Guardian Article "How the west's appetite for beef is felling the Amazon"

I don't eat beef or read The Guardian.
I'm sure there was a Simpsons episode that dealt with that.
20 years a Vegetarian, I never had a day off work sick and the only problem I have is hayfever.
No place, you could learn from my Motto, my body is a temple (except when it come to seabrooks)
did anyone read the article? The ideas aren't new, but it's put together well with little text and nice pictures, and you should be able to get through it pretty quickly.
It's amazing how ignorant people are of the effects of the meat industry. Sadly many people still see it as merely a silly thing about saving a few animals when it's clear today it has much wider and more dangerous implications for our environment. Thanks, i'll be showing this a few people.
Horrible as this is, I can't help thinking of the forests destroyed in order to grow soya. I'm just guessing but it's probably be about the same amount of land (maybe more) as a lot more human products contain soya and the cattle depend on it too.
And that's scientific non-fact.
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