Morrissey Central "GANGLORD" (May 28, 2020)

You yourself are so basic that I will have to explain a couple of your misconceptions about my posts. This may sound like a teacher attempting to educaate a stobborn child of low IQ, but still I'll attempt it.

Not all Jews are enacting the Kalergi Plan and Great Replacement. Not all of them own the banks, media and advertising. Not all of them want to wipe out the white race.

But the powerful ones at the top indeed do - alongside the fawning gentile Zionist globalists who are sometimes their senior underlings.

Advertising, media etc does influence us - and in so many ways. Perhaps in every single way. This has been proved over and over. This is why advertising, for example, exists - to influence us into parting with our cash in a particular direction. Are you really actually this?

Media and advertising shapes, moulds and influences us to such an extent that it actually creates our values and lifestyles. It shapes the way we think, it builds the world as we see it. For example, right now, today, lots of white people around the world are suffering poisonous white guilt because a violent black criminal with a history of armed robbery died at a white policeman's hand. Who is making them feel this way? The biased, emotionally hysterical media.

The media and advertising decides on who we will vote for, what washing powder we will buy, what countries we might visit, whether we see abortion as murder or completely natural. It gets us reading certain books, watching certain films, it influences how we spend our free time and how we see the world. It decides on a day to day basic whether we will be happy or depressed.

Unless, like me, you opt out of its grasp and understand its game and intentions (undermining and spreading low esteem among whites with a view to eventually eradicating their race completely). But most don't.

Wake the frick up.

Any particular reason why it would be wiping out the appareny extremely easy to influence white race that it's flogging products to?
I have zero white guilt. What you can't possibly fathom is that someone wouldn't share your personal prejudices without somehow being a cog in the so-called machine you claim to separate yourself from. The racist always thinks racism is the truth, that he or she alone are in possession of the secret knowledge of the way things really work. You and reelfountain are two of the most ignorant people on this forum. You're also two of the most self-assured. This is not a coincidence.
Don't forget gay guilt because after all you are a fairy.
I had some bonehead try to start a fight with me in Tesco's the other day for not observing the one way lines you're supposed to walk in. Sometimes I think the white working class aren't worth saving.
Years of keeping people skint and dumbing down in the schools and media has done this.
And he killed himself. Perhaps you and reelfountain should draw some inspiration from that.
Suicide is indeed one of the most admirable acts. Throughout certain ages of the past it was known as a very melacholically romantic act.

But I don't feel like doing my enemies the favour.
Suicide is indeed one of the most admirable acts. Throughout certain ages of the past it was known as a very melacholically romantic act.

But I don't feel like doing my enemies the favour.
Every post you makes gives it away that you possess the intellectual and emotional maturity of a teenager. But don't flatter yourself, you don't have enemies. You're a socially-inept shut-in who has concocted some sort of fantasy to prop up a nonexistent persona. Being a racist keyboard warrior is not a personality, much as you wish it to be.
Every post you makes gives it away that you possess the intellectual and emotional maturity of a teenager. But don't flatter yourself, you don't have enemies. You're a socially-inept shut-in who has concocted some sort of fantasy to prop up a nonexistent persona. Being a racist keyboard warrior is not a personality, much as you wish it to be.

Ok gay guy, pipe down now.
Every post you makes gives it away that you possess the intellectual and emotional maturity of a teenager. But don't flatter yourself, you don't have enemies. You're a socially-inept shut-in who has concocted some sort of fantasy to prop up a nonexistent persona. Being a racist keyboard warrior is not a personality, much as you wish it to be.
I admit I have never evolved from romantic teenhood into the jaded adult world. It simply doesn't appeal to me. I'm with Morrissey on this.
The funny part, is I came to solo today because I was half-curious if Morrissey would use the current riots to flog another one of his limp dick songs. I was expecting Who Will Protect Us From Mediocre Songwriting? But Gag-Lord is an acceptable runner up. What a predictable tired old man he's become. If you're moved, at least wank out a new song if you want people to care, and even then it would be tackier than gold shag carpeting.
I admit I have never evolved from romantic teenhood into the jaded adult world. It simply doesn't appeal to me. I'm with Morrissey on this.
Except that Morrissey was a gifted poet who made a life for himself. You're languishing in the back bedroom of your parents' house whining about black guys online. Don't pretend that you're the same.
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