"Low In High School" review by Stephen Troussé in Uncut (5/10, Dec. 2017)

No it isn't. Every other interpretation is f***ing wrong and way off! The song is about the magnificence of Brexit, at least the magnificence of the groundswell of feeling which led to Brexit, if not the aftermath with the career politicians, who never wanted it, being at the helm and destined to doom it. Brexit was very important symbolically, as a roaring statement by the people, but the current Blairite wing of Labour and Conservative political classes would have to be swept out of power, and the vote would need to be Europe-wide (or in the big five or six countries at least) for such a thing to have the desired impact.

Brexit was a working class movement (with plenty of opportunist politicians jumping on the bandwagon along the way) which is why it was feared, such as it is any time they make their voices heard, as they aren't trusted by the perennially powerful to shape their own futures. There's too much at stake -- but not for the working classes who at this stage have little to lose.

Here's hoping for many more 'Brexits' across Europe over the coming years --- as a line-drawn-in-the-sand giant 'f*** you' statement of intent there's nothing that chills the bones of the European champagne classes more right now. Although I'm not too fond of the new music, I'm glad Morrissey decided to write a song about it.

The Exit bit was my favourite part of the new songs. Very powerful. It is reminiscent of the 'etc' part from 'Sweet and Tender Hooligan'. My interpretation is that it about the inevitability of death, one of Morrissey's beloved topics. Whether you like it or not everybody is heading for the exit. As Hank Williams sang 'No matter how I struggle and strive, I'll never get out of this world alive.'
You are f***ing deluded.

Yes, he very well MIGHT be deluded OrdinaryBoy86, however, you don't have to add the f***ING f***ING tag. He's entitled to an opinion. Even a wrong one provided that it is not rude nor obscene.
He's allowed to post his comments. Respectfully, he is wrong, but do give him a chance to post his incorrect view nicely !

You are f***ing deluded.

Time will do as you wish tomorrow when you spend the day in bed, wanker. Time will stand still for you while you pull at yourself furiously under the covers. Now stop trolling.

A magnificent follow up from English Heart :thumb:

Got nowt to do with being English, mate. I've only ever been there once; went to a wedding in Torquay in 2002. Plus I've sat in Heathrow and Gatwick airports a few times. Brexit is bigger than Britain. It's sure to have rippling effects for other countries which is why I'm looking on with interest.
Time will do as you wish tomorrow when you spend the day in bed, wanker. Time will stand still for you while you pull at yourself furiously under the covers. Now stop trolling.

Got nowt to do with being English, mate. I've only ever been there once; went to a wedding in Torquay in 2002. Plus I've sat in Heathrow and Gatwick airports a few times. Brexit is bigger than Britain. It's sure to have rippling effects for other countries which is why I'm looking on with interest.
I wasn't be literal. I meant, Moz got his wish from Irish Blood English Heart, and how you describe JOHWSUOTS, it's like a conclusion.
Time will do as you wish tomorrow when you spend the day in bed, wanker. Time will stand still for you while you pull at yourself furiously under the covers. Now stop trolling.

Got nowt to do with being English, mate. I've only ever been there once; went to a wedding in Torquay in 2002. Plus I've sat in Heathrow and Gatwick airports a few times. Brexit is bigger than Britain. It's sure to have rippling effects for other countries which is why I'm looking on with interest.
Torquay is close-ish to my neck of the woods actually, where do you hail from?
I wasn't be literal. I meant, Moz got his wish from Irish Blood English Heart, and how you describe JOHWSUOTS, it's like a conclusion.

Ignore that f***in nut job he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The song isn’t about Brexit, but if you’re gonna take his interpretation rather than Morrisseys, then go ahead.
Ignore that f***in nut job he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The song isn’t about Brexit, but if you’re gonna take his interpretation rather than Morrisseys, then go ahead.
I haven't taken his interpretation, I just like the idea of it. It will definitely be interesting to find out from the man himself though, then we will all know :confused:
Yes, he very well MIGHT be deluded OrdinaryBoy86, however, you don't have to add the f***ING f***ING tag. He's entitled to an opinion. Even a wrong one provided that it is not rude nor obscene.
He's allowed to post his comments. Respectfully, he is wrong, but do give him a chance to post his incorrect view nicely !


