Morrissey's boxers' single gets reviewed (video)

what a prick tricky is

question: "where you ever a fan of the Smiths?"
his answer: "no johnny marr yeah wicked guitarist but apart from that nah"

remember in the late 90's when it was "cool" to say stupid stuff like this - what a twat - lol - morrissey was never given any credit by those goons.

Yeah Johnny is a wicked guitarist but to say i don't like the Smiths but i like johnny is a joke. basically you are saying Morrissey ruined those tunes - he was so unfashionable during this period, i remember it well, especially getting lots of hassle from strangers just for wearing a Morrissey shirt in camden!

I am glad those times have past and tricky has disappeared.
That clip has been floating on a few vids posted on smithstorrents..Funny Dale Winton later appeared on the same epiode of Johnathan Ross as Morrissey in 2004 and seemed to have taken a liking to Deano.
Link didn't work from here but I found the video on YouTube, thanks.
Mildly interesting. Hell, at least there was TV time devoted to reviewing Morrissey contents back then.
Tricky was always a bit of an aloof s.o.b.
I heard his new album has vocal contribution from Brett Anderson.

Anyway, Boxers: great music, lyrics and video. Seminal mid-career Morrissey.
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