Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center (Nov. 4, 2016) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


Suedehead / All You Need Is Me / Speedway / Istanbul / Don't Make Fun Of Daddy's Voice / Because Of My Poor Education / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Kiss Me A Lot / One Of Our Own / I Will See You In Far-Off Places / The Bullfighter Dies / The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores / All The Lazy Dykes / What She Said / Ganglord / Meat Is Murder / Jack The Ripper / Good Looking Man About Town / Oboe Concerto // Judy Is A Punk

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This was my first time to a Moz show, being a lifelong fan. The set list was dissapointing. Especially after seeing the set list for the show in Santa Barbara the very next day. I love most of everything he's ever recorded, but the set list for the Irvine show was baffling .
He's my friend Alie and does quite look like him.
It's the brain washed moz fans who don't like thinking . Thick as f***s accept anythings . In no other place on earth , with anyone else would last night's gig be deemed OK let alone great .
The singer was bored , the audience was bored . His new songs arent that good .
I feel sorry for the fans who have come to accept this standard of gig . It's substandard . Christ I miss Smith's moz or 90s moz.
Everyone gets old but let's not make excuses this was lazy . Heartless . Lacking .

Who was the moz look alike with Rose ( footsies DJ)?
'thought they would be embarrassed' ?

But when one is in love they don't really care what the rest of the world thinks. I'm sure you've been there? not yet?
guess not. that's why i sleep all day :p
guess not. that's why i sleep all day :p

But I'd guess, you're not "a freezening cold soul", though? :eek:
And, when you're asleep, you dream, so you could've been there, without actually realizing it, cause we all have dreams and forget about them, the moment we wake up. Or are you remembering all your dreams? :squiffy:
there's more to life than sleep you know... but not much more...not much more.

Are all your favorite dreams dog-eared at their corners ?

"there's more to life than sleep you know... but not much more...not much more. "

Books? :)

"Are all your favorite dreams dog-eared at their corners ?[/QUOTE]"

Yes. :p
Who cares what type of fan you consider yourself, what songs you like or don't, the size of your Morrissey collection, why you stuff your face while you're at a show.

Doesn't matter - this thread expanded because people who attended this show seemed to be angry about not having their expected concert experience. It's not yours to choose, and in this day and age it takes a few taps on your phone to get all the information you may need to make an educated decision.
But I'll save you the time.

The rationale expressed by some was that the songs played were downers, not danceable, etc.

Too f***en bad, there is no participation trophy at Moz shows. I'm in LA, arrived late but got lucky and parked next to the tour bus. I knew the setlist, new the songs that he was playing and was looking forward to another Morrissey experience.

I wasn't disappointed, he played what was expected, not what I wanted. I've known that, starting with his dedication to continue touring since the Oye Esteban tour, it's been the same. He picks a setlist and then shuffles between a change of a few songs every other show.

What's a man to do? Well, I can go and expect that he will play my dream setlist, and be pissed because he didn't. However, I have an understanding that certain songs require certain instruments, require different tuning, and so certain song combinations are not possible. I can also do some research and decide not to attend based on my findings. By the way, that's how I made my decision not to attend the New Years Eve show. The choice to attend is my own, the song selection is with Morrissey.

You are not entitled to anything, your expectations let you down, not Morrissey. But yes continue to blame everyone else for the fact that your evening was shit.

Maturity begins by taking personal responsibility.

You are a buffoon! Has it occurred to you that I am a consumer, and want a good product. I am paying to see an artist (Moz) and as a consumer, I expect a good show.

Personal responsibility? You are an imbecile.
You are a buffoon! Has it occurred to you that I am a consumer, and want a good product. I am paying to see an artist (Moz) and as a consumer, I expect a good show.

Personal responsibility? You are an imbecile.

I don't know why you have to be insulting.
If you consider yourself to be a consumer and want a good product, you can choose for another product.
Let's say in the same type of consumer products.
Good luck with that!
It's clear who the person with the lower IQ is. Maybe you're right, it's someone else's fault. Somehow you were coddled way too long and made to believe that it's your version of a "good product" and only what you consider a good product that counts.

Everyone else should just conform to accept your opinion and your friends, and whomever you wish to include to decide what a good concert is. And after throwing a tantrum, the band should should do as you wish.

There's a reason why sites and services like Yelp, Consumer Reports, Angie's List and others exist. People provide reviews and provide their opinions, then the consumer can make a decision based on the information gathered. Next time, you may want to read prior reviews considering that you are on this site, I take it that you know how to click and read previous posts.

Did you see the setlist for the show before Irvine?

Again, your expectations let you down, so you might want to get used to it.

And in closing - simply replace America with your name in the title and lyrics below.