Will do. Thanks
Ignore that f***in nut job he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The song isn’t about Brexit, but if you’re gonna take his interpretation rather than Morrisseys, then go ahead.

Instead of going back through all the pages of this thread and giving each of my posts 'dislike' and 'troll' ratings, how about you go to bed like you said you were going to a couple of hours ago? You have been here all night and you have yet to say anything remotely insightful or worthwhile; your response to my 'Jacky' reading was "you're f***ing wrong" with no alternative explanation offered. You have nothing to say about the new songs or the Uncut Magazine review either.

You're just loitering here and harassing innocent people who are trying to offer interpretations of the new Morrissey lyrics. If there were a 'pest' rating on this website it should be applied to your account permanently, with 'PEST' appearing under each of your posts in prominent lettering so people know what they're dealing with when they interact with you. You are a serial harasser. When you see a post you don't like you can't let go. You were envious of my word count and now you've been shadowing me all night.

I'm not Morrissey. We're not here to talk about me. Your posts have strayed very far off topic which is against forum rules. You're irritating well-behaved posters who just want to see Morrissey related content when they log on to this website. It's becoming obvious that you can't help yourself, so I may have to place you on 'ignore' for your own good. If I see one more 'troll' or 'dislike' rating from you then that is what will have to happen. You could have just gone to bed like you said a couple of hours ago and none of this would have occurred, but now you're being exposed as someone who engages in passive-aggressive and obsessive behaviour. Let this be a wake up call to you.
Instead of going back through all the pages of this thread and giving each of my posts 'dislike' and 'troll' ratings, how about you go to bed like you said you were going to a couple of hours ago? You have been here all night and you have yet to say anything remotely insightful or worthwhile; your response to my 'Jacky' reading was "you're f***ing wrong" with no alternative explanation offered. You have nothing to say about the new songs or the Uncut Magazine review either.

You're just loitering here and harassing innocent people who are trying to offer interpretations of the new Morrissey lyrics. If there were a 'pest' rating on this website it should be applied to your account permanently, with 'PEST' appearing under each of your posts in prominent lettering so people know what they're dealing with when they interact with you. You are a serial harasser. When you see a post you don't like you can't let go. You were envious of my word count and now you've been shadowing me all night.

I'm not Morrissey. We're not here to talk about me. Your posts have strayed very far off topic which is against forum rules. You're irritating well-behaved posters who just want to see Morrissey related content when they log on to this website. It's becoming obvious that you can't help yourself, so I may have to place you on 'ignore' for your own good. If I see one more 'troll' or 'dislike' rating from you then that is what will have to happen. You could have just gone to bed like you said a couple of hours ago and none of this would have occurred, but now you're being exposed as someone who engages in passive-aggressive and obsessive behaviour. Let this be a wake up call to you.View attachment 42492

Born to Harangue 1 Ordinaryboy86 0

a man says what he wants, and suffers the consequences for it, he must be a 'dick'.


We can all say what we want, however we tend to choose the right moment. He, of course is entitled to say what he wants but chose an inappropriate moment, which silenced the audience, added more fuel for the haters and even alienated some his fans who had pre ordered the new album. In my book that tells me he is a dick!
Instead of going back through all the pages of this thread and giving each of my posts 'dislike' and 'troll' ratings, how about you go to bed like you said you were going to a couple of hours ago? You have been here all night and you have yet to say anything remotely insightful or worthwhile; your response to my 'Jacky' reading was "you're f***ing wrong" with no alternative explanation offered. You have nothing to say about the new songs or the Uncut Magazine review either.

You're just loitering here and harassing innocent people who are trying to offer interpretations of the new Morrissey lyrics. If there were a 'pest' rating on this website it should be applied to your account permanently, with 'PEST' appearing under each of your posts in prominent lettering so people know what they're dealing with when they interact with you. You are a serial harasser. When you see a post you don't like you can't let go. You were envious of my word count and now you've been shadowing me all night.

