Morrissey needs dental work


American Expatriate
I noticed this before. A lot of people start to get the whole receding gum lines and gaps between the teeth when they get older. My dentist says it already looks promising for me and I am almost 30. But there are simple procedures to fix this. And for someone like morrissey who has money, why doesnt he?
he's English.
The English have bad teeth.

Poor chair. It was probably made in China, they're just industrious. And they eat cats. :D
and those clothes made in indonesia.

global conspiracy here, i think.

something along the lines of THIS

i love that site. i remember running across it awhile back an im still amazed!
morrissey has a cute and healthy smile,i like his teeth :)
I just nearly spat my tea all over the keyboard while reading this. Do you seriously think about things like that? There is nothing wrong with his teeth and no one bothered about Madonna and the gap between her teeth. Give him a rest. Someone seriously has too much time on their hands.:rolleyes:
I noticed this before. A lot of people start to get the whole receding gum lines and gaps between the teeth when they get older. My dentist says it already looks promising for me and I am almost 30. But there are simple procedures to fix this. And for someone like morrissey who has money, why doesnt he?


nothing wrong whatsoever with his teeth. If he suddenly sported a set of pearly whites I would be mortified.
I also noticed something odd about his teeth in the Paris video. But as long as he doesn't become Shane II, I wouldn't bother.
Yet again more american bullshit. There is nothing wrong with morrisseys teeth. I am shocked that a thread has even started on his teeth. They are very white and very cute. And he has the most unbelievably cute underbite.

Having ''normal'' teeth makes one look disinguished. God it looks so f***ing false and ugly to have a gob like everyone else in america.

And also he's English.....we have more pressing matters than bleached knashers.
he's English.
The English have bad teeth.
Isn't Mike Myers scottish? :p

I noticed this before. A lot of people start to get the whole receding gum lines and gaps between the teeth when they get older. My dentist says it already looks promising for me and I am almost 30. But there are simple procedures to fix this. And for someone like morrissey who has money, why doesnt he?

rather 'biting' remarks about Steven:D

But as long as he doesn't become Shane II, I wouldn't bother.



Having ''normal'' teeth makes one look disinguished. God it looks so f***ing false and ugly to have a gob like everyone else in america..

Don't be silly, has everyone from North America 'smiled' at you :p

And also he's English.....we have more pressing matters than bleached knashers.

yes, like afternoon tea and cricket.
lol iam english and i have loverly teeth,only use good toothpaste,but americains are obsessed with teeth whiting.....well faulse every thing really lol
bad teeth is not a country thing(unless its a poor country) its a personal thing,matey from the happy mondays is a drunken smack head hence the teeth!
i suppose moz drinking all that tea dont help lol hes just being real and ageing natrally i guess.

Few weeks in the sun would do morrissey good lol.

Remember bowie's teeth,his mouth looked like a bag of spanners lol! his teeth were so crockid when he spoke u could see sign launguage :) i suppose if i was a star i would keep my teeth looking healthy as they are now! id even get Blue tooth lol

And that's when he HAD teeth!

I don't like perfect looking teeth. I think teeth with imperfections give people's faces character.

I don't think this thread is about perfect teeth or bleeching them. It's about a medical condition. I mean, dental care and silicon tits are two completely different things.

Obviously, the thread starter noticed something odd about Mozzers teeth, as did I. Watch the Paris video closely, there IS something strange about the way he sings. Almost as if he had a false set of teeth and was afraid to loose it.
My on topic thread was moved here. oh well.

All I did was note he appears to have a receding gum line. Nothing about bleaching his teeth. Receding gum lines is not healthy. His teeth will shift and may fall out early. And yes it does look bad. But I did not mention anything about him doing it for cosmetic reasons.

I noticed this recently in the Paris video. Get a grip. It is an observation. People complain about him looking old and overweight. I think he looks good.

So if this is an American concern, does that mean the Brits are not concerned about healthy habits?

granted i am not a dentist and it is hard to tell on a video if the gaps are caused by a disappearing gum line. I just do not remember them being there in the past when he was younger.
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