for the lads'. Then again, I like ogling dancing bimbos as much as the next guy, and it's preferable to watching Boz's sweaty belly, so I don't really care that much either way.
Observations upon viewing....

A guitar. Huh.
Where is Boz?
When did JJ Abrams start playing bass?
Jessie Tobias looks like Carlos D.
The one girl is really pretty.

All in all I would say that it was a song.
back on the chain gang single
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