I'm not Morrissey. We're not here to talk about me. Your posts have strayed very far off topic which is against forum rules. You're irritating well-behaved posters who just want to see Morrissey related content when they log on to this website. It's becoming obvious that you can't help yourself, so I may have to place you on 'ignore' for your own good. If I see one more 'troll' or 'dislike' rating from you then that is what will have to happen. You could have just gone to bed like you said a couple of hours ago and none of this would have occurred, but now you're being exposed as someone who engages in passive-aggressive and obsessive behaviour. Let this be a wake up call to you.View attachment 42492

I’m not here to trade insults or lengthy messages. You obviously like to write more than I like to read. You shared an opinion I disagreed with. Just let it go.
don't mind if it's rated low as Kill Uncle, not an album to listen every day, but I really think it's a OK album, and the new one, well everyone must decide, have the feeling it's a grower.

back to bed
I understand the comments regarding tragically young dead stars being hailed as 'perfect'. However, personally I think the whole idea is a crock of shit. Even an uneven 5/10 Morrissey album is better than no album at all.
If you don't agree with the site administrator's policy, why do you come here?

Can you name other similar sites which allow you to openly criticize site administrator and mods?

You are totally rude and ungrateful to David's generosity.
Can you name one other site where users have to put up with bullying and verbal abuse by one certain fat mod on a daily basis?
Or have you never read any of FatUncle’s posts? Well, they are all still here... And then you call me rude :lbf:
For stating a fact.
No it isn't. Every other interpretation is f***ing wrong and way off! The song is about the magnificence of Brexit, at least the magnificence of the groundswell of feeling which led to Brexit, if not the aftermath with the career politicians, who never wanted it, being at the helm and destined to doom it. Brexit was very important symbolically, as a roaring statement by the people, but the current Blairite wing of Labour and Conservative political classes would have to be swept out of power, and the vote would need to be Europe-wide (or in the big five or six countries at least) for such a thing to have the desired impact.

Brexit was a working class movement (with plenty of opportunist politicians jumping on the bandwagon along the way) which is why it was feared, such as it is any time they make their voices heard, as they aren't trusted by the perennially powerful to shape their own futures. There's too much at stake -- but not for the working classes who at this stage have little to lose.

Here's hoping for many more 'Brexits' across Europe over the coming years --- as a line-drawn-in-the-sand giant 'f*** you' statement of intent there's nothing that chills the bones of the European champagne classes more right now. Although I'm not too fond of the new music, I'm glad Morrissey decided to write a song about it.

Laughable. Brexit will be remembered like the Great Rock n Roll Swindle except Brexit actually f***ed some of the very people who voted for its lives up. Those doyennes of the working class - Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Nigel Farage backed by Paul Dacre's Daily Fail and Rupert Murdoch's rags. You delude yourself with this working-class movement nonsense, the fact is most people who voted to leave don't have a f***ing clue what they were actually voting for apart for 'less immigrants', whipped up into a frenzy by a rabid right-wing press. Perhaps ( and I'm being generous) it will be remembered as The Pensioners' Revolt.

Now the October Revolution, 100 years ago this month. That was a revolution.

we may find a few of these five out of ten reviews because if these journalists don't like your politics then theres going to be an unbalanced review.for years people have said how shit his band is and yet this guy singles out the band as the best part of it so its almost a personal attack on the singer and his lyrics.for me every album he brings out is his best until the next one,i will enjoy low for months as its new.
Laughable. Brexit will be remembered like the Great Rock n Roll Swindle except Brexit actually f***ed some of the very people who voted for its lives up. Those doyennes of the working class - Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Nigel Farage backed by Paul Dacre's Daily Fail and Rupert Murdoch's rags. You delude yourself with this working-class movement nonsense, the fact is most people who voted to leave don't have a f***ing clue what they were actually voting for apart for 'less immigrants', whipped up into a frenzy by a rabid right-wing press. Perhaps ( and I'm being generous) it will be remembered as The Pensioners' Revolt.