America your head's too big
Because America, Your belly is too big

You are a buffoon! Has it occurred to you that I am a consumer, and want a good product. I am paying to see an artist (Moz) and as a consumer, I expect a good show.

Personal responsibility? You are an imbecile.
I was so excited to see Morrissey. Boy do I feel dumb because I HATED it tonight. I wanted to hear the songs we all remember and put j on the map. Tonight I dont know what the hell that was. We actually ended up leaving because we were so over his political view narcissistic attitude. Geez thank you for disappointing fans. Why else do you think the crowd wasn't into it. The beer line had more action. I understand he has views and opinions but I wasn't paying to have his shoved down my throat. Lastly buy a watch and respect your fans by being ON TIME.
So glad I didn't waste my money for floor level

Next time don't go. Just listen to the hits on your MP3. If you don't like his political views (by the way, you can now use something called the Internet to check on his set-list prior to the gig) why would you go see him? What's changed after all these years? He's the same opinionated person that he's been since The Smiths released The Smiths back in 1984. I suppose you're a wanna be fan waiting on the edge of your comfy chair for Suedehead.
This is the 33rd time I have seen Morrissey and I must say with utter sadness that this is by far the worst show I have ever seen. I honestly feel ripped off by what I saw and heard. The set list was atrocious. My 11 year old son was with me and I felt so ashamed he had to sit through this setlist. I had hope that Morrissey's offerings would improve however I was greatly mistaken. Seriously, "Judy is a Punk" as the encore. What kind of rubbish is that? We sat for over 3/4 of the show. Truly disappointed. Truly, truly, truly.

Don't go then. Save the rest of us from having to read your post or see your miserable face at the gig.
did he skimp on a support band again and show that awful video montage? Seriously, how does he think young talent gets a start? It wouldn't hurt him to give a young band a moment in the spotlight

I prefer the video-show. Means a lot more to me than some shite support band.
I been listening to all the current bootlegs that are being leak. His setlist sounds amazing to me. Maybe ppl want a greatest hits setlist with songs not made after 1987?

Even if The Smiths re-formed some people on here would be bitching about the play-list. "Oh they didn't play The Very Best Of The Smiths" back-to-*******-front".
I have been to hundreds concert in my life and this is by far the worst concert I've ever seen!! Morrisey is extremely talented and has a ton of really good songs that his fans would love to hear.
So he opens with Suedehead and you think this is going to be great, then he proceeds to play one obscure song after another. All to get his political views across to everyone. Not to mention we had to endure the extremely graphic videos of animal and police brutality. What a selfish bastard, we pay are hard earned money to be entertained and he comes out on stage like he's running for office and puts all his fans through that shit!!!

Not to mention the 30 minute video prior to him coming out on stage was just a bunch of bullshit. He was probably backstage laughing while we had to put up with that ridiculous crap.

This is coming from a big fan of The Smiths and Morrisey. If you haven't bought tickets to this concert yet save your money as even the biggest fans will be disappointed with this debacle!

It truly seemed like Morrisey was just trying to purposely trying to put on the worst show he possibly could. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!

Complete waste of time and money, Morrisey you should be ashamed of yourself. You are a severely depressed human being who just wants to bring everyone else down with you.

You could have just as easily played 15 to 20 of you great songs and made everyone happy but you would rather play videos of animal cruelty and police brutality instead. I was at this concert with my buddy who is an LAPD officer who's risks his life daily to keep murderers off the streets of LA and make our streets safer to walk down. He was so offended by your video that he walked out of the concert during that video. I hope you read these comments Morrisey, so you can realize how offensive your political agenda is.

You should keep politics and entertainment separate, your fans want to hear your music period!

I'll never listen to one of your songs again! You should refund everyone's money because you ripped us all off!

I guess that somes up the worst concert of my life.

Don't go next time. Save the rest of us from having to read your post or see your miserable face at the gig.
This show SUCKED. He has nothing new to say and his music SUCKED. He still has a good voice especially for his advanced age. He is not relevant today. He is the artist formerly known as Morrissey. If you are a Smiths fan or a fan of his first two albums stay away his new music will turn your stomach and change the way you feel about him as a person. I want my money and time back. I really want him to do well but its obvious why he has no record contract. The audience at the show was not enthusiastic because the show was bad and it reflected in the audience.

Blah blah f***ing blah.
Blah blah f***ing blah.

If I'm allowed, can I replace that 1 time f***ing for another blah?
Four times blah resembles my sentiments perfectly.
And they don't change yours, do they? :thumb:
Well I don't see how singing old songs is gonna be more relevant. You might not like the musical direction but the subjects in songs like ganglord seem pretty modern and about modern life. Better or not hes for sure more relevant with these songs than a greatest hits set would be

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