Harvest "World Peace..." promotional sites offline / stopped?

An anonymous person writes:

Updates to Morrissey's Facebook page have been deleted back to June 10 and the Letters To Morrissey Tumblr (http://letterstomoz.com/) is gone!


http://www.worldpeaceisnoneofyourbusinessart.com/ currently goes to a blank page.

http://www.worldpeaceisnoneofyourbusiness.com/ currently goes to a 'temporarily unavailable' page.


MozAngeles818 also notes:

Also i'm not sure if it's only me, but the website http://www.myplaydirect.com/morrissey goes to a white page as well.

Wonder if they've sold over 1K of the ultimate bundles or they're now less moving around.

...His spoken word videos and youtube account for them are also removed.
Not sure if this happened recently or some time back..

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If anyone's interested, I created http://letterstomoz.tumblr.com and rehosted some of the cached letters. I don't see why the idea and place to post letters to Morrissey has to disappear just because they've ended their relationship. I'll accept submissions as normal and if it takes off I'll obtain a domain name etc.
As for those saying Harvest maybe didn't invest in the album---Moz himself says he owns it, which from what I understand, basically means he paid for the masters, i.e., the recording. So yeah, it was basically "Hi Harvest, please use your expertise & money to promote the album please", & when Moz saw they couldn't do that, he got the F out. And since Harvest invested nil in the recording, it is not their album. I.e., Moz pulled it from iTunes? I know he likes to shoot himself in the foot, but that's kinda absurd.

Me'thinks the "failure" of the singles is what really set Morrissey over the edge with Harvest/Capitol.
Harvest also deleted the Moz related stuff from their instagram.
Pretty nuts to think that someone’s job consisted of essentially trying to erase Moz from Harvest history.

It's someone's job to put up stuff they have rights to and someone's job to take down stuff they don't have rights to. Why is that nuts?
It's someone's job to put up stuff they have rights to and someone's job to take down stuff they don't have rights to. Why is that nuts?

Oh I know, just saying in general like...I don’t know...picturing someone being like “well, gotta sign on Instagram and take down the Morrissey posts” is funny to me, that’s all. Nothing to read too much into.
WTF, really, I haven't got my order yet and I haven't downloaded the album yet as I am using Spotify...They are f***ing terrible to be honest. I mean, Moz is a person but they are a business, how can they handle it like this? Where is my money then?!
Morrissey is dropped by us because he's a potencial killer, a pedo, he have aids and he's an alcoholic according to the site morrissey-solo.com and his owner Davidt, we don't want people like he in our beautiful label, so f*** off morrissey and f*** your stupid music too.

August 2014
WTF, really, I haven't got my order yet and I haven't downloaded the album yet as I am using Spotify...They are f***ing terrible to be honest. I mean, Moz is a person but they are a business, how can they handle it like this? Where is my money then?!

How did you pay for it? If it was via PayPal you can file a grievance from their website and they will side with you due to buyer protection. If by credit card then you can ring them and they will provide a charge back no questions asked. This is all assuming the item doesn't arrive. Don't worry, you won't be stiffed.

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