Now the October Revolution, 100 years ago this month. That was a revolution.


"That was a revolution" -- thank you for exposing yourself in this manner so I don't have to do it myself. You're easier than ordinaryboy86, at least he put up a fight for a couple of hours before I sent him packing. You, on the other hand, have been hoisted by your own petard right away. Solzhenitsyn would like to see you:
[Solzhenitsyn quote redacted as upon further research I couldn't find a reliable source for it: 26/6/18.]

There's no point asking you for evidence that people didn't know what they were voting for, because you don't have any. Apparently only the remainers knew what they were voting for, correct? Or they just took the advice of the 'experts' - who always have the general population's best interests at heart - so they didn't have to put any real thought into it themselves. I already mentioned the opportunistic politicians who jumped on the bandwagon, that included Boris and Gove.

Mainstream movements of all stripes almost always get appropriated, that doesn't eliminate the fact that this one had a working class core. Michael Gove didn't sway your average man or woman in Torquay to vote one way or the other --- I have no proof for that assertion, just like you have no proof that people (only Brexiteers) didn't know what they were voting for, so it's all good. It's just an observation that nobody anywhere listens to Michael Gove about anything ever.

The fact that you believe these people whipped up a working class frenzy ('pensioners' revolt') shows that, a year and a half later, you still have no clue about what actually went on. And you never will. Because you're still just churning out the same old talking points that you got from your chosen rags in the lead up to, and fall out from, the referendum.

As for your claim that Brexit 'f***ed up people's lives', this is another lie, as you know, because Britain hasn't even left the EU yet and won't for at least another two years. There are people whose lives have been 'f***ed up' by the EU too, but you don't care as much about that. I wouldn't expect anything but mendacity from a person who holds up the October Revolution as a revolution worth aspiring to. You're either wilfully ignorant or dangerously dishonest, or maybe you've just been duped by your own ideological equivalent of Murdoch's rags and 'Paul Dacre's Daily Fail'.
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"That was a revolution" -- thank you for exposing yourself in this manner so I don't have to do it myself. You're easier than ordinaryboy86, at least he put up a fight for a couple of hours before I sent him packing. You, on the other hand, have been hoisted by your own petard right away. Solzhenitsyn would like to see you:
View attachment 42493

There's no point asking you for evidence that people didn't know what they were voting for, because you don't have any. Apparently only the remainers knew what they were voting for, correct? Or they just took the advice of the 'experts' - who always have the general population's best interests at heart - so they didn't have to put any real thought into it themselves. I already mentioned the opportunistic politicians who jumped on the bandwagon, that included Boris and Gove.

Mainstream movements of all stripes almost always get appropriated, that doesn't eliminate the fact that this one had a working class core. Michael Gove didn't sway your average man or woman in Torquay to vote one way or the other --- I have no proof for that assertion, just like you have no proof that people (only Brexiteers) didn't know what they were voting for, so it's all good. It's just an observation that nobody anywhere listens to Michael Gove about anything ever.

The fact that you believe these people whipped up a working class frenzy ('pensioners' revolt') shows that, a year and a half later, you still have no clue about what actually went on. And you never will. Because you're still just churning out the same old talking points that you got from your chosen rags in the lead up to, and fall out from, the referendum.

As for your claim that Brexit 'f***ed up people's lives', this is another lie, as you know, because Britain hasn't even left the EU yet and won't for at least another two years. There are people whose lives have been 'f***ed up' by the EU too, but you don't care as much about that. I wouldn't expect anything but mendacity from a person who holds up the October Revolution as a revolution worth aspiring to. You're either wilfully ignorant or dangerously dishonest, or maybe you've just been duped by your own ideological equivalent of Murdoch's rags and 'Paul Dacre's Daily Fail'.

I wonder how long it will be before this poster finally admits they don't like brown-skinned people?
low in high school info
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