Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

The women on Real housewives of OC are really funny in that they are so healthy but then they drink alcohol in a way that means their livers must be marinated in it looking like a california raisin just begging for mercy.
The problem with americans always was that they never quite managed to stay out of other peoples business so they feel entitled to just put their nose in it wherever they or a drone go.
I am a misanthropic nihilist misogynist because I hate humans and there is no purpose or plan behind our lives and therefor nothing greater and women are controlled by a hormone that makes them emotional and therefor dumb.
Every person giving this serious thought will end up realising they are just like me but because of social pressure most people will deny this and pretend to be something else.
Women are the biggest misogynists and you see this clearly when women interact and how they always end up hating each other mostly cause they envy another womans looks but also because of other things.
A man can never ever become as big a misogynist as women in general. In all of this lies the key to understanding women who make up the most evil gender on earth but have enough things on their side to get away with it.
The gender that gives birth will always have a stranglehold on men and the world on a whole. Women are their own biggest enemies and they always end up suffering and even a made up thing like the bible admits this and that is in fact the only truth in the whole of the bible.
As much as using weapons and firing bullets is important sometimes it is also important to know that the exposure from heavy metals in bullets increases the risk of serious disease and I believe that many so called cancer cases come from this exposure that few if any think about.
Watch a video of someone firing a gun or rifle and watch the cloud of death it releases that the shooter inhales.
Alex Jones was right and what a day of victory it has been for him and Owen Shroyer after the presidents amazing comment yesterday next to the UEFA guy.
The tide has turned and now we only need to lock up the terrorists on the left and execute them one by one and I know that time is coming and the world will be a better place.
Those lefties ragdolls loitering in streets and shooting drugs in commies cafe's have no right to exist and they know it themselves which is why they look and live the way they do.
Bye rats!
I keep reading about(not by choice, yahoo wants me to know, but I never click on them) how Meghan Markle keeps getting into trouble for wearing close that are too sexy o_O first of all, my thinking is I’m pretty sure she’d look sexy in anything :brows: but just wondering if what they want her to wear is a burqa or something :rolleyes: perhaps Islam is influencing Britain ;)
I'm thankful for my friends.

Swedish proxies sucks and you can really tell what a small country it is when you're online looking for almost anything related to Sweden.
I keep reading about(not by choice, yahoo wants me to know, but I never click on them) how Meghan Markle keeps getting into trouble for wearing close that are too sexy o_O first of all, my thinking is I’m pretty sure she’d look sexy in anything :brows: but just wondering if what they want her to wear is a burqa or something :rolleyes: perhaps Islam is influencing Britain ;)
Yes I agree, she may be a scrawny New Ager, but let’s not go left and cover the table legs #UnclesSkinnyIsNotHip.
No wonder Breivik tried to bomb Oslo to pieces, they've turned it into a shithole with junkies everywhere and ugly new buildings looking like mental institutions. It is often said that the insane are calling the sane ones insane.
But the resistance is strong in the white norwegians, hell victory!
Thank you to the norwegian law enforcement that made it possible for me to meet and interview Anders Behring Breivik.
Am thinking how great it is that at 62 year old Bernard Sumner (who has still struggles with singing) and New Order are pulling huge crowds on their North and South America.

6000 in Washington last night -

And 16000 for the 1 Canadian date in Toronto - maybe Morrissey should end his self imposed ban?
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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